Hey pplz

Hey pplz! Hope ur having a gr8 Summer! Well, here is the last chapter of Hidden Love…. I know, I know, don't cry …( This is a long chappy so dnt worry, K? Well, here it is, nd I hope u ppl have a gr8 summer vacation! :P

Hidden Love

A New Life Together

Millions of people gathered at the castle for the honoring of Goku and the burial of Bardock. ChiChi and the Ox King stood at the end of the large aisle, both carrying medals of honor for Goku. Goku slowly made his way across the aisle, wearing a traditional Sayain's armor. He was nervous, but he sure as hell didn't look it. His face was stern, yet grateful, but when he saw his ChiChi, he couldn't help as but to smile. She wore a beige one-shouldered dress that dragged to the floor in the back. She wore her hair down, and her luscious waves were flowing down her back. She wore white flowers in her hair, and she couldn't help but smile when she noticed Goku's face.

He finally reached the end of the aisle, and smiled nervously as The Ox King faced him.

"Kakarot, or as you would like to be called Goku, you are from a race that has persecuted our people for years. You Sayains are a proud race… a cocky race. But you are not like them. You have shown you are a worthy man, a man of morals. You have shown us that you have a pure heart. You do not desire power, nor do you desire to kill anyone. You even went up against one of your own kind, just to save my daughter. I thank you for that. I also would like to mention your father. Although he was our enemy for years, he was a great man. He was willing to help you on your journey to save my ChiChi. He died a hero's death." Ox King said, putting a hand on Goku's shoulder.

Goku stayed silent. His father would have loved to be here; to see the honoring of his son.

Ox-King awaited his response.

Goku thought of the right words to say. "I just do what I feel is right, for the people, for the ones I love…. for your daughter." He said, taking ChiChi's hand.

ChiChi blushed madly.

"You see sir; I love your daughter very, very much. More than words can say, and I want you to know that I would never, ever, hurt her in anyway. I want to be with her forever, Ox-King. I know I am not a prince, but please, arranged marriages are so 15th century. I mean, it's the year 2085, and I think she deserves to be happy. That's all I want for her. I want her to be happy. Please, I ask nothing of you except for your permission to marry your daughter."

ChiChi had tears in her eyes. Never had she heard such a beautiful speech from Goku. She was also in complete, utter shock. She had no idea that Goku was going to ask her father such a question.

"Daddy," she spoke up.

"I-I do love him. Please, this is what I want. It's what I need. I need to be with him." She said, taking Goku's hands.

"I need to be with the father of my child." She whispered in Goku's ear.

Shock spread upon Goku's face. "When? What? No way!" he screamed in joy as he lifted her up and began to twirl her. ChiChi laughed madly.

Ox-King had no idea what the fuck was going on, but he looked down on them with great pride.


"Oh. Yea?" Goku said, putting ChiChi down.

"You-You have my permission to marry my daughter." He said happily.

Goku and ChiChi screamed in delight. Tears of joy began to run down their faces.

"You hear that babe? Our dream is finally coming true! See? I told you I'd find a way!" he said gathering her into his arms.

"I knew you would. I knew you would!" she said, kissing him with great passion.

The whole audience clapped as they welcomed the newly engaged couple.

So many thoughts were running in Goku's mind all at once. He was sad for the loss of his father, but yet he was happy for him and ChiChi and their unborn child.

ChiChi saw the look on Goku's face. She knew exactly what he was feeling.

She put a hand on his shoulder and smiled. "He's in a better place Goku." She said softly.

"Yea." Goku said smiling. He took one last look at his father's body, and walked outside with his ChiChi.

Six weeks later…

ChiChi sat nervously doing her hair in her room. It was the big day, and she wanted everything to go perfectly. She quietly sat humming a tune to her unborn child, until she heard a knock at the door. It was Goku.

"Hey hon." He said, bringing her a bouquet of flowers.

"You know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?" she said, as he kissed her cheek.

"Well, it's not like you're in your dress or anything. Besides, I wanted to see how my favorite girl was." He whispered softly.

ChiChi giggled. "I'm doing just fine. Just a little nervous though. I want this wedding to go perfectly. I mean, what if I trip and fall when I'm walking down the aisle? What if I need to use the bathroom in the middle of the ceremony? She said, remembering how much she threw up this morning.

"I mean, what if I-" ChiChi was interrupted with a passionate kiss.

"You talk to much." He said jokingly.

ChiChi smiled. "I just don't want to be embarrassed." She said, imagining what horrific actions could take place.

"Oh, come on. Everyone already knows you're pregnant, so if you need to use the bathroom that would be understandable." He said, putting two strong arms around her shoulders.

Goku began to laugh.

"What's so funny?" She said, raising an eyebrow.

"Remember when we told him you were pregnant?" he said, recalling the funny memory.

"He went fucking crazy." He said laughing.

ChiChi giggled. "Of course I remember. He flipped! We were all at dinner, discussing the wedding plans, when me and you exchanged an 'are-you-ready-for-your-father-to-fucking-freak' kind of look. When we told him, he spat his food across the table, and fell out of his chair." She said giggling.

"I think he was more shocked than mad though." Goku said smiling.

"Mad? Why would you think he'd be mad?" ChiChi asked him.

"Because we didn't wait till we were married." He said, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Yea, I think you're right." She said.

They stared in the mirror for a while, until Goku started nibbling on her neck, giving her hickies all over.

ChiChi began to moan.

"G-Goku, stop." She said, kissing his lips, softly at first, but with more intensity each time.

"I know what will calm your nerves." He said huskily, beginning to get a hard on.

"Oh…Goku… we… cant." She said, breathing heavily.

"Why not?" he said, beginning to remove her bath robe.

"You have to be there in 30 minutes! You're not even dressed!" ChiChi exclaimed, rolling off of Goku.

Goku held her back.

"C'mon. That's the beauty of it. We're not even dressed. C'mon, please? A quickie?" he begged with puppy dog eyes.

"No, we need to get ready, Goku. I promise, after when we get married, we can fuck as long and as hard as we want." She said, rubbing her finger across his chest.

She took Goku's breath away. Damn, she was hot.

Goku sighed. "Alright, anything for you, babe." He said, kissing her lips softly.

"I'll see you at the ceremony." She said, as he walked out of the room.

ChiChi resumed doing her hair, when she heard another knock at the door.

ChiChi moaned. "Come in, Goku."

Goku ran in and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry, everything will go perfect, I promise." He said, before exiting the room.

ChiChi sighed with satisfaction and once again resumed to getting ready. She loved that man, so much.

Goku stood at the end of the aisle, nervously awaiting his fiancé to walk down the aisle. The music began to play, and at the end of the hall, the double doors opened. It revealed a smiling ChiChi, along with her crying father, Ox-King.

"Daddy, please don't cry." She whispered.

Ox-King sniffed. "I-I just feel like I'm losing my baby girl." He said softly.

"Oh, Daddy!" ChiChi cried, stopping in the middle of the aisle and hugging her father.

Goku smiled sadly. Oh how he wished his father could be here.

ChiChi and the Ox-King regained their composure and continued down the aisle.

ChiChi took Goku's breath away. She wore her hair up in a French bun, wearing a bright red lipstick, some eyeliner, and mascara. Her cheeks were flushed a light pink, and she wore a mysterious veil over her face. She even wore an elegant ball gown halter dress that left her back bare.

Goku was left speechless.

ChiChi smiled at his antics.

ChiChi finally reached Goku, and Ox-King gave her away, with tears in his eyes.

"Don't worry, Ox-King. I'll take good care of her." He whispered.

"I know you will, son. I know you will." He said, before resuming to his seat.

ChiChi and Goku faced each other and held hands. The time to exchange their vows had begun.

"Do you, Akane ChiChi take Son Goku to be your lawful wedded husband?"

"I-I Do." She said happily.

"And do you Goku, take ChiChi to be your lawful wedded wife, in sin, health, and as long as you both shall live?"

"No, much, much, longer than that." He said, stroking her cheeks.

"You may kiss the bride."

ChiChi and Goku gave each other a passionate kiss, and the celebration began.

As ChiChi and Ox-King finished their Father Daughter dance to Butterfly Kisses (OMG! cry I cannot get through tht song without shedding a tear ), Goku thought it was time to make a toast.

"I'd like to have everyone's attention, please." He said, tapping his glass.

"I want to thank all of you for coming out tonight, to join me and my wife ChiChi in holy matrimony. I want to thank all of you for a second chance. I know my people have done horrible things to you, but I want to thank you for accepting me into your society. Without you, I'd be nothing." He finished.

The whole audience clapped.

"Good luck kids!" someone screamed in the audience.

"Oh, you know how rough those Sayains are…. Goku's going to get some pussy tonight!" one of the audience members joked.

Goku and ChiChi laughed nervously, blushing madly.

ChiChi tugged his arm. "Our ride's here. We have to go." she said, walking him outside.

"Hey, Chi, look!" Goku exclaimed.


"It's a lima!" Goku said naively, pointing to the long, black car that awaited them.

ChiChi laughed. "Goku, it's called a limo!" she said, kissing his cheek.

As Goku and ChiChi laughed and made their way to the car, Goku swore he saw his father smiling in the cheering audience.

Bardock gave Goku a thumbs up.

Goku smiled. "Dad!" he screamed, but when he blinked, his father was gone.

Goku sighed happily. "Now I know you're in a better place. He said, joining ChiChi once more.

Nine Years Later…

Goku sparred with his nine-year old son, Gohan. It has been nine years since Goku and ChiChi first met, and their life together was unimaginably amazing. Sometimes, Goku thought he was dreaming. His life seemed so perfect. He had a beautiful family, a peaceful house in the woods, and a young, sexy wife who loved him dearly.

Goku and Gohan panted heavily.

"Good job, son. You did great today." Goku said, giving Gohan a high five.

"Dad? When do you think I'll be able to master the Kamehameha wave?" Gohan asked excitedly. Goku was teaching Gohan this for months now.

"You're doing great, son. You just need to learn to control your power. It has to be at a steady level. Once you master that, you'll definitely learn the Kamehameha wave in no time!" Goku said, ruffling his son's hair.

"Great!" Gohan said, excitedly.

"Gohan, Goku! Breakfast!" ChiChi called.

"Yea! Food!" Gohan exclaimed, running towards the house. Goku giggled as he followed his son.

ChiChi stood in the doorway carrying their newborn son, Goten.

"Good morning, Mom." Gohan said happily.

"Good morning sweetheart." ChiChi said, giving Gohan a kiss on the forehead.

"Hey Goten! Who's happy to see me? Who's happy to see me?" Gohan said in a baby voice, taking his little brother from his mom.

Goten giggled.

"Where's your father? ChiChi asked Gohan.

"I don't know. He was right behind me." Gohan said, giving Goten back to ChiChi.

Just then, Goku appeared through the door. "Hey, you." He said happily.

"Hey, sweetheart." She said happily, as he kissed her passionately.

The short, passionate kiss became a rough make out, as ChiChi began to moan under his grasp, totally forgetting Gohan was there.

"Uh… ewww… you guys, can't you get a room? Sheesh!" Gohan complained, blushing madly.

Goku ended the kiss and smiled. "Sorry, about that son."

All of them laughed. It was a great day indeed.

Goku walked into his bedroom to find ChiChi breast feeding Goten.

"I already put Gohan to bed so you wouldn't have to worry about it." Goku said, sitting beside his wife.

"Thanks. I feel bad. I haven't been giving Gohan as much as attention as I should. I mean, it's hard with a new baby around." She said as she watched her baby drink.

"Chi, you're not a bad mother. You give Gohan lots of attention. And he's smart enough to know that you're doing your best to support all of us, and you're doing a hell of a job." Goku said, kissing her cheek.

"Thanks you." She said smiling.

"Yep. Everyone's getting ready to go to bed except you little guy." Goku said, staring at his son, Goten.

ChiChi giggled. "I know. Man, he won't stop drinking! Little pervert…" she said playfully.

"Alright little man, that's enough. That's my job." Goku said laughing.

"I'll put this little guy to bed." He said, taking his youngest son to his room.

ChiChi waited for Goku to close the door behind him, and she quickly hurried to her dresser. She had a surprise for him.

Goku walked into his room to find ChiChi dressed in a Santa's little helper lingerie. She wore a Santa's hat with a red mini skirt that had white fur at the bottom. She wore a red thong underneath, giving Goku a nice view of her ass. She wore a red top that barley covered her breasts, mainly covering her nipples, creating huge cleavage. Goku was definitely getting a hard on.

"You've been a very, very naughty boy." ChiChi said in a sexy voice.

"Hol-holy shit." Goku gasped, collapsing on the bed.

"Looks like Santa's little helper is going to have to teach you a lesson." She said, licking her lips.

"Oh, God…. Chi." Goku said, breathlessly.

"Oh, God Chi, just… just fuck me!" he said in a begging, almost desperate matter.

"Ah Ah Ah." ChiChi said waving her finger. ChiChi began to tease Goku by rubbing her tits together. She then lap danced for him, and pushed him into the wall. She began to make out with him fiercely, and Goku began undoing her bra, revealing her hardened breasts. He squeezed them hard, and began playing with them fiercely. ChiChi then began to remove his shirt and pants, leaving him only in his undergarments.

"You ready for this?" Goku whispered in her ear, as he began pulling down her miniskirt and thong. Goku removed his boxers and led ChiChi to the bed.

"Take me, Goku." ChiChi said huskily as he began to move within her.

Eventually their voices started to rise, and the breathing went faster and faster.

"Goku! You've been a bad boy!" ChiChi screamed, trying to continue her little act.

"No, I think you're the one who's been a naughty girl." Goku said, as he went faster, and faster. Then, their orgasms took control.

"I'm coming Goku!" ChiChi screamed.

"Just a little more!" Goku said loudly.



They both panted loudly, both sweaty and tired.

Goku gathered ChiChi into his arms.

"I'll love you forever and ever ChiChi." Goku whispered.

"Oh, Goku. I love you. So much." ChiChi whispered back.

Goku kissed ChiChi passionately, and sleep overtook her.

Goku watched ChiChi sleep peacefully.

"ChiChi, we've been through a hell of a journey together." Goku whispered to her in her sleep.

"I never want to let you go. I want you, and I need you, forever and ever. Baby, I've always been right behind you. Now, I'll always be right beside you."

The End

Good ending? Let me know PLEEAASE! Srry about the MAJOR Lemon here folks… like I said… this story was NOT for little kiddies! I hope u liked my story!

