DISCLAIMER: I do not own nor do I claim to own any of the characters connected to the original Card Captor Sakura anime and manga. I do own however the storyline and the added characters. Any resemblance to real life people are purely unintentional and totally coincidental.
A/N: Another CCS fic that I have been playing with for years inside my head. I have no expectations of how this will turn out, I mean with the readers and all since I don't want to start comparing it with other stories of mine. I already know the ending so I can say that this is very different in a way to my other stories and can stand on its own at least. At this point, it is still on the trial phase. Me continuing with the fic will probably depend on the response from you guys. Please do review if you guys are interested in it. Thanks.
Oyasuminasai Tomadachi-kun
Chapter 1 Oyasumi
Shaoran was lying in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. His mind was racing and his heart ached. The events of the past days were racing inside his head, making him remember why he was such, a sorry state. No matter what he did or how many times he went through it in his head, he still couldn't figure out where he went wrong or what he must have done to push the woman he loved away from him. He cursed out loud at himself.
His cell phone began to ring. Shaoran just let it ring. He didn't even make an effort to get up aside from glancing at it. It continued to ring. He knew it could only be one person who would be calling to check up on him, Sakura. He knew she was really, really worried about him. He hadn't been talking to anyone about what had happened but they knew what he was going through. His best friend hadn't said much about it either. He knew she wanted him to have space. Now, she was calling him. Yeah, that was typical Sakura. Shaoran was always the stoic kind but she managed to always see through that. Somehow it made Shaoran smile knowing that he had a best friend who was stubborn enough to stick around for him.
Shaoran finally got up and answered his phone. "Hey, Sakura. Sorry I was in the bath, just got out. What's up?" He said.
"You plan on doing anything tomorrow?" She asked.
"No, not really. Why?"
"Good. Meet me at Central at noon." Sakura said.
"Huh? Why?"
"Just do it, Shaoran. If I put up with you lying to me just now, please do this for me."
Judging by her voice, Shaoran knew something was up, something was bothering her. "That's you, genius. She's worried about you. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.' Shaoran said to himself. "Ok, Sakura. I'll be there." Shaoran told her.
"Good. Listen," Sakura said and paused. Shaoran said nothing as he waited for her to continue. "For what it's worth, you didn't do anything wrong. Please…trust me…"
"Thanks, Sakura. Good night." Shaoran said as he hung up the phone.
Shaoran laid in bed again. He let his hands through his unruly brown hair and closed his eyes. He forced everything out of his head as he waited for sleep take a hold on him. It was hard. He waited for what seemed like forever before he was able to drift off to sleep.
Before noon the next day, Shaoran made his way to Central to meet Sakura. He was a little surprised when he saw Sakura already there waiting at the coffee shop. She seemed to be reading a book. He smirked. She wasn't even aware that he was there making his way towards her. Upon reaching her from behind, he placed his hands over her eyes. He didn't say anything. He saw that Sakura placed her book down and started to feel the hands covering her eyes.
"It's so much like you, Shaoran." Sakura said as she removed his hands from her eyes and looked up. She then smiled at him. Shaoran smiled at her as he proceeded to sit in front of her.
"What's up? Don't tell me we're just going to spend the day here at the coffee shop and reading a book?" Shaoran said.
Sakura laughed as she returned the book in her bag and closed her ipod. "You'd like that, wouldn't you? Sorry to disappoint you but I have other things in mind." Sakura answered.
"Ok fine. Hey are you going to finish that?" Shaoran replied.
Sakura pushed her sandwich towards Shaoran and said, "No. You can have it. Having the usual?" Shaoran nodded as Sakura made her way to the counter and ordered. "Double mocha latte, please, Yukito-san."
"Coming right up, Sakura." Yukito said with a smile and then glanced towards Shaoran who was still eating the sandwich. "He's doing better than expected." Yukito commented.
"I'd like to believe that too." Sakura replied with a sad smile.
"Aww. Is Sakura coming to his rescue? All these years you've been saying he's strong and now you're coming to his rescue." Touya suddenly said as he leaned over the counter.
"Drop dead, 'nii-chan." Sakura replied as she took the latte from Yukito and thanked him. "This is probably the hardest thing I'll ever be doing. You could at least wish me luck." She added as she went back to join Shaoran.
Yukito and Touya watched her go. "Something is up." Touya commented as he straightened himself.
Yukito turned to him inquiringly. "What do you think it is?" Yukito asked.
"Beats me. You know, Sakura. It will come out sooner or later." Touya said as he started working again. Yukito was silent as he glanced at Sakura. She seemed her usual self but then, for a moment, he thought he saw sadness in her eyes. Yukito reasoned it must be what happened to Shaoran. Sakura was always sensitive to others' feelings. It must be it. Touya was right. It will come out sooner or later. Sakura glanced back at him and smiled. Yukito smiled too and went about doing his job again.
"It seems you have never gotten over that crush of yours." Shaoran suddenly said as he saw Sakura smile back at Yukito. It seemed to have taken her by surprise.
"What?" She asked.
Shaoran grinned as he finished the last of his sandwich and said, "I said, it seems you have never gotten over that crush of yours."
"What if I said I didn't?" Sakura replied, almost laughing.
"Then you're hopeless, Sakura."
"Uh-huh, right." She then handed him her pocket mirror.
"What's this?" Shaoran asked, about to accept it.
"A mirror. I want you to look at yourself and reconsider that statement of yours." Sakura replied. Shaoran grinned and put his hand down. He then smirked. "Between the two of us, you're the one who's hopeless and not me. If you believe that, then I've just proven my point." Sakura answered as she got her bag and stood.
Shaoran shook his head as he followed Sakura to the counter and said goodbye to Touya and Yukito (well it was more on Yukito). As they left the coffee shop, Shaoran asked, "Where exactly are we going?"
"Nowhere in particular. Just chillin' out. Why? Is there somewhere you want to go?"
"No, not really. Chillin' out seems fine, well, that is if it's not anything girly or something."
"Hey! Since when have I asked you to come with me and do something girly?"
Shaoran smirked. "Where do I start?" He said. Sakura laughed.
Sakura then took out two tickets and said, "Since you much persist in annoying me with your sarcasms, I guess I will just have to give this extra ticket to the Shinzo Mizuhara concert later to someone else. I happen to have a spare reserved for my best friend but as it turns out, he's really not interested and a total blockhead. Oh well, I guess I should have asked Yukito-san instead."
"You got tickets? I thought it was sold out months ago?"
Sakura smiled as she returned the tickets inside her wallet. "When will you learn, Shaoran, that I can pull anything off with a little luck and hard work." Sakura answered.
"What did you do this time?" Shaoran asked.
"Like I said, I just happen to be lucky, that's all. I was practicing gymnastics one day and I happen to meet the organizer for the concert. As it turns out, he's the brother of Coach Asahi. I just happen to be the first one at practice and the last to leave so he was a little fond of my dedication. He said that I remind him of his younger self so he gave me free tickets."
"And the reason why you didn't tell me about this until now is because?"
"Well that's because you're a moron. It wouldn't be much of a surprise if I said something, now would it?" Sakura said.
"Whatever." Shaoran said as he pulled on her arm and started to drag her along. Sakura seemed surprised. "Come on. We have a movie to catch. We can use that to kill the time. My treat, don't worry, just let me in on the concert."
Sakura started to laugh as she allowed herself to be dragged. "You really are a moron. Did you really think I'd back out on my invitation to the concert just because you are annoying? Geez." She said. Shaoran grinned as they headed to watch a movie.
After watching the movie and grabbing something to eat, Shaoran and Sakura quickly made their way to the concert. As to be expected, there were a lot of people who turned up for the concert. Both Shaoran and Sakura noted that Shinto Mizuhara was really popular. As they stood among the crowd trying to get in, they amused themselves as they conversed about things that they would usually do.
"Hey Sakura, I've been thinking, since it won't be long before we are to choose which course to pursue, I think I'm going to pursue business management in college. What do you think?"
"Business management? You? Sorry, Shaoran but I think that you are more suitable to law. It's more your forte. Why have you turned your back on debate and stuff?" Shaoran was silent.
"Shaoran?" Sakura asked, a little gently. She wasn't sure if she was forcing it but she and Shaoran had grown up together even if he was a year older and a year ahead of her. She knew that he had wanted to become a lawyer since they were kids. Then, his sudden change of mind now that it was less than a year before his graduation from high school…it seemed that things ran deeper than she originally thought
Shaoran smirked and looked at her and said, "I'm just a little tired, that's all. I can't even win an argument against you and you're expecting me to do it for the rest of my life."
"But Shaoran, it has been your dream since we were kids." Sakura wanted to say more but dropped it because she didn't want to impose on him.
Shaoran knew where she was getting at. He placed his arm around her shoulder and playfully touched her nose with his finger and said, "Don't worry too much, Sakura." He then pulled her closer to him and smiled down at her. "Everything is going to be fine. You trust me, right?"
Sakura smiled and nodded. "If that is what you really want, then I won't stop you." She said. "Come on. Let's just enjoy the concert. You've been sulking around lately that it has affected your brain. Take this as a break, Shaoran." She added. Shaoran laughed as they entered the building and enjoyed the concert.
After the concert, Shaoran and Sakura waited for the people to disperse before they too started to leave. But then someone called out, "Sakura! Sakura Kinomoto."
They both turned around to see who was calling. Sakura smiled when she realized that it was her coach's brother, the one who gave her the tickers. "You came. So? How was the concert?" He asked.
"It was awesome, Asahi-san" Sakura replied as they approached him. "You came with your boyfriend here?" He asked.
"Oh no, no. I'm sorry. Asahi-san, this is Li Shaoran, my best friend." Sakura replied. Shaoran extended his hand and shook the man's hand.
"Would you guys like to meet Shinzo Misuhara?" He proposed.
Sakura and Shaoran looked at each other. "Seriously? But it's too much, Asahi-san. You already gave us free tickets which have been sold out for months and…really, Asahi-san, it is already too much." Sakura replied.
He laughed and then started to show them the way.
Neither Shaoran and Sakura moved. "It's alright, you two. Come this way."
"No, really, Asahi-san. Thank you but like Sakura said, it is already too much. Thank you." Shaoran said, still not moving.
"It's fine, Shaoran, Sakura. Actually Shinzo would really like to meet you two." Both of them were dumbfounded. They looked at each other as they followed the man inside.
He then said, "I've been telling him that I gave two tickets to this girl I met in one of her practice. Well he knows that I don't just give away tickets just like that so he wanted to meet her. I hope you don't mind."
"If you say it like that, Asahi-san, now I'm all nervous." Sakura replied.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I told Asahi-san that he doesn't have to do it." Came Shinzo's voice as he walked towards them.
"Ah, Shinzo. I would like you to meet Sakura and Shaoran. Guys, this is Shinzo."
Greetings were exchanged. Shinzo smiled at Sakura. "So would you guys like something to drink?" Shinzo offered as Asahi left them to do some business.
"Sure." They answered as they were seated. Shinzo then got them some cold, canned drinks and gave it to them.
"I hear that you do some gymnastics, Sakura." Shinzo said as he sat in front of her.
"Yeah but it's just a side-thing of mine. It's a little something coach had me do, the team do, as training for our cheerleading routines."
"So you're a cheerleader, huh? So how about you, Shaoran? I'm guessing you are into some kind of sport."
"Kendo." Shinzo smiled and leaned back.
"Shinzo isn't my real name, you know." He said. Both Shaoran and Sakura were surprised. They hadn't expected that. There was nothing written or broadcast about that. Shinzo just smiled and said, "My real name is Eriol, Hiiragizawa Eriol. I know it must have come as a surprise but I thought that it might be a little ice-breaker. It's just I don't know how to start a conversation."
After conversing for a while, they all just said goodbye because Eriol knew that they had classes the next day. Actually, he did too. It was going to be his first day in his new school. He had just moved to Tokyo from Niigata and he was going to have to continue with his education.
Shaoran accompanied Sakura home. Upon reaching her front door, she turned back to him and smiled. "Thanks for walking me home, Shaoran." She said. He smiled and told her that it wasn't a problem. "Hey, Shaoran, listen…um with what happen between you and Rika…it wasn't your fault. Please believe me. You didn't do anything wrong. I just thought that you needed to know that." Shaoran nodded, not knowing why Sakura was saying it all of a sudden.
"Good night, Shaoran." Sakura said before heading inside.
"Good night, Sakura." Shaoran said before heading home.
She stood at the other side of the door for a while, knowing that it was the final time she was going to be able to be with Shaoran. She was supposed to tell him goodbye for good throughout the day but she just couldn't find it in her heart to. She needed to do this. She needed to do this for him. She wanted to him to be happy. It was the only way. It was the hardest thing she would ever have to do. She just hoped that her courage would not falter as she would start to do the things that she needed to.
(to be continued…)
This is a storyline totally different from the rest and as of now it is just a trial storyline. I don't have any expectations right now. I already know how this is going to end because like some of my other fics, I've been playing with this inside of my head for years. Well anyway, c'est la vie. We will see how it will go. Thanks.