Okay, so It's been almost two years since my hiatus started and I've posted some stuff here and there, but nothing substantial. Well, that's about to change because I'm revamping "Call Me". I'm gunna have It listed under a new story, probably called "Call Me: Remixed" or something like that, and I hope those of you who read it in the beginning and still have alerts to this will read it. It won't be just the title that changes, either. I'm completly rewriting it, with only the plot and some dialouge staying the same, and I'll be adding in new characters and changes some others.
PS: I'm probably going to have a trailer up on my youtube account (AnnaMorgause) within a week, and I might post separate "episodes" on YouTube that would correspond with the chapters, but no be in the first person like the fic is, so you'd get more info if you watched that.
PPS: Follow me on my twitter, (also AnnaMorgause) for up-to-date info.