"Ash!" I yelled, jumping off the bed. Too fast. I wobbled a little and fell over. He caught me in his arms and helped me up. The woman said, "Be careful, Katherine. You're just waking up, dear." She then picked up a clipboard and lifted up a page. She turned to me and said, "I have to go. Will you be alright, dear?" She was addressing the question to me. I nodded my head and she walked out the door.

There was an awkward silence between us. Ash sat on the bed and I sat next to him. I looked at him, wondering if he was mad at me. Did I do something wrong? Then, he turned to me, a large smile on his face. He said, "I'm glad you're ok." Shocked, I decided to smile back. I asked, "So, you guys are staying here too?" Ash nodded his head and replied, "We actually just got here. Turns out, we saved the manager's Luxray, so he gave us a free room!" I forced a smile, and tried to say excitedly, "That's great, Ash!"

I felt despair. I don't know why, I just did. I looked at him and asked, "Have you seen Paul?" Ash's warm smile disappeared, and he nodded his head. I smiled, but he said, "Actually, Katherine, there's something I needed to talk to you. About Paul." Oh no. Was he alright? Was Paul hurt?

I waited impatiently, but no answer came. Ash then turned away from me and said, "Never mind." I moved so I was face to face with him. I looked in his eyes, and saw sorrow. I asked, "Is something wrong? Did something happen? Tell me, Ash." He said, "Everything's fine. I promise." He sounded like he was telling the truth, but I thought I heard a hint of regret in his voice.

I turned my head away from his sorrowful one. I wondered what was wrong with him. Was it me? Did something happen to the group? Was anybody mad at me? Was anybody mad at him? Wait, why would anybody be mad at him? I laughed quietly at my last question. I then heard, "Katherine?"

I turned around and saw that his face was dangerously close to mine. I felt all my blood rush to my face. Then, the door started to open, and Ash moved away from my face. I looked towards the now opened door and saw Paul! I jumped off the bed immediately, before he could even see me, and rushed into his arms. I held him tightly and he squeezed me, tightly, but gently.

He finally spoke. He asked, "Are you feeling alright?" I looked at his face, and he was smiling sweetly at me. I returned the smile, although I don't think I could ever get it like his. I nodded my head. He smiled even better and said, "That's great."

I leaned on my feet, trying to reach his face. I never realized he was actually a little taller than me. He leaned closer to me, and our lips met. He moved them sweetly across mine. I never felt him kiss like this before. I liked it though.

I then shuddered. I felt cold. I took my lips off of Paul's and looked around. He looked at me and asked, "What's wrong?" I looked around the room, expecting to see something. I replied, "I don't know." I then felt another shiver fall down my spine. Why was I feeling this?

I then saw something shimmer in a white corner. I walked over to it, slowly. I heard Paul ask, "What are you doing?" He didn't sound so sweet. I continued to walk toward the corner, toward the shimmer.

As I got closer, I felt colder. I shivered more, now resulting to rubbing my arms with my hands. I then saw a light blue fire with a white center. I winced back, as if I was in pain, but felt nothing but coldness. I then reached out to touch the fire. I heard Paul and Ash scream, "NO!" I ignored them. I finally touched the fire.

Then, everything went black. I turned around and both Ash and Paul were gone. Along with the room! I looked around, panicking. I was scared. What had happened? I then saw the blue fire. It then started to change. It started to take a shape. I started to back up. What was I to do? Where was I? What is that?

I then widened my eyes. I saw that the fire had changed into a pokemon. A pokemon I had seen one too many times in my world, and dreamt nightmares of it. Darkrai. I was staring at Darkrai, the pokemon of nightmares and shadows. I started to back away even more. I heard the pokemon make a growl like noise. I then realized it was a laugh.

It floated towards me, and, shockingly, in mere seconds, it was in front of me. I shuddered, unable to do anything out of fear. It then held out its cold arm, and placed its' cold, I think it was, hand on top of my head. I then saw a dark energy flow through his arm, and then to its hand.

I then felt unimaginable pain. I screamed out of human instincts. I heard the same growling laugh as before and more energy came to it. I screamed louder, and fell to the ground, my face touching its cold surface.

I couldn't move. I wanted to move. Where was I? I then saw Darkrai appear in my face. He held out his hand in front of my face, and I heard him growl, "Shadow pulse." I then saw dark black and purple energy form in the palm of his hand. If I didn't feel so week I would've widened my eyes, but I couldn't.

I screamed, "NO!" "Katherine, wake up! Please! You're having a nightmare!" I then shot my eyes open to see Paul, staring at me, concerned. I looked around and noticed we were in the hotel room. I sat up, looked out the window, and saw the bright moon. It was at its half point. I looked at Paul. Before I could actually see him, I was embraced into his arms. I looked at him, and he asked, "Are you alright?" I nodded my head, not knowing what to say.

I then saw the flute out of the corner of my backpack. I thought of Dimundo. I looked at Paul and said, "Paul, I'm going outside." He looked into my eyes and said, "I'll come with you." I shook my head and replied, "No, stay here. I'm going to call Dimundo, and talk to him." I saw him frown. I touched his cheek with my left hand and said, "But when I come back, we'll have 'us' time, okay?" That did it. He smiled and said, "Alright. No matter how late?" I smiled and replied, "No matter how late." I kissed his cheek, and got out of his arms. I walked over to my bag and got the flute. I then walked out the hotel 'house' and outside.

I looked around and saw a small path to a forest. I ran over to that area. I ran until I saw the moonlight in a clearing. It was a small area. Not too small, though, for Dimundo. I sat on the cool grass. It felt slightly wet beneath me. I then chipped off a piece of the Adamant Orb and placed it into the flute, and began to play 'Lugia's Song'.

Nothing. A soft breeze came through as I stood up, disappointed. "Leaving? But I just got here." I gasped and turned around. There enough was Dimundo. He looked extremely beautiful in the moonlight, his ancient markings glowing beautifully. He bent his neck down as I ran towards him, flinging my arms around his neck. He rubbed his face gently onto mine, as I said, "It's good to see you again, Dimundo." He said, gently, "It's good to see you again too, Master."

He then lied on his legs and I sat down next to him. He said, "It hasn't been that long, but it has felt like an eternity since I last saw you." I looked up at the moon saying, "Same here, Dimundo. Same here." He looked at me and asked, "Is everything alright?" I kept staring at the moon. I then told him about the vision on the diving board and the dream of Darkrai. He spoke, "I don't know about the dream, but the vision is expectable. You are wearing the amulet of the Time Being." I heard a growl come from his chest, and I realized it was his laugh. It sounded magnificent.

He said, "It's not quite normal, yet, no human has ever worn the Orb before so there's no telling what the side effects are. Seeing the past, someone's present, or the distant future." I noticed it was getting late. Paul. I stood up and said, "It was great seeing you, Dimundo." He stood up and asked, "Leaving so soon?" I replied, "I have to get back to Paul. I promised I would spend time with him tonight. Is that alright?" Dimundo growled 'laughed' again. I loved the sound, and could get used to it. He nodded and said, "Quite acceptable, but…"

I looked at him. He smiled and said, "I have to give you something that you must give to him." He turned to his back and I waited patiently. He then pulled out a giant, pink jewel on a necklace string. I recognized it as the Lustrous Orb. The amulet of the Space Being. I looked at Dimundo, confused. He smiled and said, "My brother, after he saw the courage you showed at Spear Pillar, he decided to trust humans, and not only that, he decided to befriend one. He decided he wanted to try Paul, since he hung with you more than anyone.

Neither Brother nor I know what the side affects might be, so be careful. If he wants to see him, just tell him to chip of a piece of the Orb, and you place it in the flute and play your song." I was then reminded of something. I held the Adamant Orb in my middle and index finger, twirling it around in them. "Dimundo," I started, "There's something I've been meaning to ask you." He waited patiently for me to continue. I asked, "Won't the Orbs be used up if I keep getting chips off of them?" Dimundo then barked laughter. He explained, "The Orbs regenerate themselves, so there's nothing to worry about." I smiled and said, "Well I bet's get back to Paul." Dimundo bent down and said, "Hop on. I'll take you." I jumped on his back, and he raced of into the cool night air.

In mere seconds I was at our door. He set me down gently, rubbed his face against my cheek, and then he was off. I walked in to see the lights turned off. I saw PichuPichu and Blicic curled up next to each other on a mattress on the floor. I looked at the bed to see Paul fast asleep. I turned to a nearby clock and it read: 2:48 AM. I felt sad. No time with Paul.

I decided to quickly change into my silk pajamas and hop into bed. I did so in less than 5 minutes. I took the Lustrous Orb with me and climbed into bed, placing the flute on a nightstand next to me. I then turned from Paul's back and tried to fall asleep.

I then felt the bed sink in, and movement. I then felt hands rub my back. I then felt his warm breath in my ear, whisper, "You were out late." I heard a smirk in his voice. I smiled and reached for his arm, but he stopped me. He said, "Let's not get to rowdy. You need your sleep." I smiled. I then picked up his Orb, and handed it to him. He reluctantly took it and he asked, "What's this for?" I said, "Palkia. He wants you to be his 'friend', or as he would say, partner."

Silence was then welcomed. I asked, "Did you put it on?" He said nothing at first, and then he replied, "Yes." I then felt his lips on the back of my neck and he whispered, "Goodnight. I love you." I smiled and said, "I love you too." And then I gently fell asleep, where I dreamed.

I was in the middle of another dark room. I heard a low rumble and turned around to face Giratina and Darkrai. I saw a stone made chair, and a figure with black robs sitting in it. I saw the figure snap his fingers, and instantly, Darkrai was dragging me to him.

I woke up. It had felt like I hadn't slept long. "Glad you're awake." My eyes widened and I turned around. I gasped. "What the hell?" I turned to see Darkrai, Giratina, and the hooded figure. It said, "So glad you could join the Death Pokemon's Lair, Katherine."

What's going on? How did I get here? Everything will be revealed in the next chapter so make sure you're there. I got third place in my poetry contest and will compete in the state competition in May. R&R plez. Buh bye!