Title: Regrets
Summary: Numbuh 5 write her thoughts on 'Black Tears' and 'Lithium' in poetry.
Genre: Spiritual/Drama
Rated: K+
Wouldst thy cry tears of raven black,
I would have cried too,
As I see your hands handcuffed at the back,
Thy feels so frigid and blue,
You, whom, never shed a tear,
I always found it surprising,
That thou heart holds no fear,
It is an addition to your intimidating uprising,
Love never rests against your beating heart,
I have heard of your bitter past,
For you, death shall never part,
For you don't have a beautiful lass,
Yet, tears trickle down your cheeks,
Thy cheeks stained of the tainted shade,
They resembled two crooked black creeks,
It's no wonder to wish to be dead,
Awaiting your death's torment,
As thou stands there crying,
You've been bestowed cruel and hideous treatment,
Your life was so very trying,
After I impaled your pulsating life source,
I thought it was the end,
For you are now far off my course,
No longer do you drive kids around the bend,
I didn't care for pricked fingers,
As I ripped the petals off the enchanting rose,
O, they were such dead ringers,
For an intoxicating scarlet dose,
You appeared for my help,
My heart in my mouth, my stomach in my shoes,
I attempted to not yelp,
But my mind muses,
I helped you, thy can depart,
For I've returned the piece,
To your shattered heart,
Now thy must rest in peace,
I pray you.
Numbuh 5 ended her heartfelt poem with a flourish and tears gathering placed it on the grave.
"Rest in peace." The sentence did no go unheard. It ended a spirit's restlessness. Sighing, she turned her heel and walked off. Love was what he needed. Love is all that could glue the pieces of a broken heart. And this time the pieces held. Forever.