Hey you guys I have a new one for you I hope you like it! R&R I DON'T OWN HARRY POTTER!

N- During a potions accident Harry and Severus get hit with the same potion by Ron. Two weeks in the hospital wing, a mental link and matching animagus forms occur. What is in store for the Boy who crushed Voldemort and everyone's favorite potions master?


"You wanted to see me Albus?" Severus said as he stepped into the head master office.

"Ah Severus, come in my boy, come in. How are you this morning?" he asked that blasted twinkle in his eye making Severus want to slap him across his old crinkled face.

"Well let's see shall we? I woke up at dawn to see an old crackpot of a man who will not stop that damn twinkling. Twelve students have ruined my class room with there fighting."

"I spilled coffee down my shirt this morning and to top it all off I have potions next with Slythetrin and Gryffindor!" he said unconsciously pacing back and forth on the red carpet.

"Is that all Severus? Why that's nothing major, maybe there is something else that troubles you?" he asked as he twirled his long beard in his hands.

"Oh no that's just the icing on the cake there old man!" Snap said as he turned to glare at the head master.

"Do continue then." He said waving a hand to Snape.

"Potter and Malfoy won't stop fighting, Minerva is going nuts over this fall ball thing, the kids are driving me mad, Longbottom can't seem to make a right potion even if it was salt and water AND MY BROTHER IS GETTING MARRIED AND I HAVE TO BE THE ONE WHO GIVES HIM AWAY!"

"AND I HAVE TO DO THAT WITH A PARTNER AND I HAVE NO ONE TO DO THAT WITH BECAUSE IM SUCH AN ASSHOLE!" He promptly turned around and punched the wall. He winced when he heard the crunch of bones near his knuckles.

"Well now I've done it." he said as he removed his heavy robes, careful not to touch his hands and pulled a vile with clear liquid. He swallowed it on one go grimacing at the taste. Dumbledore watched as the bone and tendons in Snapes hand repaired themselves.

"Feeling better Severus?" He asked giving a knowing smile at the man as he flexes his hand. Albus could have sworn he saw a little color in the pale mans cheeks but it was gone as soon as he saw it.

"Yes actually I do. SO now that you've heard me rant what did you want?" He said sitting in the offered chair and giving the older man a steady look.

"Well I want to help." He said as he leaned over to grab one of his beloved lemon drops. Albus about split with the smile he tried to hide.

"And how may I ask are you going to help me?" he said as he gazed at the older man. Snape had no idea where this conversation had started or where it's going to end.

"Have you seen you're self in the last twelve years Severus?" Albus asked as he leaned forward and let his eyes fall in his lank hair and sober expression.

"Every day." Albus could not control the rising of his brows at the statement. Albus sat back in his chair and gazed out of his window. This task was going to be harder than he had first imagined, Severus's self confidence level was the lowest he had seen since Harry had first entered the building. And he was sad to say that Sev was worst than a young and insecure Harry.

"Now Severus there is no reason you should have any trouble with finding a date to your brothers wedding. You have a lot to work with my boy you just need to now what to do with it." He said as he picked up another lemon drop and pooped it into his mouth.

"Once again why are you telling me this? Neither you nor any other person on Merlins green earth can do anything to help me with my current situation so why do you care?" he said starting to lose his patience with the older wizard.

"Why do you think you alone at this particular point in time?" Albus said returning his gaze back to Sev.

"Because I'm a snarky, manipulative, bastard who has a heart as cold as the great lake in the middle of January." He said as he leaned his head back against his chair and looked up at the ceiling.

"That's what you think!? My, my do you have it wrong." Albus said not bother to hide his amusement from the cranky potions master.

"Oh? Well would you like to fill me in on the joke headmaster I do believe I have not had the pleasure of laughing today." Snape said as he lowered his head so he was looking at Albus, his black eyes whirling in suppressed anger.

"Let's take a look at Mr. Malfoy shall we? From what I have seen he treats people like they are all house elves but, yet both girls and boys alike fall at his feet now that is something to be admired." Albus said as he looked at a space behind Snape egging the fuming man on further.

"People think of him as a god weather he is nice or not. Severus, this world we live in is only based on the looks and appearances of other individuals. No one cares what your personality is like!" he said flinging his hands in the air. "But once you get their attention can you start to unravel yourself." He said rising to his feet as he gave the potions master a fleeting look.

"Dwell on what information I have given you Severus use it well." He said as he motioned his head for Snape to make his leave.

"Yes Albus. Good day." Snape said spinning on the ball of his feet his robes doing that billowing thing. (Which I find incredibly sexy) Severus mumbled all the way down to the dungeons Albus words echoing in his head. He turned the last corner to see Harry Potter leaning on a window seat a little ways away from his class room door.

Snape couldn't help but watch as Harry tilted his head back to rest it on the window. He had to stop himself when he raked his hands through his hair and trailed his hand down his neck to rest on his rising and falling chest.

(If you want to know what he looked like look at my avatar in my profile and imagine him on a Hogwarts window seal very hot!) The ringing of the first bell had Harry jumping to his feet and pulling on his school robes and walking towards Snape's room.

An idea came to Snape so he dove into the nearest empty class room. He quickly did a Scourgify on his self making his hair lose its greasy look. He tied it in a ponytail at the base of his neck a slightly wavy river down his back.

He took off his outter robes to reveal his silk black shirt and black pressed slaks. He trasfigured his robes into a light cloak and pulled it on leaving it open. Could you say oh my god when snape walked out of that class room and headed toward his room.

He walked up to his door and rested his forehead against it as he took a calming breathe. " I hope you know what your talking about Albus." He whispers as he pushes open his door just as the late bell rings. As he steps into the room there's a collective gasps as all eyes turn to him.

"Good afternoon."


Hey! I hope you like it! This is my first Snape and Harry fic so I hope you enjoyed it! R&R