Hi guys! Yes, I took a long time to write one chapter but I had a block...ma bad...heh.

Disclaimer: I'm not Japanese and I'm not a man, so no, I don't own Naruto.


Boy's Boarding School for Girls

Chapter 3

"How many times a day do you brush those things? No, scratch that, how many times a day can you brush them?" Hino leaned against the bathroom frame, arms crossed in impatience.

Sasuke just glared at her through the mirror, though the effect was much less impacting due to his foam-covered mouth.

He looks like a rabid chicken. Hinata tried to suppress her laughter but cackled aloud anyway.

Rabid Chicken Man glared even harder and pushed her out of the bathroom--that seemed to be happening a lot lately--managing to splatter some foam on her shoulder. He slammed the door behind her and continued brushing his already pearly-whites furiously.

"Oh come on! I do not want your citrus saliva all over my shirt!" She yelled through the bathroom door. Tilting her head away from her shoulder in disgust Hinata made her way to the closet, "I hate citrus..."

Quickly and carefully Hinata started to change from her P.E. clothes into her uniform before Sasuke finished brushing his teeth...for the fifth time that day.

Sasuke sauntered out of the bathroom just as Hinata finished buttoning up her shirt over her oppressing vest.

"Dude! Your teeth are so shiny I can see the glare through your lips!" Hinata mocked as she grabbed her film notebook from the top of her desk. She hugged it tightly to herself, then abruptly let it hang at her side instead. Gotta think 'man' Hino!

"Shut up. You're just jealous cause my teeth are awesome." He led her out of the dorm room after he grabbed his own notebook.

"Yea that's it, because I want my teeth to eventually disintegrate."

Sasuke scoffed but as they made their way to the courtyard for lunch, he pictured his teeth pulverizing.

"Seriously man, do you always have to eat that stuff?" Neji sat down next to Naruto and his ramen.

"Seriously man, do you always have to wear those tights?" Naruto taunted back, glancing at Neji's pink leotard, "It's really disturbing dude, especially cause I'm eating." Naruto slurped at his soup again.

Neji glared profusely but then slyly smiled, "Would you rather me take them off?"

"Yes please! Go change!"

"Alright, if you insist!" Neji started slipping off one of his puffy sleeves.

"Neji! Why are you taking off your clothes?!" Hino gaped disbelievingly at Neji as she made her way over to their table. If Neji keeps this up, I won't have to worry about being thought of as a girl...not sure how to take that...

"No I'm not! I was just kidding!"

"Neji's doing what?!" Naruto glanced back at Neji and then automatically shielded his eyes, "Dude! Not cool!"

Sasuke walked up to the table sluggishly and abruptly stopped, taken aback, "Wha- Why is Neji taking off his clothes?" He glanced at Hino, confused.

"It was just a joke! I wasn't actually gonna take them off!"

"Sure Neji, because people normally kid around about taking off their clothes in public." Hino stated sarcastically.

"Ya Neji. But we understand, I mean if I were wearing a pink tutu, I would wanna take it off too." Sasuke added with a shrug and sat down.

Neji growled in frustration, "Ahh! You guys depress me!" he snatched his backpack and stomped towards his ballet class.

Hino, Naruto, and Sasuke stared at each other.

"Yea, I can't take that statement seriously coming from a guy wearing pink tights." Naruto laughed.

Hinata laughed and sat down across the two boys, "What will I do with him? Anyway, Naruto, are you busy next week? I mean like the whole week."

Naruto picked up his ramen and started drinking from the cup, he shook his head at her, then his eyebrows shifted into a questioning stance.

"Good! Because next week I'm filming something and I need you to be my lead actor."

Sasuke glanced uneasily at Hino. From the moment he found that Hino was studying to be director he had felt a competitive vibe between them. It was as if he could feel that vibe pulsing, it was whispering urgently at him, "He's getting ahead, Sasuke! You gotta beat him down, Sasuke! Beat him down!" He lifted the cover of his notebook and stared at the empty page glaring back.

"Really? Sa-weet! My first job!" Naruto grinned excitedly and snatched Hino's notebook, he flipped through the empty pages frantically, "Where is it? Where's the script?!"

"Hey, simmer down now," Hinata reached for the book and set it down beside her on the bench. The bell rang somewhere in the building and students in the courtyard started for their next class, "I haven't even started it. But I'll have it done by Monday, don't worry. Actually, Sasuke..."

Sasuke blocked out Hino's voice as he stared into space. Today was Friday. He's going to write a script in two days?! The vibe pulsed again.

"Sasuke, are you listening? Will you do it?" Sasuke stood up abruptly and Hino and Naruto looked up, he looked back at them, then rushed off towards film class.

"Umm...what's up with him?" Naruto started to get up as well.

"I don't know," Hinata voiced nonchalantly, "he's probably gonna go shower in mouthwash, or toothpaste or something."

"Dude, repulsive mental imagery."

"Ha, sorry man, see ya later." Hinata waved at Naruto and headed to film class as well.

The halls were crowded and every time she glanced at a guys face she would abruptly look down. That guy definitely knows! So does that one! It was like everybody had just stopped to look at her. Hinata was blushing now and all she could hear were her short quick breaths and her increasingly fast footsteps. This disguise is a complete failure! I should have listened to Neji when he told me to go with the bald look.

The tardy bell rang and Hinata spared a glance upwards. She sprinted through the last hallway and when she saw her classroom, Sasuke sprang up to her mind. He definitley rejected me when I asked him for help on my film. But maybe not...I mean he really didn't say 'No'. But he never really said 'Yes' either....Hmmm....Ugh! Why do I care if he helps or not?! It's my own film! But he's probably really amazing and he's fun to hang out with....Okay I've convinced myself. I'll ask him one more time!

Hinata reached for the doorknob and yanked open the door. As soon as she did she looked up eagerly and the first face she saw was Sasuke's, it was glaring at her.

I kinda like this chapter but I wasn't really satisfied with the end because my dad gave me about a minute to write the last paragraph before I went to bed.

I'm pretty sure that if I had disobeyed he would off chopped off my head....hehe....no but seriously, I would not be living right now.

Ha. Please review and keep reading!
