
AN I don't own Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse or its characters. They all belong to Stephenie Meyer. All hail Stephenie!

Chapter One



Isabella Marie Swan took in the scenery of first point beach. It would be the last time she'd ever see it, as it is against the treaty for a vampire to be on La Push land. Thats right, my wedding was tomorow and Edward promised that three days after, he would bite me. Thats four days until I'm guaranteed to be with him forever.

I heard someone walking in the distance and the sound of footsteps were getting louder. I turned around to see a face I didn't think I'd ever see again but sure enough, in front of me stood my best friend, Jacob Black.

I jumped up and ran towards his bulky figure.

"Jake! Where have you been? Nobody has seen you for weeks.", I immeditly said once I saw him. Now that I was looking though he looked diferent. He looked tired even weak somehow. And his eyes, they looked dead. "Jake?"

"Bella. I thought I saw you.", Jake said. His voice wasn't the same carefree tone I was so used to. It was saddened. I refused to state I put it there, yet, in the back of my mind I knew it. I knew that I was the reason for his pain.

"Jake, you have to beleive me. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I never ment to hurt you." I said, tears stinging my eyes but me fighting to hold them back.

"I don't have to do anything you say. You just go, be a filthy bloodsucker. And when you slip, which you will, please have the decencey to let me know. I want to tell you how you killed an inncent human being for your selfishness." I cringed. It was becoming harder to hold back the tears.

Jacob was shaking. I knew what that ment, but I also know that Edward was at the boarder line waiting for me. I just have to get there before Jake did anything rash.

"Or you know what? When he leaves you again, like last time, and your broken just looking for someone to use make sure you call me. And I will laugh when it happens. I will laugh because it will be proof that he doesn't love you or at least not as nearly as much as you beleive he does. He left you once and he'll do it again.". His words hit me like I was the dartboard and he was hitting the bullseye. There was no need to hold back my tears anymore as my sadness was replaced by pure anger.

"You've got it wrong. He left because he wanted to keep me safe." I said, my words sounding so bitter it even shocked me.

Jake was shaking more now. Oh god. I'm going to die and only a day before my wedding. Jake let out a sickening chuckle.

"You know just as well as I do he was just making up an excuse. He doesn't love you now anymore then he did when he left you. He just came back to laugh at your patheticness. And hes going to leave again. You know it."

"He promised he wouldn't." Jacobs laugh exploded in the air around me, frightening me slightly.

"He's broken promises before." That was it. The last straw. I wasn't going to listen to one more word of his utter nonsense.

"You listen to me, you disgusting dog. I chose him because I love him. You are nothing and when I become a vampire I will make sure you are the first object of my pray." Oh crap. He was shaking harder then I've ever seen before.

"I'm going to make sure you never even get the chance!", Jacob said with pure evil and then I saw clothing being ripped ans scattered where seconds ago a human stood. For a moment I felt as if I was frozen but I quickly left that state and ran in the direction of my angel.

I ran as fast as I could faster then ever, but I could hear Jakes breath on my back, sending goosebumps threwout my body. The volvo was coming into view.

And then I tripped. "Edward!" I screamed at the top of my lungs before I was inclosed by four paws. His face moved towards my shoulder and I screamed in pure agony as I felt the meat vanish. Then a paw came up and pounded on my chest, nocking the wind out of me. Now, gasping for breath, I tried to roll over.

That appered to have made him angry and Jake growled the most fowelest sound I have ever heard. Just as I was prepearing myself for the impact of his claws to scar my skin, he pounded my head in the ground and ran, dispearing as if into thin air.

My world was spinning, my ears were ringing. My head pounded with every painful breath caused by the blow to my chest and head. As my shoulder was screaching and my concioness slipping I felt something cold and hard lift me off the ground.

I fought to open my eyes and won.

"Bella, thank god. Stay strong, stay awake. Do you understand? I love you but I need you to listen, okay?" I was asked. I slowly tried to nod my head but was hit with a wave a pain causing me to grunt. He placed me in the backseat of his car and sat down, my head on his lap as he stroked my hair.

"Oh Bella. I'm taking you to Carlisle. He's at the hospital right now. I just have to call Alice first, I think she should be here.", My angels fear filled voice said and picked up his phone. Weither I was too out of it to hear or he was just talking to low and fast, I didn't even hear the phone call made to Alice.

"Bella, listen to me. Alice is on her way. She'll be here in two minutes max. Darling, please stay awake." Edward said. Minutes passed with him talking to me about absolute nonsence, or maybe I just thought it was noncense as I was concentrating so hard on staying with him. Finally a frantic Alice arrive in a yellow proche. She entered the front seat of the car and quickly steped on the gas.

"What happend?" Alice demanded as she was already going 100 miles per hour.

"Jacob." Edward snickered and I shuddered at the mentioning of his name, relasing another jolt of pain. I must have made a sound because Edwards eyes were immeditly on me and Alice pressed harder on the gas.

"Its okay Bella we're almost there." Less then a minute later I felt myself being lifted, unaware as to exactly where we were until it clicked in we were at the hospital.

"Oh dear. Call Carlisle quick, tell him its Swan." I heard a nurses alarmed voice command. I was placed on what must have a been a very uncomfotable bed when I heard Carlisle.

"Oh my. Clear a room now!" The wind was wipping by me once again as I felt neddles being pricked into me.

"Bella, your going to be okay. Now sleep my angel." Was the last words I heard as I slept into a dark sea of black.

I woke up to the annoying beeping sound I was now familar to. I opened my eyes and darted them around until I reached the object of my desire.

"Edward." I sighed. My voice sounded very dry but that didnt matter, we were together.

"Bella, my sweet Bella. I can't beleive I let that fowl dog touch you. I'm so sorry." My thougts automatically went to what Jake was telling me earlier.

"Edward, do you mean it?", I asked. He seemed confused.

"About me being sorry? Of course, I should have been there faster. This wouldnt have happend." He said.

"No, not that." I said, already exausted from those few words but I kept on going. "That you'll never leave me. You promised but did you mean it? Truely, no matter how much potential trouble I'd ever be in?"

He looked at me like I was out of it, which I kind of was, but it was beside the point. "Of course, I can't live without you. I love you Isabella Marie Swan Cullen." I smiled, we would be married tomorow. Oh god, I fogot. Our wedding was tomorow! The bepping took a huge incress. "Bella, whats wrong?" Edward asked alarmed as Carlisle walked in.

"Our weddings tomorow! What about the plans, the food, the guests, the band? We can't cancel, I have to go. There is so much to do.", I said, my voice scratching along the whole way.

"Don't worry about it Bella.", Carlisle said, "According to the charts, it seems as if you'll be able anytime now.Turns out you only bruised your ribs. We put stitches on your shoulder which I must say wasn't easy so please be carefull with it. Usually we have to keep you for a while but I will be there just in case. No reason to worry, the wedding will go as planned." I let out a sigh of relif and my heart rate returned to normal.

"Then can I leave?", Carlisle nodded and got me ready to go.

Once I was dressed with new clothing provided by Alice, Edward was helping me out to his car. "I'll be home in about an hour. Bella, would you mind staying at my house for the time being? I've informed Charlie and he agrees its best.

"Okay." I said and Edward lowered me into the passenger seat of the volvo. While we were driving, he kept at the speed limit. Something was on his mind.

"Edward, whats wrong?", I asked worried.

"Its nothing. I just think maybe we should hold off changing you." I was about to process when he lifted a finger and continued. "I'm not saying for ever, I'm just saying a week or so. Please, it would mean the world to me." He gave me the look. The most dazzling look he could manage. Something must have been wrong in my head, besides the minor concussion, because I reluctently agreed. Edward looked pleased with himself and returned back to his normal driving speed.

A/N Okay, there it is. The first chapter of my new story. Everybody like it? Applause Oh thank you. No, I'm just kidding. Anyways, I just want you to know that I don't really have a spellchecker on my laptop (yet! I'm hoping to get one soon) so I'd love for someone to be my beta. Any takers?