Author's note: Originally written as a treat for Sankontesu as a part of MiroSanta 2015. Thanks for all the gifts and treats you made!


Sango noticed two things when she awoke. First, it was still the middle of the night. And second, she had somehow maneuvered herself off of the mat and out from under the blankets. Again.

It was the chilly winter evening that had awakened her. Without the blankets and the shared body heat from her family, the cold was very noticeable.

Exasperated, she sat up to assess the problem. She loved her family more than life, but more and more often lately it felt like there wasn't room for her in her own bed.

That bed had seemed so spacious when it was just her and Miroku sharing it. Now, with a trio of growing children crammed in between them and her belly swelling with another on the way, it felt entirely too small. Even under the best of circumstances, there was barely room for her on the mat. Blankets were too much to hope for.

Miroku cracked a sleepy eye open to smile up at her. She glowered back, but exasperation was already fading into tired amusement. She had agreed to this, after all. Her husband had asked for ten or even twenty children, and he'd meant it.

She didn't need to tell him what the problem was. It was practically a nightly routine by now.

Without her having to say a word, he was already gently corralling the sprawling twins. All she had to do was carefully move their son closer to his sisters, and there was room for her after all. Shooting her husband one last glance, which said we need to talk about this before it becomes a real problem, Sango snuggled back into her family's warm and happy nest.

It was a tight fit, and far from comfortable… but she wouldn't have it any other way.