Meanwhile, back downstairs, the sisters heard the sudden crash from upstairs and had only one thought fly into their minds: a demon attack.
"What was that?" Piper asked.
"I'm not sure," said Phoebe, "but I have a feeling I know what it is." At that the sisters ran up the stairs to check up on the Evans twins, hoping that their suspicions as to the source of the crash were wrong.
"Ryan," Sharpay shrieked, "why did you do that?"
Ryan was silent. He didn't know what just happened. One minute he was feeling calm and collected and the next he was throwing a lamp at the wall in a fit of rage. What did this all mean?
"I don't know," he said after a long pause. "One minute I was unpacking your things, and then the next I suddenly felt very angry. It's as if my emotions changed in an instant."
"Ryan," Sharpay said, "don't you think this is one of your powers? I mean, you were saying earlier that I was reading your mind. Maybe your power is to read people's emotions. You probably read my emotions, since I was angry just a second ago when I was thinking about thoseā¦things that killed mom and dad."
"You may be right Sharpay. I mean, one of the women, Phoebe I think her name was, was saying something about how she was an empath. She was able to read people's emotions and know what they were feeling. I guess maybe I'm an empath too."
Just as Ryan was coming to the realization that he was coming into his powers, the door was suddenly flung open and in stormed the Charmed Ones followed by Piper's oldest son, Wyatt.
"Is everything alright? Are you guys okay?" Piper asked.
"Yeah," Ryan replied, "we're alright. Something came over me and I threw that lamp into the wall. I'm really sorry about that."
"Ryan," Phoebe said, "what exactly happened? Why did you throw the lamp?"
"Well," Sharpay said, "I think Ryan and I are figuring out what our powers are. Just a second ago I think he was reading my emotions and channeling my anger, and earlier I was hearing his thoughts in my head."
Paige sighed. "Well it looks like we're going to have to do those tests today since they're coming into their powers sooner than we thought. Wyatt, why don't you orb over to Magic School, fill your dad in on what's going on, and bring him over here. I'm sure Leo can help us out with thinking of ways to test for certain powers." Wyatt nodded and orbed off. "Well," Paige continued, "I guess I'll go downstairs and get everything ready as best as I can." With that, Paige left the room to prepare for the tests to come.
"And I guess I'll go call Chris just in case we need him around." Piper said.
"Oh, yeah, about Chris," Phoebe said a bit nervously.
Piper sighed. "What's going on with him now?"
"Well he didn't want to bother you with it since he said he could handle it, but he's down in the Underworld right now."
"What's he doing there by himself? I told him that whenever he goes down to the Underworld to tell us so that we can go with him."
"Well Piper, he's an adult now. He didn't want to bother you with it since he knew how busy you were running the club and the restaurant. Besides, Chris is powerful enough to handle things on his own."
Piper sighed. "That still doesn't let him off the hook. He should have at least told me, that way I can know where to look if he suddenly goes missing or if he gets hurts and needs my help. Chris you better get your ass up here right now. I know where you are." At Piper's command a swirl of orbs appeared in the middle of the room, forming into the body of Chris, Piper's middle child.
"Mom, I was just about to vanquish a demon. This better be important." Chris said.
"You bet this is important. How can you just orb down to the Underworld and kill random demons without telling me. You know how much I worry about that."
Sharpay, who was now sitting on the bed, was trying her best to ignore the mother and son argument that was going on, when she suddenly heard Ryan's voice inside of her head again. 'Oh my,' it said, 'he is definitely very attractive. I wonder if he's the guy I'm gonna room with? I sure hope so.'
"Ryan," Sharpay said, "please try and keep your lusty thoughts about our hosts to yourself."
Ryan sighed. "Sharpay this can't go on. You have to stop reading my thoughts. How am I supposed to have any privacy with you reading my thoughts?"
"Well maybe if you just had normal thoughts like everyone else, then your thoughts wouldn't bother me as much. Ever think of that Ryan?"
"Sharpay, I can't help it if he's attractive. This is why my thoughts are supposed to be private. This whole, 'Oh I can read your thoughts', situation is a little intrusive."
"What are you two talking about?" Phoebe asked.
Ryan blushed. Were they listening to their conversation the entire time? It's true that Sharpay can communicate telepathically, but that doesn't mean Ryan can. He has to talk out loud, and wasn't exactly whispering to Sharpay either. "Oh, nothing in particular. We were just having a small conversation about Sharpay keeping her nose out of my thoughts."
"Well I can't help it if you keep bringing up thoughts of sexy men Ryan." Sharpay said.
"I'm sorry?" Chris asked.
If Ryan's blushing wasn't obvious, it definitely was now. Ryan was so red that his head looked like a giant tomato head. "It's nothing really. So why don't we just forget about all this and go on to what we were talking about earlier."
Chris looked at his mom. "Who are they and what are they doing in the house?"
Sharpay smiled. "Well hello to you too," she said, sarcastically.
Chris glared at the sarcastic blonde and then moved his eyes over to her brother. Ryan felt Chris staring at him and looked up, meeting his eyes with Chris'. Ryan smiled.
"Well Chris," Piper said, "this is Ryan and that's his twin sister Sharpay. They're going to be staying with us for a while, or at least until we figure out who's after them. I hope you don't mind sharing your room with Ryan."
Chris' eyes never left Ryan's as he responded to his mother. "Yeah, I don't mind sharing a room with him." He smiled.
"Well," Phoebe said, noticing the connection the two boys were having "let's go downstairs. I'm sure Paige got everything ready and they're all waiting for us."
The two sisters, followed by Sharpay, left the room and headed down the stairs, leaving only Ryan and Chris in the room. The two boys were still staring at each other, each one not planning on looking elsewhere anytime soon.
Finally the silence was too much for Ryan and the stare was getting to be a little uncomfortable. He broke it and looked down at his feet, blushing as he did so. "So I hope you don't mind me staying in your room. I'm really quiet and I don't need as much space as my sister. You won't even know I'm there, I promise."
Chris smiled. "It's alright, really. I don't mind it all."
Ryan looked up and noticed that Chris was standing right in front of him now. He couldn't help but blush even more. "Well as long as you don't, uh, mind. I guess it's, uh, alright."
Chris smiled and walked forward, his face right in front of Ryan's. Ryan felt uncomfortable, but he couldn't pull away. It's not that he couldn't, but maybe perhaps he didn't want to pull away. Ryan's face was a deep red, considering he was blushing madly at the closeness between him and Chris. "Uh, Chris? I think we should go downstairs with the others."
At that Ryan left Chris and followed the others down the stairs. Chris remained in the room, his eyes following Ryan as he left. Chris smiled. "Well, this is going to be interesting."
A/N: I'm so terribly sorry for not updating in so long. I took a hiatus from fanfiction, and writing in general. My mind has been so scattered and busy; I haven't really had the time or energy to write. Fear not, for I have made it my mission to update as frequently as possible. No more year long updates. Please bear with me, and thank you for reading!