Call Me

By Anna-Morgause

Description: A girl loses her Cell Phone at a Hannah Montana/Jonas Brothers concert, and her life changes forever.

Disclaimer: You wanna know what I own? NOTHING!

Quote of the Day: "Rice moves. Oh wait nice moves. DON'T EAT IT." – Joe jonas

Chapter One: MisQuinceanos

My Name is Alexis Lewis, and this is the story of how a lost cell phone made my life a heck of a lot more interesting.

It all started at a concert…

…Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself; you need some background info:

Thursday, November 1st, 2007

It was an ordinary autumn morning, the air was crisp. Nothing all that unusual…

… Other than the fact it was my 15th birthday.


I groaned as my, (stupid,) phone alarm told me it was 6:20 AM. I turned the alarm off and lied in my bed, staring at the ceiling, for a moment. I took in a deep breath; I was 15. (Well, technically not until 4:58, but that was beside the point.)

As I pulled myself out of bed and trudged to the bathroom, something told me that my 15th birthday was going to be anticlimactic.

I went along with my normal morning ritual: shower, get dressed, (watch whatever is on TV,) eat, brush my teeth/hair.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

I looked just like I did every other day. (Though, that was mostly attributed to the fact that I went to a Catholic High School, and thus, wore a uniform) I was a tall-ish, chubby nobody with brown hair, brown eyes, and glasses.

I sighed and went out into the Living room.

"Awww" My mother exclaimed, sappily, when she saw me.

"What?" I asked her, looking at her strangely

"My baby's fifteen!"

I smiled a little; at least my mom cared.

Then, my, older, brother walked past us.

"Did you wish your sister a happy birthday, Dillon?" She asked him, knowing full well that he hadn't

"Happy Birthday," He grunted

"What am I going to do with that boy?" My mother asked herself as she shook herself and readied herself for school. (She was a computer teacher at my old school)

I looked out the window in the kitchen, and saw a car pull in the driveway

"Shoot!" I exclaimed

"What is it, dear?" My mom asked, as she got her coffee

"Lauren's here!" I yelled as I rushed to get my things together.

Lauren was the daughter of our neighbors, the Greens (And technically, our neighbor.) Every Tuesday and Thursday, she would Drive my brother and I to our High School, on her way to her college. That day, she decided to come early.

I grabbed my backpack, Razor cell phone, and iPod Nano, (an early birthday present,) and rushed outside. I was soon followed by my brother.

We put out things in the trunk of her car and got in.

Inside of the car was Lauren, Her mother, and Lauren's younger sister, Nicole, (you was one year my junior)

"Good morning," I told them out of politeness

I received a chorus of 'good morning's in return.

There was no "Happy Birthday, Alexis." (That might have something to do with the fact that Nicole, the only one, other than my brother, who knew me well enough to know my birthday, and I weren't on the best of terms at the time)

I kept in a sigh and turned on my iPod. I scrolled through my options, (which there weren't a whole lot of, because I had only recently gotten it.) I quickly decided to listen to the Jonas Brothers; their songs always made me feel better.

Hold On seemed like a good fit, so, I picked it and turned up the volume:

We don't have time left to regret,

It will take more than common sense

So stop your wondering take a stand

There's more to life than just to live

Cause an empty room can be so loud

Its too many tears to drown them out

So hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on

One single smile a helping hand

Its not that hard to be a friend

So don't give up stand 'til the end

There's more to life than just to live

Cause an empty room can be so loud

Its too many tears to drown them out

So hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on

When you love someone

And they break your heart

don't give up on love

Have faith, restart

Just hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on

When it falls apart

And your feeling lost

All your hope is gone

don't forget to hold on, hold on

Cause an empty room can be so loud

Its too many tears to drown them out

So hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on

When you love someone

And they break your heart

don't give up on love

Have faith, restart

Just hold on, hold on

Cause an empty room can be so loud

Its too many tears to drown them out

So hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on

When you love someone

And they break your heart

don't give up on love

Have faith, restart

Just hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on

When the song ended, I realized that, maybe I should take it's lyrics to heart: I just needed to hold on.

Soon enough, we reached my school. I got out of the car and told the Greens goodbye. I walked from the parking lot to my locker...

…But on the way there, I was tackled.

Literally. My friend Bry tackled me. (Bry was tiny, so I didn't fall over or anything, but still)

"Ahh!" I screamed Shocked

"Stop yelling' people'll think you're weird!" Bry scolded

"Says the girl who just tackled me!"

"Details. Details." Bry said, literally waving her hand, as if to shoo away my defense.

"Any particular reason as to why you tackled me?"

"No. Not really." Bry said, walking to the lockers

"What a way to greet a girl on her fifteenth birthday!"

"Oh, is that today?" Bry asked, feigning ignorance

"Bry! Don't tell me you forgot!" I said when we reached her locker

"Never! I actually got you the best gift ever!" She said happily, doing the combination to her lock

"I'll see it when I believe it." I said skeptically as Bry opened her locker

"Then, guess who's gunna be a believer!" Bry said, smiling, a she wave some pieces of paper in front of my face.

"What are those?" I asked, as Bry kept waving the papers

"Your birthday present!!"

"Yay, pieces of paper: What I've always wanted," I said sarcastically, "You shouldn't have"

"Just look more at them more closely!" The girl said, shoving the papers in my face

I blinked, and let my eyes focus on them

"They're tickets" I stated, looking that the pieces of paper.

"Not just any tickets…" Bree said, as I took an even closer look.

"Oh. My. God." Was all I could say when I realized what they were.

Bry squealed in delight

"You got me Jonas Brothers Tickets!?" I asked, happy/shocked

"Yup!" Bry confirmed

Now, this might not seem like a huge thing, but, it was. I was obsessed with the Jonas Brothers. (Although, the obsewsion had only developed recently, it was an obsession none the less.)

"Bry, I love you!... In a totally, not-gay, way" I told my best friend

"Me too!!" Bry said, hugging me

"This is the best birthday gift ever" I said as I stared at the tickets, smiling

"I told you!" Bry said smiling

"This is… Awesome-Tastic" I said, for lack of a better word

"Did you just make up a word?" Bry asked

"Yes!" I exclaimed happily

"I love it!" Bry exclaimed, "From now on, whenever something's cool, It's awesome-tastic!"

"Oh, my God!" I said, still shocked by the gift.

"Did I mention the- Drum roll please- Backstage passes?!" Bry said as she pulled two passes from her locker

"B-b-ba-backstage passes?!" I stuttered out, even more stunned than before

"Now, the Concert is Next Wednesday, which is cool, because we don't have school next Thursday." Bry explained, "So, all that's left is to decide who we're going with: either my mom can drop us off or your mom can."

"But, that's not important right now!" I cried, surprised that she could even think about stuff like that, "Bry, have I told you that you're my best friend?"

"Not today"

"Well, Bry, you're my best friend! And did I mention how much I love you?"

"Yes, but, you can elaborate more if you want to…" Bry joked


"Shoot! The warning bell!"

"You gotta go to your locker?" Bry asked. That girl knew me to well.

"Yeah!..." I yelled as I ran to my locker, but then I ran back to say, "And, Bry, thanks for the gift" I hugged Bry, and ran towards my locker again.

As I hurriedly opened my locker and got my books, I couldn't help but smile. Maybe my fifteenth birthday wouldn't be so bad after all.

A/N: Look, I know, I have, like, six other stories in progress, but I had to write this. The idea wouldn't leave me alone!

PS: The Jonas Brothers are gunna appear soon enough.

PPS: I'm really sorry if this sucks or is too short, or anything like that.

End Quote: "We were signing autographs and there was this one girl and she just started crying, and we didn't know what to do. So we just sort of waved and she was crying even more. We felt so bad. We didn't know what to do." – Kevin Jonas