[Enter Title Here
Summary: Two enemies get sucked into a mysterious world. Survival being different then what they're used to, they make a truce. Meeting mysterious animals life becomes confusing and rough. Will they get out sane?
Genre: Humor/Adventure
Pairings: SasuSaku KisaIta NejiTen

Shio: Alright! So this is our new story! And my friend...IT WILL ROCK!

Bliss: I'll give you some of my cookies if you'll review.

Shio: That would suck...Bliss can't cook. SHE BURNT EASY-MAC!

Bliss: You're evil. I don't like you no more.

Shio: ANYWHO...Read and Review and I'll love you forever.

Bliss: Great, now no one's going to review.

Shio: I'm so unloved.

Bliss: Disclaimer! Shio do the disclaimer!

Shio: Oh! Right! We don't own Naruto or teh Pokemenz that will later appear!

"Alright my child...I have a very important misson for you." A golden haired woman spoke. "Retrieve the Secret sealed scroll from the Fuka Wanizame gang."

"The...What?" A pink haired konouchi asked cocking her head to the side.

"The Fuka Wanizame gang..." The woman spoke again resting her hand on the younger one's shoulder. "Now Sakura...bring you whole team with you...they're said to be dangerous. They're located in the forest, along the edge in the eastern area. Their leader is said to be a master swordsman, so be careful."

Sakura smiled and shifted her ANBU mask from behind her head to infront of it, concealing her face. "Alright, Lady Tsunade. I will." She turned around yelling with excitment on the inside. Well duh they're dangerous! Secret sealed scroll? Sounds like fun! CHA! She laughed to herself and headed out the door. Before closing it behind her she looked at The Hokage through her mask. "Thank you Lady Tsunade." Then she was gone.

She walked down the hallway heading towards the outside. Halfway down the hallway she stopped and whistled, imeadiatly her ANBU team of five was behind her. The bowed to her. "What is it Captain?"

"We have a retrieval mission. We're traveling to the eastern area of Konoha forest. Follow behing me, but lag far enough behind so they only think there's one of us. Got it?" Sakura asked raising her hand into the air.

Her whole team nodded. "Roger." They all said in union.

"Great! Now let's go!" Sakura twisted her hand to the side and both her and her team dissapeared.

Back at the Fuka Wanizame hideout...

"What?! Why'd you steal this?!" A blue skinned ninja screeched. "I said no such thing for you guys to steal this!"

"We-We're sorry Kisame, sir..." A man of about 18 trembled and looked behind to the rest of their gang members who also seemed to be trembling. He shifted his gaze back to his leader. "We were...bored and we thought that you would..."

Kisame threw the scroll in the young man's face. "Don't call me by my first name!" He huffed and walked over to the young man. "If you ever do anything without my word again...I'll rip your throat out."

The young man nodded and picked up the scroll nodding quickly. "Y-yes sir! Understood!"

Kisame grabbed the scroll and headed out the door of their hideout. "Great. Now I have to return this..." He grunted and opened the door. Hearing nothing behind him he whirled around. "Well?! Are you coming or not?!"

His gang members jumped and stumbled after him. "Yes sir!"

Kisame smirked and walked out the door and started through the forest. "Good."

Kisame stuck the scroll so it hung from his back. It made life easer to carry one less thing. His minions followed behind swords, kunai's, senbon, and other weapons at the ready, just to be on the safe side.

After a couple of minutes Kisame grunted. "This is going to take to long." He jumped into a tree and looked down. "You guys follow below me." He ordered and he started to jump through the trees.

Suddenly a pink and white blur flew by him. He jumped and landed on the ground looking around. His minions came up behind him almost out of breath. "What...Is it, sir?" They huffed.

"We got company." Kisame smirked as a kunai flew from the trees. He grabbed his Samehada from his back and knocked the kunai down.

Sakura leaped from the trees and stood infront of Kisame, a kunai pointed towards him. "This was easy! You guys completly gave yourselves away!" Cha!

Kisame held his sword at the ready and shrugged. "Well...we were returning the scroll."

Sakura stared with disbelief. "Return? I doubt it. You probaly are going back to steal another."

Kisame shook his head. "No really. Here." He set the tip of his sword down and stuck it in the ground, so that the handle stood out for easy accsess. He then grabbed the scroll from his back and held it out to her. "Take it."

"It's a trap!" Sakura stared at the scroll.

"No. It's not." Kisame tossed the scroll to her. But instead of Sakura catching it, a kunai flew from the trees again and it hit the strap of the scroll, pinning it to a tree.

Sakura's ANBU team jumped from the treetops and aimed their weapons straight at Kisame. Immediatly Kisame's minions were at his side, and they pushed the ANBU's away from their leader.

"See?! It was a trap! Otherwise my Anbu squad would have taken it already!" Sakura pointed accusingly.

Kisame pointed at Sakura. "That was the real thing! Idiot ANBU know nothing!"

Sakura grumbled and waved her arms around. "Don't be so sexist!"

"How am I being sexist?!"


"I'm being sexist by celery?" Kisame raised an eyebrow.

Sakura looked around. "Wait. What? No! I didn't say anything!"


Sakura looked around. "Team get back! Someone else is here!"

Kisame looked around also and he gripped the handle of his sword. "Be on guard guys!"


The ground and trees began to glow in a aqua tint. The trees and grass began to blow with a suction like wind.

The Fuka Wanimare gang all shook their heads, except for Kisame of course. "Sorry sir, we're heading back..." They all turned around and ran, retreating.

Sakura looked to her team. "Retreat!" Her team nodded and jumped back, retracing their steps. Sakura shifted her gaze back to the tree, where the scroll was pinned. "The scroll!" She ran towards it, not caring if it was a trap or not.

Kisame grunted and let go of the handle of his sword. Suddenly, his sword got sucking into the forest. "Crap!" He yelled running after it.When he passed Sakura he kicked his foot at her legs and tripped her.

Now, since Sakura is very light, she got sucked into the forest too, screaming...fairly loud.

Kisame watched her fly in the forest and he gasped. "That's my sword!" He ran a bit further into the forest and the suction got stronger. He noticed a giant blueish-green portal and saw his sword and Sakura get sucked into it. He ran towards it and dived in. "Bombs away!"

The portal then shut and the wind subsided, the trees and grass returned to color and all that was there was the scroll pinned to the tree.

Only moments later Sakura's ANBU team came back. Since everything has subsided they thought it would be safe. One of the team members walked to the scroll and ripped it from its spot. He turned back to everyone else and removed his mask. "Let's report the mission. Retrieval of the scroll a success." He swung the scroll onto his back and sighed. "And that Sakura Haruno is a MIA."

Shio&Bliss: R&R Please! Read and Review!