Title: Enter Title Here

By: Shio-Bliss Co.

Shio: Well, here's chapter four for you!

Bliss: Yep! Here you go! Finally done!


Kisame inhaled a sharply as he watched Sakura Junior and Samehada trying to move the rock. A little further left Samehada the fish was flopping around. Kisame sighed and rubbed the back of his neck looking around. "Shit. I need help."


Kisame sat on the ground, picking some flowers and putting them together into a bouquet. He held up a purple Iris flower to Eevee, who was resting on his head. "Here."

Eevee blinked and bit the flower, holding it in his mouth. "Ee!" He thanked Kisame.

Kisame sighed and held out a bouquet of flowers to a tow-headed girl. "Yo, here."

The girl looked at the flowers. "Wow you're really good at making bouquets."

His face turned red, well technically since his skin is blue it turned purple.

The girl's eyes widened. "Are you okay? Are you breathing?"

Kisame lowered his head in embarrasment. How the hell did he end up doing this? Oh...wait...


Kisame had been running for a day straight. At first in one direction, then another, then another, then he finally gave up and found himself at a lake.

He stared at the lake. Hadn't that been the one he and Sakura were at before? He shook his head as Eevee batted at it, telling him to go. Kisame inhaled a deep breath and began running across the lake. There had to be civilization on the other side.

He stopped running and looked around. There was still no sight of civilization or land. He grumbled and took off again, cursing to himself.

(Hours later)

Kisame fell over onto the grass, out of breath. He closed his eyes, enjoying the rest he's able to get. "Ah...this feels so nice..."

"Eevee, Ee!" Eevee fell over next to him.

"Hey, you all right?"

Kisame opened his eyes and turned his head to see a young girl, maybe 16? She had long blonde hair, pulled up into a ponytail, with bangs that covered her right eye. Whe wore a white halter top that showed most of her stomach, a violet micro mini skirt, long white stockings, and violet t-strap flats. "Hello?"

The girl put her hand on her hip. "Karin! Some creepy guy is laying on your property!"

Kisame narrowed his eyes. "Creepy?" He stood up and towered over the girl. "Haven't your parents ever taught you not to be rude?"

The girl sneered as another girl that looked much older came up from behind her. She had red hair that reached her shoulders, red eyes, thick-rimmed glasses, a white and black squareneck tunic top, almost like the blonde's but just a tad bit more...reavealing, tight black shorts, and high black stiletto boots. "Ino, don't talk to him."

Ino turned her head to whom seemed to be Karin. "He talked to me first."

Kisame twitched. "I remeber you asking me if I was all right first..." He glared at Ino, and smiled sharkishly. "Wait, there's a town near by, right?"

Karin blinked. "Yeah, maybe half a mile away, why?" She answered for Ino.

Kisame punched his fist into the air, happily, causing the two girls to jump. "Yes! Great! My friend is trapped underneath some rocks, and we need to get her out. And there's some kind of creepy...snake thing after her!"

Ino smiled. "Sasuke can help! Sasuke can do anything!" Sudden 'thoughts' flooded her face.

Kisame picked up Eevee and put him on his head. "Then let's go."

Karin waved her hand at Kisame and Ino. "I'll go get him. Me and Vileplume will be fine. Watch him."

Ino nodded and glared at Kisame. "So, what's your friends name?"

Kisame looked past Ino, and watched Karin walk away. "Sakura. Why would you ask?"

Ino shrugged and turned around, picking some flowers from the field. "Sakura, like cherry blossoms. Hate the tone of that."

End Flashback

Yeah, that was it. Then Ino asked him to help her pick flowers for her shop. He sighed and stood up. "How long does it take to get to a town half a mile from here?"

Ino glared up at him. "It's probably getting Sasuke here that's taking so long." She looked to the sky and sighed in content. "But once Sasuke-kun hears my name, he'll come running to me."

Kisame stared in disbelievement. 'As if...' he thought. What was wrong with this girl? He shook his head. "Well this bastard better--" Kisame stopped as a stomping sound could be heard. He looked from Ino to where the sound was coming from and his skin turned a paler blue. "Ho' Shit..." He stared at a boy sitting atop a bull, running at them at an amazingly fast speed, and Karin sitting behind the boy. He yelped and ran on top of the water, screaming.

The bull stopped immediatly and Karin and the boy jumped off. The boy stood up straight, black bangs falling into his face. The rest of his hair was sticking up in the back, like a...a...cockatoo almost. He wore a short sleeve, black, semi-baggy shirt with a white and red ball logo on the back of it, dark blue jeans and blue high tops. Wow, very plain. He looked at the bull and held out a red and white ball, just like the logo on the back of his shirt. "Tarous, return."

The bull snorted and was enveloped in a red light before dissapearing into the red and white ball. The boy shoved the ball onto a belt around his waist and looked up to meet Kisame's gaze.

"Sasuke! You came to me!" Ino squeled, jumping up from the ground and wrapping her arms around him.

"Ino, get off." Sasuke grumbled. He looked to Karin. "Karin, who is this guy?"

Karin pointed to Kisame on top of the water and her mouth dropped open. "Whoa..."

Sasuke and Ino looked up to Kisame and blinked.

Kisame blinked in confusion. "What?"

Karin shut her mouth. "You...you're...what ARE you doing?"

Kisame looked down, then back at Karin. "I'm...standing."

Sasuke nodded. "On water..."

Kisame looked down again and shrugged. "And?"

Sasuke shook his head. "Nevermind. So you're the guy who needed help, right?"

Kisame nodded. "Yeah..." He pointed behind him. "My friend is trapped under some rocks and a giant snake thingy is after her."

Sasuke squirmed himself out of Ino's grip and grabbed another ball from his belt. "Charizard, come on." He tossed the ball into the air, it opened up and a red beam came out and hit the ground. The red beam slowly took form a dragon and the ball fell back down into Sasuke's hand and he put it back on his belt.

The dragon roared, it's orange skin gleaming. It streched out it's wings and streched it's long neck to look at Sasuke.

Sasuke jumped on Charizard's back and motioned for Kisame to get on. "What's you name, anyways?"

Kisame lifted up his hand. "I'll walk." He turned around. "My name is Hoshigaki, Kisame Hoshigaki." He began walking across the water.

Sasuke blinked. 'That was a bit...melodramatic.' Sasuke thought, but he didn't care, he was doing a 'good deed' like he told his mother he would. Because Karin just had to ask him right if he would help someone in need infront of his mother.

Just as he was about to motion for Charizard to fly up, Ino yelled to him. He looked at her. "What?"

"Let us go with you!" Karin begged.

Ino nodded. "We can help the girl if she's hurt!"

Sasuke scoffed. "Fine." He motioned for one of the them to get on. "Kisame! I need you to carry one of them! They'll help us if your friends has any major wounds"

Kisame turned around and grumbled. He watched Ino jump onto the dragon behind Sasuke and Karin attempting to but...no dice. Kisame jumped up into the air and landed on the ground next to Karin. He squatted down so she could get on.

Karin stared at him and slowly climbled onto his back. He stood up and zoomed off across the water, Karin screaming as loud as her lungs would let her.

Sasuke and Ino stared at them for a couple of seconds. "Charizard..." Sasuke looked at the tiny dot that was now Kisame and Karin. "After them."

Charizard roared and flapped it's wings, which lifted it off the ground. He took off after Kisame, slowly catching up to him.


Kisame nudged Karin with his foot gently. "Are you alive?"

Karin sat up from her place on the ground. "How the hell did you run that fast?!"

Kisame shrugged. "I was only jogging. I can run must faster. So, you're a medic nin, eh?"

Karin stood up. "Medic...nin? What the hell is that?"

Kisame growled. "You guys suck, you're not even a medic nin and you expect to help Sakura?!"

Charizard flew over Kisame's head and landed behind him. Kisame turned around to Sasuke. "There you guys are, what took you so long?"

Sasuke slid off Charizard and helped Ino down. "How'd you do that, run so fast?"

Kisame began walking off. "It doesn't matter what I did! You need to help Sakura!"

Sasuke returned Charizard into the red and white ball and shoved it into his belt. "You're a little needy aren't you?"

"Eevee!" Eevee yelled annoyed from Kisame's head.

Sasuke lifted up his hand defendingly. "Hey, hey. No need to get all defensive little one..."

Kisame looked back to Sasuke. "His name is Eevee. Now come on."

Sasuke shrugged. "So you kept his title for his name?" He motioned for Ino and Karin to follow him.

Kisame blinked. "What?"

Ino skipped happily after Sasuke, with Karin kind of trugding behind her.


Kisame pointed to a giant pile of rocks, where samehada the sword, Samehada the fish, and Saura Jr recided, still banging on the rocks. "Now work your magic, pretty boy."

Sasuke glared at the blue nin. "Sasuke." He stated as he pulled another red and white ball from his belt. "All right Tauros. Push these boulders out of the way, would you?" He tossed the ball into the air and it popped open, a bright light producing from the item. The bull Kisame had saw earlier taking form from the light. It kicked up on its hind legs and stomped at the ground.

Kisame stared wide-eyed. "Uhm, wait." He ran around the boulder and scooped up Sakura Junior, Samehada the sword, and Samehada the fish before returning to his spot, way far away from the boulder. "Proceed."

Sasuke motioned with his hand for Tauros to move the boulders. The giant bull nodded and walked over to the giant pile of rocks. It rested it's head on a small boulder and began using raw force to push it.

Kisame watched for a couple of seconds before grabbing onto Samehada the sword's handle. He walked to a different boulder and brought the sword down on it. The boulder slightly shifted. "Great..." He mumbled and smirked slightly. Swinging his sword down again, some of the boulder chipped off. He turned his head to Karin and Ino. "Well, you gonna help, or what? I prefer not to let this girl die. I told her I would help her get home."

Karin blinked and pulled out a white and red ball from her belt. "Oh, right. Come on out, Vileplume." She said tossing the ball to the ground. The light once again produced from the ball and covered the ground, once it faded a flower like thing stood. It's body was blue and short, while it had a huge red flower on top of its head.

What seemed to be Vileplume smiled. "Vile!" It squealed and vines came out of the flower and wrapped around one of the boulders. The vines snapped straight and began pulling another boulder back.

After a minute or so, Kisame's boulder crumbled into dust. He tossed his Samehada to the side and began using his hands to move smaller rocks.

Ino watched Kisame intently. "Wow..." She muttered and looked to Karin. "Is it normal for people to be that...strong? He strength is inhuman."

Karin shrugged and snapped her fingers, the Vileplume pulling on the boulder with more force.

Kisame smiled sharkishly. "All right!" He said and grabbed the still knocked out Sakura from the rubble, Ribbon attached to her arm with its claws...Ouch.

Sasuke returned his Tauros and jumped onto his Charizard. Hm, must've sent that thing out of it's little ball when he hadn't noticed. "I'll take her to my house and we'll call the family doctor for her."

Kisame glared at Sasuke for a second then scoffed. "Fine." He walked quickly to Sasuke and set the unconsiouss pink haired nin infront of him. "You better as hell not rape her."

Sasuke clicked his tongue and his Charizard became air born with one powerful beat of it's wings. "Will do." He smirked and slightly saluted Kisame before going out of sight.

Kisame picked up his sword and slung it onto his back. He picked up Samehada the fish and Sakura junior and held them underneath his arms. "So, Karin was it, what's that ball anyways? I see you and pretty boy using them..."

Karin looked down at the red and white ball in her hands. "The...pokeball?"

Kisame raised his eyebrow. "Yeah. That. Pokeball." He tried the word out. "What the hell kind of name is that? And why the hell do those animal things keep getting sucked in them with that really bright hypnotizing light?"

Ino put her hands on her hips. "You've got to be kidding me. How can you not know this stuff? You have Pokemon, why aren't they in their pokeballs anyways? Pokemon should always be in their pokeballs unless they are outside pokemon."

Kisame shook his head. "All right, why the hell do you keep calling these things pokemon?"

Karin returned her Vileplume and shoved the pokeball into her pocket. "Because that's what they are..."


Kisame blinked and pointed behind Karin and Ino. "Giant pissed rock snake behind you."

Karin turned around and yelped, running behind Kisame. "Shi--, I've never seen an Onyx around here!"

Ino looked at it and backed up slowly. "What's it doing out here in the woods..?"

Kisame scanned over the Onyx. "Onyx...you know. I like Big guy better." He pointed at the Onyx. "Your name shall be Big Guy and you shall be..."

The Onyx roared and slammed it's boulderly tail on the ground, only a couple of feet from Kisame.

Kisame gulped. "Okay. How about..." He looked around, trying to find something...anything to..."Karin." He said holding out his hand. "I need a pokeball."

Karin blinked and handed him an empty one from her pocket. "And your going to use that for..."

Kisame held the shrunken ball in his grip and threw it at the Onyx. "Go into the ball! I command you!"

The ball bounced off the Onyx's head and rolled back to Kisame's feet. He stared down at it and picked it up. "All right, how does this..." He pressed a white curcular button in the middle and it expanded. "Whoa..." He threw the ball at the Onyx again.

The ball once again hit the Onyx in the head, but instead of bouncing off, it opened and engolfed the Onyx in a red light. The giant pokemon was pulled into the ball as it landed on the ground. The ball twitched and slightly rolled before reopening and the Onyx once again, reappeared, roaring at Kisame. The ball twitched and flew from the ground, to Kisame's hand.

Kisame growled and threw the ball again. "Get in there, dammit!" He shouted as the ball engoulfed the Onyx again. The ball once again twitched and turned. It suddenly stopped moving and made a quiet 'ding' sound.

Ino stared at the pokeball in disbelief. "Wow...you...caught it..."

Kisame picked up the pokeball and shoved it into his pocket. "There! Easy to move, that damn bastard." He smiled and held out both Samehada and Sakura junior to Karin and Ino. "Take one."

They both stared at the pokemon in his hands for a second before each grabbing one. Kisame picked up both the girls and tossed them over his shoulders. "Allyoop."

Ino screeched as her skirt flew up. "You're so damn lucky I'm wearing leggings!"

Karin laughed and held on tightly to Sakura junior. "You deserve it."

Ino glared at Karin. "What'd you say you--AHH!"

Kisame took off running, faster then he did before. Ino screamed loudly, while Karin laughed, actually enjoying the ride now.


"All right," Kisame came to a skidding stop at the field of flowers they recided in before. "Which way do I go?"

Karin squirmed and pointed infront of Kisame at a forest. "Run through there, in about a half a mile you'll be in Twinleaf town. Just take the main road down and you'll see Sasuke's mansion."

Kisame took off again, running through the forest. "So what, he's a pretty and rich boy?"

Karin and Ino both glared at Kisame. "You better not be mocking him..." Ino growled.

Kisame snorted. "So what if I am?"

Karin growled and tugged on his hair painfully (with manicureed fingernails) . "You better as hell not be you bastard!" She screeched.

"OWowowow!! Be nice to your driver! Owowow!!" Kisame yelped. "I'll drop you off right here and leave you!"

Ino pryed Karins hands from Kisame's blue hair. "Settle down, Karin."

Kisame chuckled softly and took a sharp right causing the two girls to almost fall from Kisame's grip. "Yeah...listen to the brat."

"Brat?!" Ino screeched and began tugging on Kisame's hair. "YOU NO GOOD BASTARD--"

"That's it..." Kisame mumbled. He tossed Ino off of his left shoulder.

She yelped and let go of Samehada the fish. "Holy--!" Her voice was cut off by the huge lake she landed in.

Kisame caught Samehada with his free hand. "You deserved that." He set Karin down and grabbed Sakura junior from her. "So, where are we anyway's? It's been about a mile of running and I still see no town."

Karin looked around for a minute before walking back through the woods. "Oh, it's only walking distance from here! This is lake Variety, one of the three--"

Kisame followed step beside her. "Yeah, yeah. Really don't care."

Ino crawled up onto the shore. "What the hell! Don't leave me here!" She screeched and stood up. "Now I'm all wet, and my make up is ruined and..." She lowered her head and followed slowly after them. "Ugh!"


"So...this is it...?" Kisame asked staring at the huge mansion before him.

Karin nodded. "Yep. The Uchiha mansion."

Kisame continued to stare in disbelief. "...Shit."

The mansion stood at three storys tall. It was a pure white with black roofing. A dirt driveway outlined with wooden fencing followed to the front. The grass was kept healthy, neat and cut. A couple of bushes sat around the edges of the mansion and a giant oak tree shadowed part of the grass in the front yard. A wooden door stood with ionic pillars bringing out it's features. Beyond the mansion, a huge pasture with some fenced areas could be seen.


Sakura woke up in a white room with a man hovering over her. She screamed and jumped out of the pale floral bed and onto the ceiling. She crouched down on the ceiling as the man ran out screaming at the top of his lungs.

A woman and a young man holding blankets came running in. "It's okay, sweetie. We're here to help you." The woman said waving her hands infront of her chest.

Sakura landed back down on the bed. She winced in pain and layed back. "Ow..." She slowly sat up again. "Where's Kisame?"

The young man stared at her. He arched an eyebrow. "Who?"

The woman smiled and ran a hand through her long black hair. "Oh him? Sasuke was telling me about him. He's blue, right?"

Sakura looked around her. "Yeah, him. Where is he?" She looked at the woman. "Where's my bag?"

The young man held up a small waist bag. "This?" He tossed it to her.

Sakura nodded and caught it. She winced slightly in pain. "Thanks..." She muttered and opened it up, pulling out a bottle of ointment. She looked at her hand and it started to glow a gentle green. She rested her palm to her head and winced. This was going to eat up her chakra, quick.

After a couple of seconds she removed her hand and rubbed ointment onto her forehead until it soaked into her skin. She smiled contently.


Sakura snapped her head to the window just in time to see Kisame leaping through the shut window. He broke through the glass and tumbled across the peach carpet and stopped at the edge of the bed. He jumped up to his feet and looked at her. "You okay? Are you hurt?" He turned to look at the woman and the young man. "Who are they?"

The woman smiled. "My name is Mikoto," She pointed to the young man slgihtly shorter than her. "And this is my son Itachi."

Itachi lifted his hand. "How did you..." He looked at the window. "How are you..." He stared at Kisame's skin. "What are you?" The first thing Kisame noticed about Itachi was how much he looked like a girl. He had long black hair pulled back into a low ponytail, grey eyes with a tint of another color...red? Maybe black...? Wow. Weird. He wore a long sleeve dark grey shirt with dark jeans. He wore nothing but white socks on his feet, but by what Kisame guessed, he was a closed toe shoe kind of guy.

Itachi had features like his mother. Soft and more curved than pointed. Mikoto's eyes were the same colors as Itachi, but she wore a baby blue dress and a yellow apron with blue lace at the bottom.

Kisame waved his hand. "What? I just jumped through a three story window and broke through something loud..." He pointed at the glass on the floor. "That stuff... and tumbled onto the floor, stood up and...that's about it. Anything someone normal could do. Except for that loud stuff. Who puts something that's so loud when you break through it into their window?" He turned his head back to Sakura. "When did you wake up?"

Sakura blinked. "Uhm..Well, I'm not that okay...I guess I'm hurt but I can heal myself, and I guess minutes ago...?"

Kisame blinked. "You're a medic nin...?"

Sakura nodded slowly. "Yeah..."

Kisame shook his head. "Why didn't you tell me before!" He rolled up his sleeve revealing some nasty cuts, scraps and bruises. "They're on my back and other arm, too..."

Sakura rolled her eyes. "Take off your shirt and come here."

Kisame took off his net shirt and sat on the ground by Sakura. Sakura made her hands glow green again and she placed them on the cuts on his back, the cuts mended, the scraps disappeared, and the bruises went away and she moved to his arms and the same effect hapened. Once his skin was healed well enough she smiled. "There."

Kisame pulled his shirt back on. "Wow, you're a better medic nin then that guy in my gang. He sucked at healing."

She looked at him and rolled her shoulders. "Well, I am one of the best..." She bragged. "Why do you think I'm ANBU?"

"Ahhh.." Kisame stood up. "Touche..."

Itachi grabbed a broom from behind the door and began sweeping up the glass. "Nin as in...ninja?"

Kisame nodded. "Of course."

Mikoto laughed and walked out of the room. "How cute! Playing ninja!" She sang.

Kisame glared out the door. "Playing...?"

Itachi grabbed a dust pan, scooped up the glass and set the dust pan onto the floor. "Ambipom!" He called out. "Weavile! Come here!"

A couple of seconds later, two pokemon came walking through the door. One looked like a monkey and the other looked like...well...weird.

The monkey was a shade of purple. It had a long tail which split off into two hands at the end. The other one was black, red, and white. It was almost like a cat with long pointed red ears and a red crown on it's head, with a black body and white feet and hands. It's eyes were like a cats. It stood up on it's hind legs and put it's sharp claws on it's waist. "Wea..." It rasped.

"Ambi--oo!" The other one, most likely Ambipom squealed.

Itachi pointed to the window and the dust pan on the floor. "Weavile, fix the window. Ambipom, dispose of the glass."

Ambipom jumped up and down before grabbing the dust pan and running off. Weavile jumped onto the windowsill and examined the glass, figuring out a way to fix it.

Kisame watched the two. "Pokemon...?"

Itachi set the broom back into it's corner and nodded silently.

Sakura blinked. "What are...pokemon?"

Kisame looked at her. "Oh, right." He explained to her what the pokemon were and the pokeballs, or explained what Karin had told him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the pokeball. "Oh right, this is for you. I figured it to be a goodluck charm since this fellow was there when the rocks fell on top of you."

Sakura grabbed the ball and examined it. "You mean he's in here?!" She stared at the ball, then shoved it into her pocket. "And how is it good luck that as soon as that thing comes into my life I have huge boulders fall onto me--Ribbon!" She looked around franticly. "Where's Ribbon?!"

Itachi pointed out the door. "That Eevee with you?"

Sakura arched an eyebrow. "If that's what you call it..."

"It's outside in a empty fenced area we had open." He walked out into the hall.

Sakura got out of the bed and looked out the window. "Oh, outside?" She smiled. "Got'cha!" Then she jumped over Weavile and out the broken window.

Weavile jumped and hissed out the window as Itachi ran over. "How the hell..."

"See you outside!" Kisame said jumping over Itachi and through the window, breaking some more of the glass.

Itachi continued to stare. He blinked, snapping himself out of the trance and running into the hall and down the stairs.


"Riiiiiiibooonnn!!" Sakura yelled running in between the fenced areas. "Where are you?"

Kisame chased Sakura. "Hey look! Sasuke's over there!" He leapt over Sakura and took a right, heading towards the raven haired child who was leaning over a fence.

Sakura followed after Kisame. "Who?"

Kisame stopped behind Sasuke and pushed him, causing the boy to flip over the fence.

Sakura smacked Kisame in the back of the head. "That was mea--Ribbon!" She squealed and jumped over the fence picking up Ribbon and hugging her. "How are you?"

"Ee!" Ribbon squealed and nuzzled Sakura's neck. "Eevee, ee!"

"Uh-huh...uh-huh..." Sakura nodded. "That's great!"

Kisame leapt over the fence. "All right, Eevee, Sakura junior, Ribbon, and my sword are here..." He looked down at Sasuke who was spitting out dirt from his mouth. "Where's Samehada?"

Sasuke brushed off his shirt. "The Magikarp? In a tank inside." He stood up and pointed to Kisame's sword. "Why is that thing...rolling?"

Kisame looked at his sword who was rolling at Sakura. The sword hit her feet and she screamed, jumping outside of the fence. "Pervert!" She screeched.

Kisame chuckled and picked up his sword, slinging it to his back. "What? He's being himself."

"A sword shouldn't be anybody..." Sasuke said staring at Samehada.

Kisame shrugged, causing his shirt to fall into a more comfortable position.

Sakura set Ribbon on her shoulder and scooped up Sakura junior in her arms. "Well, we should get going..." She started off towards the giant mansion. "Let's go, Kisame."

Kisame grabbed Eevee and ran after Sakura. "But we just got here! They have food and a place to sleep, a bed!"

Sakura spoke without looking back at him. "Yes, but that would be rude unless they offered it to us."

"Hey!" Sasuke came running up behind them. "You guys are welcome to stay here for a bit if you want. We have plenty of room."

Kisame looked at Sakura but she shook her head. "Sorry Sasuke-kun." She pulled open the back door and walked through one of their kitchens. "We can't stay we need to...head home."

Kisame looked around and spotted a huge fish tank, lining a couple of the walls. He ran over to it and searched through it until he spotted a Magikarp. He smirked and jumped into the tank, swimming after it.

Mikoto walked by the fish tank. "Oh Sasuke! Come he--" She looked at the fish tank as Kisame caught her eye. "What are you doing?"

Kisame grinned, showing a mouthfull of extremely pointed teeth. He grabbed the Magikarp, tossed it over the side of the tank, and jumped out himself. He landed on the floor standing up straight. "Getting Samehada."

Mikoto tossed a yellow towel in her hands at him. "Oh dear, you shouldn't go swimming like that. You'll catch a cold!"

Kisame caught the towel and dryed himself off. "Yes mother..." He muttered slightly rolling his eyes.

"Kisame! Come on! Hurry up!" Sakura shouted from the front of the house through the door.

Kisame jumped and tossed the towel back to Mikoto. "See ya!" He ran after Sakura. "I'm coming, I'm coming." He muttered.

Sakura rolled her eyes as Kisame tripped out the front door, dropping Samehada the fish on the ground. "I'm sorry for any inconvience we've caused..." She bowed. "And for my friend here being so rude..."

Kisame glared at her. "I was not rude!" He growled and stood up. "Hmph...I mean, you're one to talk..." He muttered and picked up Samehada the fish.

Sakura grabbed Kisame's hair and tugged him away waving to Sasuke at the front door. "Tell everyone we said 'bye' Sasuke-kun!" And with that they were out of sight of the Uchiha mansion in seconds.

Sasuke opened his mouth to say something, but protested. He turned around and walked back into the house, shuting the door behind him.


"Kisame, you little..." Sakura growled, annoyed. "Why'd you have to get sick?" She screamed at noone in particular.

Kisame sniffled, drapping his arms to his sides at Sakura carried him on her back. "Ah...To tired..." He mumbled.

"Magikarp." Samehada the fish flopped against Samehada the sword on Kisame's back.

Sakura smirked. "He's right, you shouldn't have swam in that lake earlier.

Kisame moved his arm lazily. "Whatever..." He mumbled, his eyes closed. "I feel...ugh...I hate being sick!" He screamed as loud as he could without his throat hurting.

Sakura stopped by a small feild of grass and set Kisame down. All the pokemon who were truging behind them plopped down around him, tired. Sakura unstrapped both Samehada's from his back and layed him down, sighing.

Kisame huffed and put his hand over his eyes. "Turn off the sun..." He mumbled. "It burns..."

Sakura ripped a part of his shirt off and poured some of her water from her cantine onto it, setting it on his head.

Kisame smirked slightly. "Damn you for tearing my shirt..." He mumbled. "But...it feels so nice..."

Saskura smiled and picked up Eevee, setting him on Kisame. "I know it does. Now stay right here, I'll leave everyone with you." She threw the pokeball into the air and Onyx came out. "All right Rocky Road. You stay here."

Kisame shifted. "Rocky Road...? What the hell, where're you going?"

Sakura began to walk off. "To find an abonded hut, or something...anything really. And yes, Rocky Road. I like that name for him."

Kisame shook his head. "Whatever..." He mumbled before falling asleep.


Kisame awoke to the sound of unfamiliar voices,

"Oh yeah! There's this nice family near by, they'd be so happy to help you guys!" A female voice said.

Sakura giggled. "That's great! Thank you...uhm..."

"TenTen." The girl said. "And we're happy to help you. Do you think your all set to leave? Remember, down the road and you'll arrive there, at the house. Number 8310."

"TenTen." Another voice said, this one male. "Let's go."

TenTen, apparently, whined. "All right, Neji..." She complied. "Good-bye Sakura, it was a pleasure helping you!"

Sakura giggled slightly. "Thank you again you two!" She shouted a little louder than needed.

Kisame moaned and sat up slowly, his head pounding. He looked a Sakura's back, blinking until his eyes got used to the sun. "Where're we going now...?"

Sakura smiled. "That lovely couple, I found them down the road, and they gave us directions to this house. They said they would help you! Get better, that is."

Kisame rubbed his temples. "Uhm, all right, when do we leave?"

Sakura stretched. "Right now. Get everyone to wake up." She said, pulling out the pokeball. "Come on Rocky Road" She cooed the laser engulfing the giant rock form and engulfing it. "Come on, hurry up." She urged, shoving the pokeball into her pocket. "I want to sleep in a bed! An actuall bed!"

Kisame groaned and stood up, his head spinning. "Ugh...Carry me..?" He asked quietly.


"Damn, Kisame. You really must be sick..." Sakura mumbled. "Come on, wake up."

Kisame glowered and shifted his legs. "Are we there yet...?"

Sakura shook her head. "Almost. Just walk the rest of the way there."

Sakura set Kisame down gently and started walking off, all the pokemon except for both Samehadas, who were strapped to Kisame's back.

Kisame slowly dragged his feet. "How much longer...?" He complained.

Sakura walked faster. "You know...this looks so familiar and--" She stopped and turned right, facing a giant mansion.

Kisame caught up and stood next to her. "What?" He asked, not bothering to look at the house.

Sakura laughed. "They led us to the Uchiha mansion."

Kisame grumbled. "Not them again..."


Shio: Well, we finished chapter four! Chapter five coming sooner of later! Most likely the latter.

Bliss: (nods) It took Shio FOREVER to finish this. Procrastinator...We're SO sorry!

Shio: (shurgs) Well, it's finished. So...

Shio&Bliss: Read and Review, R&R!