Oh my God, I'm alive, yes I know I shouldn't even be thinking about starting a new story what with everything I haven't touched. But don't fret because this one is finished, see that's where I've been, I was determined absolutely determined to finish a story before posting it. And here is the result and I hope that you all enjoy it.

Either the well was very deep, or she fell very slowly.

(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)

Dead. That was all they ever told her and as the days turned to weeks and weeks into months she started to believe them. The meaning of the word never became as clear to her as it did now. Now it made sense, now it had depth, now it wasn't just a word anymore or a deep fear.

He was dead. He'd been dead for a long time and she was wrong all along. There was no Danny, he'd been long gone and nothing she could say or do would ever bring him back. Suddenly the word dead seemed so real it was like it never existed till Mrs. Fenton sat Sam down and told her that they were calling off the search and they were letting the matter rest from there.

And they declared Daniel James Fenton, age sixteen, officially dead. Case closed, end of story. That was that.

There was a beautiful funeral only a week after that. It was a very strange funeral for Sam, looking at the coffin and knowing there was nothing in there except the tattered bloody sweatshirt left behind by Danny the day he disappeared. They put up a little plaque in the school for Danny; it sits there still with the trophies in the glass case that no one ever notices.

And people eventually got over it, Tucker, Jazz, and the Fentons. All the ends were tied up, whatever happened to Danny was no longer the number one thing barring down on their minds. Tucker and Jazz guessed it was a ghost attack that finally ended him and coincidentally the Fenton parents did too.

And as the days got further away from when Danny was there well so did the pain and the questions. Sam, she didn't cry everyday like she always imagined she would. But the mind numbing questions still wracked her mind, what happened to Danny? If he was dead then why? And if he wasn't, then where could he be?

The more the days numbered up the more she became absolutely engrossed in her endless theories and ceaseless reasoning. And finally the day came where nineteen year old Samantha Manson decided to get to the actual truth. And there was only one way to do that.

She decided to venture into the land of the dead. There had to be some ghost that knew what happened to Danny. So one evening as she and Tucker were over the Fenton's house to see Jazz who'd returned for College for the weekend. Sam was able to sneak off to the basement.

"If he's dead, then what better place to start looking." Sam whispered as she pushed the green button to open the Fenton Portal. The green glow illuminated the room and she smiled.


Tucker wasn't worried about Sam anymore, he wasn't worried when he dragged her to the Fenton's to see Jazz, and he wasn't worried when he didn't see her for days at a time. Because Sam had moved on, she told him she had, really she did.

And just because that little voice in the back of his mind screamed Sam was in trouble didn't mean he believed it over Sam. If he acted like he didn't believe in her, she'd never forgive him. If Tucker could just keep up the charade that he wasn't scared every day that'd she'd lose herself, he wouldn't be worried.

No he wouldn't be worried because Sam was fine, she wasn't in trouble. She was strong, but of course any idiot could see that she was in trouble. But really, she was okay, she was.

Tucker sipped his coffee and looked around at the table as the rest of the family chatted happily. "Hey, has anyone seen Sam?"

I promise this will most likely be fully posted by this weekend or at least the begining of next week. Have a happy new year.