AN: I'm soo sorry that I haven't updated in ages but I've had lots of school work and lots of things going on at the foster ho

AN: I'm soo sorry that I haven't updated in ages but I've had lots of school work and lots of things going on at the foster home. I hope this is ok and I would like lots of reviews please thanks xx

I got woke up by the sound of the door slamming open.

"Get up you worthless piece of crap" my dad shouted from the top of the stairs. I ran as fast as could and was met by my sister and my mom.

"We're having some friends over tonight so you need to cook the food and clean the house got it?" my mum screamed at me. I nodded sheepishly.

"Good 'cos if you don't I think I will have to look in the belt drawer for a suitable punishment" I nodded again. I will definitely make sure she doesn't hit me with the belt. That's the worse punishment there is.

I ran upstairs and closed my bedroom door. Well if you could call it a room, it was originally a closet that all of the cleaning products were stored but they had to clean it out and put a bed in it for me. All I have in the room is a bed and a chest of drawers, even though it's not much it's a sanctuary compared to the basement. I changed into some skinny jeans and a purple sparkly top. I had to look presentable or else I'd pay for it later. I went back downstairs and started cooking the food. It had only just started cooking when I heard the door bell. My sister screeched and opened the door. Looked at the hallway through the door and I realised my worst fear. Troy Bolton was at the door. My breathing started to get quicker and my dad noticed.

"Stop messing around" he snarled and slapped me across the face. Tears brimmed in my eyes. I looked up and saw Troy looking right at me. crap, did he see anything?, I shook the thought out of my head and went over to introduce my self.

"This is our other daughter Gabriella" my mother pointed at me.

"My, don't you two look alike" troys mom smiled at me. I heard my sister laugh.

"You really think so, we're not identical twins" I said trying to sound surprised. I knew that if I didn't say anything about that then my sister would be even worse with me.

"Yes you both are very pretty". I blushed furiously. Now that's something I've never been called. Ever.

"Thanks Mrs Bolton" I smiled and she did back.

"Call me Lucille, Mrs Bolton sounds so old" she laughed, I joined in until I started getting glares off my parents. Boy am going to pay for that later. I looked up at Troy again and he looked at me. I know that sounds stupid but it was a different type of look. Especially from him, it was kind of a I'm sorry look. Again I shook the thought from my head and headed back to the kitchen. I checked on the food again and turned around to find my dad boring his eyed into my head.

"You might want to stop playing the little game you have going" I looked at him confused. "Stop playing the poor defenceless Gabriella game"

"Sorry" I muttered to him. He walked over to my and raised is hand. It suddenly went down onto my face and I shouted in pain. He grabbed my by top and shoved me against the corner, knocking over pots and pans in the way.

"You ever scream like that again and I'll knock you out, I don't care who's over." He left the room smirking. He said something and I heard them all laughing. Well not all of them were laughing. Once again troy was looking over at me. I didn't realise that I was crying until I felt the salty tears run down my face. Troy got out of his chair and walked over to the kitchen. I turned back around I pretended that I didn't notice him. I felt a hand on my back and flinched back in fear.

"Are you ok" he asked me touching the outline of the hand shaped mark my father had left on my face. I nodded and smiled. There was a pause.

"Is there something you want?" I asked him. He shook his head and closed the kitchen door. He walked over to the cupboard under the sink and brought out a cloth. He wet it and brought it too my cheek.

"I want to sort out that nasty mark of yours….does your dad hit you all the time?" I froze. He did see him hit me. I nodded and looked at Troy in the eyes. I could see warmth in them. Not the usual ones that I see at school and the cloth on my cheek was really comforting. I'd never felt so wanted in my life. Nobody has ever done this before.

"Why are you been so nice to me?" I asked. He sighed.

"Because I realised what a jerk I am to you and that you have to live in a house like this." I looked down at the floor only to be brought out of my thoughts from my mom's voice asking me to bring the dinner in. I got out the dinner and followed troy into the dining room.

AN: I'm splitting this chap in 2 as I thought it would feel right this way. And this is the longest chap I've wrote ever lol

Would all be kind and review. If anyone has any tips or wants to co-write a chap then just pm me xx