Saint Michael's Academy

By: Pumpkinhead1870

Boarding School, a purely corrupt way to have overly wealthy and stuck up people plaster together their children to eventually form the next generation clones of themselves. Besides this, there are a select few students who enroll in boarding schools based on high aptitude and future dreams of becoming successful. Sakura Haruno was more or less the second of these two. She was always quite witty and held high intelligent, yet felt like her life was planned out from the start. Yet, even with this feeling of imprisonment, Sakura followed all the rules and regulations set down for her.

Her middle class parents loved her dearly and only wanted the best for their only daughter, so they enrolled her in the country's most renowned private boarding school, Saint Michael's Academy. Also known by SMA, this private institution in Providence Rhode Island for girls and boys was also a catholic school, which meant strict rules, strict uniforms, and even stricter nuns and priests.

Sakura was accepted into the school with a scholarship based on her outstanding grades and high promise for future success. She wasn't very excited about leaving her lovely suburban home outside of Chicago, but complied with her family's wishes without to much trouble. She only had a slight melt down and an hour long tear fest before she soon decided that she couldn't bend her parent's decision.

Sakura only had two days to say good bye to the few friends she had in Chicago and pack for her new life in Providence, and it went by to fast for her liking. At fifteen years old, Sakura couldn't help but feel both nervous and excited about starting a new life at a brand new school. She would be entering her sophomore year of high school, and was praying that she would be able to make friends, even though she didn't start at SMA for her freshman year of high school. Sakura was mostly a very secure and confident person, but the thought of being all alone in a different environment was weighing heavily on her.

Sakura took one final look around her seemingly empty room once she finished packing, and took a deep breath. This would be the last time she was in her room until Christmas. And truthfully, this thought made her feel uneasy. She had so many memories from this room and was really going to miss it. With one last deep breath before heading out to her car to go to the airport with her parents Sakura said, "Well, this is it."