Seras Victoria had always had a nickname. Whether it was kitten, the name the guys at the police force had given her for her cute

kitten like appearance and attitude. Or even police girl the name that Alucard refused to stop calling her. Seras was never too fond

of any of these since they made her feel like a pet, these names were what you called your favorite stuffed animal, not a human or

even a vampire. But like everything there was an exception.

She would never admit it to anyone, even to herself but Seras cherished the pet name he had given her. She loved the way it

sounded, it didn't sound like anything you would call your pet dog and of course this pleased Seras to no end. But nothing compared

to the way he would smile every time he said it….


It drove her insides wild, and made her long for more. It made her yearn for her humanity because then perhaps they could become

something more. But for the time she was content with hearing him say that wonderful word that seemed to break the loneliness that at

times Seras felt.


And even despite the fact that at times she would scold him and make him say her actual name, she secretly desired that he would

never stop calling her

His Mignonette