Just Foolin' Around

Disclaimer: I don't own it. Don't sue me, I have no money.

A/N: This whole story is AU. In this timeline Donna and Kelso run away during the summer of 1977, this would have been the summer between junior and senior year. This is the story of how Jackie and Hyde got together.

I'd like to thank Zenkindoflove for being my beta. She can attest to the fact that I am a habitual comma abuser. I'm thinking about going to rehab for it, perhaps to meet up with Larry (inside joke).

Reviews are nice.


NaughtyGnome a.k.a. Jessica

March 1981

Donna sighed and huffed her way down the hallway to a door that could relieve some of the stress she was had been under for the last few weeks.

"I hate him Donna, I really really hate him. The only way this semester could be any worse if he turned out to be the Emperor."

"Eric, shut up! All I've heard all week and the entire trip back to Point Place is how you hate your advisor. We left a day early so you could get away from Madison so shut up." Donna dropped her duffle bag and went in search of Jackie's spare key.

Eric leaned against the adjacent wall and exhaled loudly, "We should have stayed at Hyde's instead of coming here to Satan's lair."

"Hyde isn't home and it looked like he hadn't been in, so we're going to Jackie's and tomorrow we'll find out where Hyde is." Donna jammed the key into the lock and tried to open the door as quietly as possible.

Eric reluctantly followed Donna into Jackie's apartment and muttered under his breath, "I wonder where Hyde is."

Donna quickly turned on the hall light and made her way to Jackie's spare room. The spare room had saved Donna many anti-Eric weekends since they went off to UW after missing the fall semester. She set her bag on the bed and went to tell Jackie that she and Eric were here. It might be 3 AM, but it's better than Jackie finding out the hard way.

Donna laughed as she remembered a time when Eric greeted her with a 'Morning Devil,' which caused Jackie to inhale her cereal and nearly choke. That had been a fun weekend. Eric laughing about almost killing Jackie. Jackie trying to kill Eric. Hyde egging Jackie on, and Donna trying to keep Jackie from actually killing Eric. Donna opened Jackie's bedroom door as quietly as possible ….


Eric had thrown his bag on Jackie's couch and noticed a beer can sitting on the coffee table. He just shrugged the peculiarity off and headed into the kitchen to get something to drink. As he walked past the bar that separated the living room from the kitchen, he saw a jacket that looked a lot like Hyde's. Perhaps if it hadn't been 3 AM or if Eric hadn't been so thirsty he might have put two and two together. Luckily for him, Donna was always good at adding so he didn't have to figure it out.

Eric was in the middle of taking a drink when he heard Donna slam a door and hiss rather loudly, "Oh my God, Hyde's in there with Jackie!"


Donna ran up to Eric and frantically pointed at Jackie's bedroom door, "Hyde is in bed with Jackie! Eric, Hyde and Jackie are in bed together!"

"OH MY GOD!" Eric suddenly added two plus two and instead of merely equaling four, it now equaled Jackie, daughter of Satan, was sleeping with his best friend! First Luke and Leia, then his evil advisor, and now this? It really was the beginning of the apocalypse.

Jackie's bedroom

Hyde had thought he'd heard a noise but it wasn't loud enough to get out of bed, so he just tightened his hold on Jackie and settled back into a nice deep sleep. He probably would have slept the rest of the night until he heard the alarm later on in the morning but a beam of light hit him right in the eye causing him to lift his head up and squint at an image that looked surprising a lot like Donna.

Then he heard the Donna like figure's gasps and realized that he wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep now. He flopped back down onto the bed and figured he might be able to get a few more minutes of sleep before Eric's girl like scream and Donna's ungodly hour demand for answers.

"Baby, what was that?"

Hyde glanced over at his sleepy bedmate and sighed, "Forman and Donna are here."

Jackie rolled over, sprawled herself on top of Hyde, slid one leg between his and muttered into his chest, "I bet she's wearing plaid."

Living Room

Donna tried to figure out exactly what had happened. When did Jackie and Hyde get together? Why hadn't she seen this? What the hell was going on?

Eric began to pace the span of the living room. He stopped every four or five steps, waved an arm into the air and continued his trek back and forth through the living room.

They both stopped their internal tirades and turned to look at the bedroom door that was slowly opening with hushed whispers from the two people who could explain what was going on. It looked as though the occupants were about to leave when the door suddenly shut.

Jackie slammed the door before Hyde could walk out of the bedroom. "Steven, take Eric out somewhere and I'll deal with Donna here."

"Jackie, it's 3 AM, where am I going to take him?"

Jackie sighed. She had to figure out everything herself, "I don't care Steven. Take him back to your apartment. I don't want to deal with his accusations and devil taunts. I'm tired and I want to go back to sleep."

"I'm not going all the way back to my place, so I'll take him into the kitchen. You take her into the guest room and we'll do it like that."

Jackie huffed and started to pout, "Steven, pwease."

Hyde gently smacked her butt, "Lets go."

"I hate you."

Hyde smiled and walked out the door, "No you don't."

Donna jumped at the chance to find out what was going on. "What the hell is going on?"

Never let it be said that she was subtle.

Eric, who wasn't that far behind rushed to stand beside Donna, waving an accusatory finger towards Jackie, "The Devil put you under some sort of spell didn't she?"

Jackie gasped in outrage, "Shut up Eric!"

Hyde grabbed Eric and started to direct him towards the kitchen, "Come, let's get a beer."

"Dude, it's 3 AM all of the bars are closed."

"Open the fridge idiot." Hyde rubbed his eyes, and Jackie led Donna into the spare bedroom. It was going to be a long night.

Spare Bedroom

As soon as Jackie shut the door, Donna started in, "Jackie, what the hell?"

With a roll of her eyes, Jackie took a seat on the bed, "God Donna, calm down. Do you want to hear the story or not?"

"Damn right I want to hear the story, so spill midget."

"Lumberjack! So remember that summer you and Michael took off for California?"

"Oh my God, you guys have been doing it since then!"

"Shut up or I'm not going to tell you the story!" Donna waved Jackie on so she could continue…

Summer 1977

"Steven, I'm bored."

Hyde continued to stare at the TV, "Then go play in traffic."

"You should be entertaining me. You know you're lucky I'm even here. I could be off working on my tan."

"Then go do that and get away from me."

Jackie huffed and sat back deeper into the couch. 'Stupid ratty old couch', Jackie huffed again.

"Stop it or I'll smother you with a pillow."

Just as Jackie was about to respond, Fez swung the basement door open, "Which one of you bitches ate my candy!"

"No one ate your candy, Fez." Jackie was a bit happier that Fez was her. She was guaranteed at least a few minutes of worship that she deserved.

"My candy is gone and that means one of you whores ate it! I demand that you replace it."

"Fezzie, I'm bored let's go the pool."

"Will I get some pool boob?"


Fez gave her a dirty look and sat down in the lawn chair, "Then I will not go with you."

"Jackie is this going anywhere?" Donna asked impatiently.

"If you would keep your giant red mouth shut, you'll see."

Aaron Maxwell's house party later that night.

"Drunken whores get ready for Fez." Fez made his statement as he walked up to the house.

Jackie and Hyde followed behind him, and Hyde quickly left the other two to go see some old friends of his. That left Jackie alone. She made her way over to some other Point Place cheerleaders that were already on their way to getting drunk.

A few hours later, Hyde was in a circle full of other stoners from Point Place when another party goer tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey man, that chick you showed up with is really trashed. You might want to get her."

Hyde shrugged him off, "Whatever man, she's a big girl. She's fine." He took another hit and passed it to the right.

"I'm just saying she's not all there man, and she's got some guy all over her."

"She's fine."

Hyde waited for the joint to make its way back to him. This party was lame but at least the weed was good. After another hit, he decided to listen to the little voice that told him he might as well go see what that guy was talking about.

Hyde made his way back to the main part of the party and looked around for Jackie and Fez. He spotted Fez talking to a potted plant. He looked drunk but okay. He continued his search for the damn annoying cheerleader he was suddenly in charge of looking after. She'd better be in trouble or he was going to be pissed.

He made his way through the rest of the party looking for Jackie. He finally found her under some drunk jock who was busy kissing down the front of her open shirt. There was a group of guys watching to see if he'd actually score with her.

"Hey man get off of her!" Hyde made his way towards the crowd who broke up quickly.

"I found her first so back off!" The jock yelled hoping to get to do it with the hot cheerleader.

Hyde pulled the guy off Jackie, "Get lost."

Jackie looked up at him, "Steven! Isn't this party great?"

"Yeah it's really great," Hyde began to button her shirt back up. As he pulled her up off the couch he let her go only to catch her as she began to fall backwards. Jackie giggled as Hyde caught her. He looked around trying to find Fez again as he scooped her up into his arms. "Let's get Fez and get out of here."

He made his way through the party with Jackie in his arms and headed towards Fez who was now propositioning the potted plant.

"You are such a tease. You will not even tell me your name." Fez laughed as the plant looked coyly away.

"Come on man. Let's go."

"Oh Hyde, I would like you to meet, what is your name dammit!"

"It's a plant man. Let's go."

Hyde was finally able to convince Fez to leave. They made their way back to the El Camino. Hyde gently tossed Jackie into the car after Fez got in.

"Hey Fezzie." Jackie giggled as she bounced her head off Fez's shoulder.

"Jackie, my goddess, are you drunk?"

"Yeah she's wasted. Let's get out of here."

After dropping Fez off, he made his way to the Burkhart mansion. He pulled into the driveway after he noticed that all of the lights were off. He pulled Jackie out and scooped her back into his arms and made his way to the door.

"I need you to get your keys out man."

Jackie felt around and started to laugh, "They're in my purse and its gone Hyde. Isn't it funny Styde? I've lost my purse."

Hyde closed his eyes, her damn purse was back in the car. He set her down and left her leaning against the wall. He looked back as he walked to his car to see her fall and start laughing as she laid there on the ground. He chuckled. She was totally trashed and it was funny. He reached into his car and got the purse and went in search of the keys. He eventually just dumped the whole thing out and found them. He stuffed everything in and headed back to the drunk who was now trying to talk to the stars.

"I'm going to call you shiny, because you're a shiny shiny star. I bet you like that name don't you."

Hyde looked up, "That's the moon, Jackie. Now give me your hands so I can pull you off the ground."

He pulled Jackie up off the ground and started to jam keys into the lock. After finding the right key he opened the door and dragged her into the house. He tried to remember which way the stairway was so he could get her into bed and go home.

Jackie laughed as she ran into a table and then shushed him, "Be quiet Steven, we don't want to wake up the house."

"Jackie I don't think anybody's home. Nobody's home right?" Hyde was not in the mood to explain to a councilman why he was dragging his drunk and staggering daughter in so late.

"Nope, I'm all alone. They've all gone somewhere and they won't be back for awhile. Aww, now I'm sad. I don't like being sad Steven. Do something that will make me happy."

Hyde ignored her and started towards the stairs but was being slowed by a pouting Jackie.

"Steven, do something that will make me happy again! Do it now!"

Hyde sighed, "Fine, Forman's a dumbass. There, let's get you up those stairs."

Jackie stopped walking all together, "That's not funny. That's the truth! Funny, Steven, funny!"

Hyde sighed and stopped, "Alright, so Fez was hitting on a plant at the party. He was mad because it wouldn't tell him its name."

Jackie began to laugh hysterically, "Steven that's so funny. I can't believe you told me that."

"You made me!"

"Shh…I think the stairs are looking at us."

"Oh for fuck's sake." Hyde just swung Jackie back into his arms and carried her the rest of the way up. He kicked her door open more so he could put her down and get the hell out of the house. He put her in her bed and started for the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Home. Go to sleep."

"No, stay. I'm so lonely here."


"Please. I don't want to be here all by myself."

Hyde watched as Jackie started to cry. He hated it when women cried and especially so when she did. So he kicked off his boots and started to lie down.

"We are never speaking of this."

Jackie threw herself over him and wrapped her arms around him. "Thank you."


"I love you."

"I hate you."

Jackie rubbed her nose into his shirt, "No you don't."

"Go to sleep."

Eric stared open mouthed at Hyde as he finished telling the beginning of how he and Jackie eventually hooked up.

"Yeah so then I woke up the next morning to her drooling on my chest and it just kinda started up from there."

"I literally don't know what to say. But that still leaves a lot of questions Hyde, like why you're in her bed tonight?"

Hyde shrugged, "This bed is more comfortable than mine. We like it better here."


"Okay how about we finish this tomorrow. I want to go back to sleep and Jackie has to work in the morning."

Eric shook his head, "No way man, I want to know exactly how you and the devil got together."

"Look we started fooling around and eventually you guys caught on." Hyde got up drank the rest of his beer and headed out of the kitchen to go get Jackie so he could go back to sleep.

"I want details Hyde!"

"Details? What are you some kind of sick freak. I'll finish telling you tomorrow."

Hyde opened the door to find Jackie and Donna sitting on the bed and motioned for Jackie to go back to bed.

"Donna, I'll tell you the rest tomorrow." Jackie got up and headed into the master bedroom.

"You will tell us the rest of it tomorrow, Hyde." Donna began to turn down the blankets.


Eric walked into the guest room, "You two have thrown off the whole dynamics of the group."

"Get bent." Hyde said as he walked into the bedroom and slammed the door behind him.