Disclaimer: I own nothing
"Ah, Severus, just the man I wanted to see!" Severus looked up to see Albus Dumbledore in the doorway, that sparkle in his eyes saying he was up to something, and Severus wouldn't like it.
"Well its a good thing you chose to look in my office then." He said sarcastically. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
Dumbledore strolled in, taking a seat in front of Severus. "I wanted to ask a favor of you Severus.."
"And what does this favor entail?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
Dumbledore smiled and pulled something out of his pocket. Offering the package to Severus, he said "Lemondrop?" With the glare he received, he put the lemon drops back into his pocket and smiled at Severus. "Never were one for sweets, were you?"
"No. I wasn't." He said impatiently. "About this favor.."
"Oh yes," He said as if he had forgotten about it for a moment. Severus highly doubted that. "I need your skills and expertise to train a particular student. This student will need to be trained to the best of his abilities, and he cannot do so just during the school year, I'm afraid."
"And this student..his name wouldn't happen to be Harry Potter, would it?" He asked, his jaw ticking in irritation.
"You were always so perceptive Severus."
"Albus, you know I can't stand the boy."
"Severus, he needs to be trained by someone who understands the dark arts." He explained patiently. "I assure you Harry did not ask for you, and he is aware you did not ask for this either."
"You already told the boy I was going to train him?" He asked raising an eyebrow at the headmaster.
"I thought he should have an advanced warning."
"You told him before you told me." He said pointedly.
"That's because I have faith in you to realize the importance of this. Harry is but a boy, he needs more time to accept this than you."
"Very well, Albus. I will give up my well earned vacation to train your insufferable golden boy."
"And I give you my many thanks!" Dumbledore said brightly getting out of his chair, "I better be off, Severus. Good day." He left and Severus growled. He did not want to be around that boy!
Harry sat in his room, reading over the letter he received a little over an hour ago. He was going to stay with Snape for the summer. No doubt Dumbledore had really gone mad now. What was he thinking, making Snape train him? Snape hated him as it was, now he would surely hate him more, blaming him for what Dumbledore did.
"Well Hedgwig, at least we get to go back to Hogwarts." She gave a soft hoot in reply. "I should go tell the Dursleys." Harry got up from his desk and headed down the stairs. "Uncle Vernon?" His uncle was reading a newspaper on the couch.
"What do you want boy?" His uncle was still mad about the Tongue Ton Toffee.
"I'm leaving tomorrow night." His uncle just grunted. "One of my professor's is coming to pick me up."
"They won't arrive through the fireplace and blast my living room apart will they?"
"Er...I don't think so." He said uncertainly. His uncle glared at him and Harry left back up the stairs.
Harry sighed and flopped down on his bed. It was going to be a long summer...
The next day, right at nine there was a knock on Number 4 Privit Drive. Severus waited impatiently as a tall skinny woman answered the door. "You!" She said in surprise, her eyes opening wide.
"Yes, me." Snape said lazily. "Are you going to invite me in, Tuney, or will I have to stay out in the cold of the night?" Without waiting for an answer, Severus strolled past her and closed the door. "Where's potter?"
"Upstairs in his room. You're a professor?"
"Yes. I am." He said irritably. He never did like this woman.
"You teach my nephew?"
"Does he know about you and Lily?" she asked as Harry came down the stairs. He gave the professor a look of hate and carried his trunk down the stairs.
"Hurry up Potter! You think I want to wait for you?" He said impatiently
"I'm working on it!" He said to the professor.
"Watch your tone, Potter. It may be summer, but you will still address me as Sir or Professor at all times. Do you understand?"
"Yes, sir."
"Here I was thinking you would like the boy because he was Lily's." Snape glared at her. Harry looked confused.
"Hurry up, Potter!"
"This is where I reside." Snape said walking briskly. Harry had to almost run to keep up with him, all the while carrying his big, heavy trunk up the path. "You will follow the house rules, such as: No leaving the wards, no going into any room except your own and the bathroom unless I am with you, don't touch anything, you will not be able to tell anyone of your fanclub, that is to say your friends, where you are. No hinting at it. You will not be able to visit them this summer. I will not allow cheek, talking back, or laziness. You are to apply yourself fully. If it appears you are not, you will wake up at four in the morning and start practicing until I wake up at 7. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes," Harry said through clenched teeth.
"Yes what, Potter?" He snapped at the scrawny teenager.
"Yes, professor."
"Good." He said curtly. "Your room, Potter, is here." Snape opened the door and Harry gasped. The room was huge. It's theme seemed to be Slytherin, though. There was a huge banner of Slytherin on the wall, the room had green and silver blankets, pillows, and a long rug that had the Slytherin symbol on it. Seeing the professor's smirk, Harry was sure he put him in this particular room on purpose. "Well bring you stuff in here you daft boy! Don't just stand in the door way."
"I thought we were staying at Hogwarts?" Harry said irritably.
"That is obviously not the case, Potter." Snape walked out of the room and Harry sighed.
"Surprised there's no posters of Voldemort in here." Harry said towards Hedwig.
"What was that, Potter?" Snape said, standing in the doorway once more. Harry jumped in surprise and turned around. His face flushed at the sight of the professor, who was looking angry.
"Nothing sir."
"What of your Gryffindor courage, Potter? Do you not have the courage to repeat yourself when you know perfectly well I heard what you just said?"
"If you heard, than why bother to ask what I said?" He asked him, a bit sharp.
"Watch your tone!" he snapped. "Are you going to repeat what you said, or are you going to cower away, claiming ignorance?" He said, smirking and raising that damn eyebrow.
I I'm going to shave his eyebrow one of these days, Harry silently vowed. "I said, sir, I am surprised you do not seem to have posters of Voldemort, or are they in your room?"
Harry could see Snape's jaw tick, and knew this wasn't a good sign. "You will refrain form saying that name. If you find the need to address him, you will say the Dark Lord. Is that understood?" He said very slowly and through clenched teeth.
"Crystal, Sir." Harry said, angrily, though he wasn't quite sure why.
"Get unpacked and hurry to the sitting room. We have your schedule to discuss." He left again, but Harry didn't dare say anything, for fear Snape was listening. He quickly unpacked and headed out the door, only to realize he had no idea where the sitting room was. This is bloody fantastic. He thought heading towards the way they came from.
Harry got lost twice before he came into the room Snape was waiting impatiently for him. "What took you so long?" He demanded out of Harry.
"I didn't know where I was suppose to go. It's not like I have a map of the place."
"Cheek, Potter. Last warning." He said glaring at the boy. The boy glared right back. "Sit." Harry sat down opposite Snape and looked at the man. The man looked at him with hate, malice and something else Harry couldn't decipher. "You will wake up at seven in the morning, eat breakfast at the dining table at 7:30. I expect you to be dressed for the day at that time. Understand so far?"
"Yes sir." Harry said, a bit put out that Snape talked to him as if he couldn't grasp such simple concepts.
"At eight, we will study together," He said it as if the mere thought of staying with this boy too long would make him go mad. "until I see fit to apply the lesson.-"
"I get to use magic then?" He asked, maybe this summer wasn't going to be so bad after all.
"Don't interrupt, Potter!" he said, fuming. "Yes you will be able to use magic. The wards on this house make it so that the ministry will have no idea who will be using magic." He paused before continuing. "As I was saying, we will have lunch at 12 30, Dinner at 7 30. you will be in bed by 10." Harry made a face" Is there a problem, Potter?"
Harry contemplated not saying anything, but decided against it. "I'm too old for a bed time."
"Quit whining potter. I assure you when we start training, you will be happy to go to bed at that time." He smirked and Harry doubted he would be happy anytime during this summer. "It is already 10 30, perhaps you should get to bed."
"I'm not even tired!" Harry protested. Snape just raised an eyebrow. Harry got up with a sigh and walked off to what he hoped was the direction his room.
"Potter," Harry turned around and faced the potions master. "I said go to bed, not sleep. I'm sure you can find something to entertain yourself in bed." Harry's eyes widened. Surely he didn't mean for Harry to wank off. "I meant homework, you daft boy!" Snape clarified seeing Harry's expression.
Harry's face flushed. "I know!" he said and stalked off to his rooms. He could have sworn he heard Snape snort and mutter something about 'a teenagers one track mind.'
Harry got to his rooms, turned on the lamp by his bed and took out his Charm's book. It was the shortest out of all of them, Snape's being the longest of course. It took surprisingly a short amount of time, and he decided to do his transfiguraration homework. He pulled out his book and smiled. He had a better idea. For an hour he studied and practiced on small things. When he was confident, he tried it on some bigger objects. Mainly blankets, pillows, banners and rugs. Soon everything that seemed Slytherin was now Gryffindor. Harry smiled wide.
His smile faded as he heard footsteps coming down the hall, which seemed odd since professor Snape was usually quiet. "Potter, what in Merlin's name are you doing?" he asked, but stopped as he flipped on the light on saw red and gold everywhere. "Potter.." He said glaring at the boy who had a proud smile on his face from having shocked the older man so. "Very well, if you wish to have this awful decoration, it is your room to do as you wish. Do not, however, turn anything else Gryffindor."
"Yes sir." Harry said, still smiling widely. Snape glared one more time at the room then walked out, turning off the light. As he walked out, however, the corner of his lips twitched just a bit as he shook his head in amusement.
end of chapter 1! so what ya think? Let me know!...as in Review! It would really help me out seeing as this is my first Snape mentors Harry fic. Your input is very important.
Just to let you know, this will not, however, be slash. Nor is Harry going to be having over the top emotional problems. There will be things he needs to get past, but it will not be over the top.
Next chapter...training starts!