Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Chapter 10

"Is she coming…or…?" Sasuke's face was that of a worried hen. It was comical to think that the Uchiha Sasuke would think a girl would reject him.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his onyx eyes, Sasuke saw a white figure.

A beautiful, slight white figure was heading up the path. She had midnight blue hair. That was all Sasuke needed to make his (supposed stone cold) heart race.

Sasuke took in a sharp breath. He smooth-end out his raven hair nervously. Never before had Hinata looked so…so stunning.

"He's there!" Hinata squealed quietly to herself, just a few steps away from her 'stranger'.

When she finally closed in the space between them, there was silence.

"Ah crap. What should I do? Bow, hi, yes I wrote those corny letters?!"Sasuke was freaking out mentally.

Suddenly, Hinata giggled softly.

"What?" Sasuke asked, his deep voice sounding unusually kind.

" I just can't believe…" Hinata gasped, her face a pretty pink. " I just can't believe you were my 'stranger'!"

Sasuke chuckled in response. " Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

Hinata shook her head, shaking. " It's just that you always seemed so cold and heartless in a way…" Hinata trailed off, still giggling loudly. Score one for Hinata!

Sasuke's eyebrow twitched. "Ouch...That took a big blow on my self-esteem Hinata."

Without really registering what she was doing, Hinata took Sasuke's hand in her own and stared at him with big sad puppy eyes.

"I'm sorry…but you gotta admit, it is true." Hinata smiled, showing her perfect straight white teeth.

Sasuke's heart was racing. " So…so cute."

"C'mon," Sasuke tugged at Hinata's small hand gently. " Let's go for a walk."

Hinata's smile widened, her eyes big with an emotion Sasuke couldn't place. " This is fun!"

"Sure!" Bursting with enthusiasm, Hinata rushed down the road, towing a bewildered Uchiha behind her.

Hinata and Sasuke walked around the shops for around an hour before Hinata finally decided to go to the ice cream parlour. It was a hot day after all.

"I'll pay." Sasuke offered, taking out his wallet…well it wasn't exactly an offer, more like a demand. Meh. Who lets girls pay for themselves on a date anyways?

Hinata nodded, placing her wallet back inside her handbag. Trust Sasuke to act all gentlenman-ly.

After Sasuke had bought 2 ice cream cones, he and Hinata left the parlour. Hinata had decided it would be much nicer to eat their ice cream outside than inside.

"So." Hinata said, as she licked her chocolate ice cream. " I was wondering…"

"Yeah?" Sasuke bit into his own ice cream, his left hand still entwined with Hinata's right one...but she didn't know.

"Well…you know, people usually sign off anonymous letters with anonymous, but you used 'stranger'…why?" Hinata looked up at Sasuke curiously.

Sasuke laughed. Talking with Hinata was so easy…it was like breathing. A thing that came to him naturally.

"I used stranger because, well, anonymous is a long word and annoying to write…and partly because 'stranger' also starts with an 'S'."

"Oh!" Hinata gasped in surprise. " Like Sasuke!"

…She's slow today isn't she?

"Yeah." Sasuke grinned.

"Mmmm…" Hinata turned away to look at the trees. "Sasuke has such a nice side to him…why doesn't he show it more? Being with him is actually enjoyable…"

Sasuke, misunderstanding why she looked so thoughtful started to talk. " If you're wondering why I used letters instead of e-mails, it's just that there's an e-mail address and letters seem more…" Sasuke struggled to get the word out. " More romantic." He looked away, flushing.

Hinata giggled for the 5th time that day. " I wasn't wondering about that…but I was curious! I can't believe you have a romantic side to you too!"

"Too?" Sasuke questioned the laughing Hyuuga.

"Yeah, first a nice side and now romantic…what else are you going to surprise me with?" Hinata asked, her grip on Sasuke's hand tightening.

Sasuke didn't realize it had gotten so late. "6:00 already…" he murmured under his breath.

"You have to go?" Hinata had heard him.

Sasuke looked away. "Yeah…unfortunately."

" I…I don't want this to end." Hinata said, her bottom lip quivering. Her expression was so depressed that Sasuke actually felt his heart breaking his heart into tiny little pieces. Yes...she had used her ultimate Tenten-destroyer face...but now it was also a Sasuke-destroyer.

"She looks so sad...what can I do...oh."Sasuke smirked, looking suddenly like the Sasuke we all know and love...not. " I know..."

"Come here." Sasuke beckoned to Hinata, pulling her closer to him. He tilted her head up with his pinky finger and, slowly, he brought his lips to hers.

It took Hinata a second to react to what was happening.

"He's…he's going to kiss me!" Hinata thought, panicking. " Oh no! My breath, does it smell bad?! The chocolate! Oh no! Not now!"

"Her lips are so pretty...so pink and full..."Sasuke thought, gradually closing the space between them.

Finally leaning in, Sasuke's lips touched Hinata's for a second. It was brief, but sweet. Hinata's breath hitched considerably.

Pulling the smaller girl even closer to him, Sasuke hugged her protectively, burying his head in her hair.

"Mmmm…" He groaned suddenly.

Hinata's mind exploded. She turned, still in Sasuke's arms and faced the said boy. She looked freaked. " What's wrong?!" I do smell!!

"You hair…it smells like chocolate. So good…" Hinata felt Sasuke's lips leaving butterfly kisses all over her head. She tried her best to concentrate. Sasuke was so good at getting her to feel...helpless.

"Well, it was your present to me after all and...ano, it's getting late now so we both h-have to go home." She rambled on, trying to sound firm. Sasuke smirked again. She was just too cute.

Using all her force, Hinata managed to shove Sasuke a good one foot away from her...impressive...

Sasuke laughed, the sound so warm that it made Hinata smile by just hearing it. " I guess you're right." He took Hinata's hands in his one last time before turning around to leave.

" I'll see you tomorrow?" He called out, behind his shoulder. It was more like a question than a statement.

But Hinata didn't reply. Instead she was looking in shock at her hand. It had felt right…Sasuke's hand felt so right on hers…and she just realized that they had been holding hands for nearly the entire date.

Wondering why he didn't get a response from the girl, Sasuke looked back. He grinned when he saw her, then he kept on walking.

Realizing she had spaced out into a daze, Hinata's head snapped back up and she punched herself mentally. IDIOT!!

"Shit! Where is he?!' Hinata exclaimed, mostly to herself.

Looking up frantically, Hinata shouted to no one in particular. " I love you!" And I mean it.

Sasuke, a fair distance away from the girl, closed his eyes and smiled in bliss.

Next Day…

"Hinata! Go check the mail!" Hiashi ordered his daughter in a somewhat fatherly way. He was talking with a mouth full of scrambled eggs " The news is very important these days you know?" He was referring to the newspaper…his expression was so funny that Hinata nodded, not daring to open her mouth. She was scared she would suddenly burst out laughing.

Hanabi muffled her laughter while Neji looked at his cousin apologetically. Your father is so weird, he was projecting with his eyes.

Still trying hard not to giggle, Hinata got up from her chair gracefully and walked outside. The warm air and the smell of fresh pine trees greeted her. Hinata smiled. This day was so nice…or was it?

Sticking her hand inside the mailbox, Hinata gasped. That paper…the soft, flimsy feel to it felt so familiar…but it couldn't be…could it? I mean, she already met him and…

Rushing, Hinata shrugged her hand back out of the mailbox and…it was. It was a lavender envelope…with her name on it.

Her heart beating madly, Hinata sat on one of the many benches on her front lawn. She opened the envelope slowly, and took the letter out. It was short, but that didn't matter to her.

Hinata's pale eyes were wide with anticipation as she started to read...

Dearest Hinata,

I love you too.

Love always,



Sorry...that was pretty sappy wasn't it? But you know, it began with a letter so it ends with a letter.

I hope you liked the ending!

Please read and review! :)

And a HUGE thank you to all my faithful reveiwers...you guys kept me going. I was on the verge of deleting this story on the 4th chapter, but look! Now it's the ending! I love you guys!

A big Hinata & Sasuke plushie for EVERYONE!!