Hiei666 here with some great news. EVERYONE MUST READ THIS!! READ THIS DEDICATION!! DO IT NOOOOWWWW!! Anyway, now that I have your undivided attention, this chapter is dedicated to Alternate Angel. She gave me a great idea, so, props to her!! Alright, here's what she put into mah brainnnnn.

Disclaimer: I suppose I should call this a claimer. I do own Korugane, and he'll be starring in one of my soon-to-be published books, so please check them out…..when they're done. As for Inuyasha…I own nothing. Except for a blade of grass, no one may take that, it's MINE!

Chapter Five

Sesshomaru began grinding his fingers into his temples. He growled low as he could hear every word the two women were saying. He had tried to ignore them all morning, but no success. He squeezed his eyes shut as he tried not to think about what they were saying.

"Kagome…have you ever met a man named Korugane?" Sango asked, her face becoming flushed with the memory of the night before. Kagome looked confused, so Sango took that as a no.

"He took me on a tour of the castle last night. Well, first he scared the crap out of me, and then he took me on the tour. I tell ya, I really didn't think demons got like him…it's so strange. He was…weird beyond anything I'd ever seen! Kagome smirked to herself. If only she lived in her time when people like Marilyn Manson and Michal Jackson stalked the streets…she wouldn't be saying anything…

"Not only that, he was like a child trapped in a man's body!" she continued. Kagome felt like comparing that ideal into Inuyasha, but she kept her mouth shut.

"Yea, last night, Sesshomaru came into my room, and Sango, it was so embarrassing!"

Sesshomaru's head jerked up at the mention of his name. He strained to hear every word, every gasp of breath the woman made.

"He…he…" Kagome tried to get out. Sesshomaru pressed his face hard against the wall, his muscles contracting with anxiety.

"He…saw me…in my pajamas!" she exclaimed. Suddenly, the wall on one side of the girls' room collapsed and a demon lord quickly composed himself. He cleared his throat and looked around the room, trying to think quickly. He met the two bewildered glances of Sango and Kagome. He cleared his throat again.

"Yep, this wall needs fixing alright, I'll have Korugane fix that right away, no need to worry any longer ladies." He said, tapping his fingers against some of the rubble. There was an exasperated sigh next to him and Sesshomaru nearly jumped out of his skin as he saw Korugane kneeling down and examining the mess.

"You're the one who broke it! Why the hell do I have to fix the damned thing?" Korugane wined. Sesshomaru, too confused, rose an eyebrow.

"When…when did you get here?" he asked, his voice still shaking. Korugane stood, his face curious.

"Huh, you know, I have no idea, I thought I was in the kitchen…weird…it's a mystery I guess…" He said, placing a thin finger to his chin. He smiled and Sesshomaru stared at him with wide eyes before backing away slowly to the door, quietly leaving and hurrying down the corridors, to anywhere away from him. Korugane snorted.

"That guys is just so strange, I swear, it's like…he's everywhere I go, I have to keep an eye on him…" he said to himself.


Sesshomaru tossed and turned. He'd given the girls a new bedroom, one a bit farther away from his, so he thought he may be able to get some sleep, but now he was worried about what he couldn't hear. He heard a strange noise coming from the other side of his room and he looked up to see Korugane staring blankly at the west wall. He sighed.

"What are you doing?" Sesshomaru asked, his tone irritated and tired. Korugane looked at him for a quick second before glancing back at the wall.

"I'm gunna fix the wall," he said matter-of-factly. Sesshomaru sighed again.

"Koru…that's the wrong wall. That wall is perfectly fine and if you ruin it, I'll kill you." He stated calmly. Korugane inched over to Sesshomaru, crawling into his bed with him. Sesshomaru would have been royally pissed at the act if Korugane hadn't been doing it since they were children.

"I can't sleep…I had a nightmare." He said sheepishly. Sesshomaru grumbled.

"We're not kids anymore Koru, don't make me do this." Sesshomaru glowered. Korugane gave him huge puppy-dog eyes. The pleading and whimpering made Sesshomaru's heart melt unwillingly. He would have much rather preferred it to stay frozen. He grumbled and cursed under his breath as he patted his lap. Korugane yipped with glee and snuggled his head on Sesshomaru's thigh.

"What was your dream about?" Sesshomaru asked, not actually caring. Korugane looked like he was about to throw a fit. He seemed very upset.

"I drempt that none of this was real, that we were all some made up characters in some kind of story or play or something with a bunch of…" he trailed off, not wanting to say the last word. Sesshomaru sighed.

"A bunch of what?" he asked, hoping Koru would at least go to his closet or something at the end of this session. Korugane buried his face in Sesshomaru's leg.

"F-f-fangirls!" he cried. Sesshomaru cringed. That was a bad dream. He lifted his friend's head up so he was level with him. He gave him a stern look.

"Korugane, listen to me, there is no such thing as fangirls! Say it with me, there are no such things as fangirls!" He stated. Koru mumbled the words, the whimpers in his voice barely audible for Sesshomaru. He sighed. Korugane smiled weakly and curled up next to his friend who growled in protest. It was a pointless battle, however, for the young man was already dead to the world. Sesshomaru sighed again.

"If I have a dream about fangirls, I'm stabbing you with chopsticks…"

Once again, thank you Alternate Angel for giving me this great idea! Please tell me what you think about this chapter! Please review everyone; I'm very interested in your ideas and opinions!