My name is Hermione Granger, but I know you know that. What you don't know, and, granted, I don't know this either, is that today my world is about to change, for the better, no doubt in my mind about that. Although my story does start off horribly.
I was sitting on my bed in a room I was assigned nearly a week and a half ago. To update you on what has happened, I'll be brief, the memories, although still fresh in my mind, hurt like hell.
In short, my mother died of leukemia about a year ago, and my father has been dating a younger woman ever since. I hate both of them, but when Voldemort killed them before my eyes… it still hurts. Why didn't he kill me? I'll never know, but he left me there, with a message saying don't grieve for them, your time for use is coming soon. I, having to act muggle, called both the Aurors and the muggle policemen and women. No one actually knew who I was, because everyone assumed that the girl my father was dating was me.
So yeah, I made no contact with the wizarding world to change their assumptions, because I would be faced with difficult questions I did not wish to answer at present time. So, I spent my time here in Bone Street Orphanage, silently wishing that I would wake up from this nightmare soon, because the pain was unbearable.
I spent my first few days, crying my eyes out, until I had no tears left. The "Mother" of the orphanage gave me a room on my own. Soon I found little comfort in reading about completely true things. I started to look through my old Divination book and found it slightly comforting. I starting going to new age shops and spending money on candles and stones and diaries, until I started to not know myself. I cut my hair, short enough not to get caught on fire but long enough to put in a ponytail. I threw out all my pedestrian clothing and started wearing things that belonged on Trelawney but never on the old Hermione. I was basically left alone, that is until the interruption I was about to tell you about before someone asked what happened to me. So anyways, I've caught you up on what you needed to know, now on to the real story.
My door opened slightly and one of the workers poked her head through. It was Karol or Kathy or something like that.
"Miss, there's a man here to see you." Carly (?) informed. I nodded my head slightly and she opened the door all the way. Oh, it was Tesa. Behind Tesa was a sight I would have thought never possible with out the back drop of stone dungeon walls or the back of the great hall. Standing inside my frame was (you guessed it) Professor Snape. Both of us stared at each other in confusion, him probably wonder in what am I dressed in and why I'm in an orphanage, and not dead, and my confusion because I thought he never left Hogwarts, much less come to Bone Street Orphanage.
As much as I despise to say it, he was the one who collected himself first.
"Miss Granger, I will get straight to the point. A girl in the orphanage has said that she has seen you with a necklace with this" He gave me a picture, "Pendant." I looked down at the pendant and looked back up in surprise. The pendant was a simple gold ring with multiple coloured gems around it, such as a sapphire and an emerald. Starting from the emerald there was a lily flower almost growing. It looked exactly like my pendant only instead of a lily starting from the emerald there was a rose starting from the sapphire. My hand shot up to my pendant trying to cover it.
"I do have something similar," I started afraid he might accuse me of stealing, "But the flower is different and it starts from the sapphire, not the emerald." I finished hoping that he would leave it. The pendant reminded me of my late mother, someone I did not wish to think of right now.
"May I see it?" He asked looking slightly curious. I noticed that he did not have the bit and hatred I was used to laced with every word.
"It will not come of, there is no clasp and it is too small to fit around my head." I answered begging him to drop the subject. My prayers went un-answered.
"You seem reluctant to talk about it. Is there a story?" He asked I looked around my room, not letting my eyes rest on anything, and them I looked up at his black spheres. They were filled with sincerity and something else that I could not identify. I would say kindness, if I hadn't known him for the past 4 years to not show kindness. I sighed.
"My mother, before she died of cancer, told me that it was the only key connecting me to my real family. I remind me of her because she always called me her beautiful rose, and them she died so quickly." I said, accidentally letting a tear escape. I stared down at the floor expecting to loose more of my tears because he would ridicule me.
"Miss Granger, do you want to know why I asked you about the pendant?" He said. My gaze flickered to him for a second before I nodded slowly, dreading the next thousand words that would come out of his mouth.
"You see, Miss Granger, I have been looking for my daughter for over a decade. My wife, you see was an elementalist, same with my daughter, although my daughters term of being elementally inclined was to begin after my wife's moving to the spirit world. When my wife owned this necklace, as her time as an elemental, this was how her pendant looked. My daughter should now have this pendant although it is slightly altered. It would start from the sapphire." He said. My head was clouded up as I was listening to his little speech, and them something dawned on me.
"If you're saying that I stole the-"
"Not quite, Miss Granger. Tell me were you adopted?" He asked. My brain was still a clouded mess but I reacted like I normally would have if anyone asked. My eyes turned into a glare quicker than you can say divination. It was supposed to be a secret. No one in the wizarding world should know about it. Not even Harry and Ron or even Ginny knew that I wasn't a Granger by birth. "Miss Granger, if my theory is correct than you are not a muggle-born witch like you and everyone else have believed within the past 4 years but a pure-blood." My eyes widened. Professor Snape looked at me as if expecting me to figure something else out but my brain was still mush. Thank the lord I finished off all of my homework before I went to the orphanage.
"How can you prove your theory?" I said, quite shocked I could put together three words let alone six.
"First we must go to the headmaster. Miss Granger no matter what happens, you will not be seeing this place again. Please pack everything." I must have looked like Christmas came early because Professor Snape smirked and said "But do try to think like your normal know-it-all self for a couple more hours at least." That put me out of my mood long enough to glare at him before setting of on the task at hand. I blew out all of the white and gold candles, because I was using them for contacting my mother and father, telling them to take a safe trip to the spirit world. As the candles cooled of I started putting all of my rose quartz crystals away in a silk bag. I placed my mahogany box of tarot cards and silk bag in an extra trunk along with a couple books on divination. I checked my candles and found that they were cool enough to throw out because I could never use a candle twice for magic. I took my school trunk and started stuffing it with all of my clothes. I did a couple more minor things and then found that I completed my task sat on a trunk.
"So how are we going to the headmaster's office?" I said once Professor Snape came back in.