Omg. It 4:09 in morning and I just wrote a short chappie for my other story "Memoirs Of Lizzy" sequel to "Within the Shadows". That's called subliminal messaging. A subtle wink way to get you interested in reading my other stories. Lol.

Okayyyyyy! Here you go!!

Everything from last night was a blur. Pictures and conversations blended together like a child's artwork. Was Bella really alive? What was this about vampires? What did this all mean? I decided to best way to clear my mind was to meditate. Not quite feeling up to getting up, I rolled myself out of bed. Gently lowering myself to the floor I felt my stomach rumble. Okay, breakfast first.

On my way downstairs I felt uneasy. Not quite like someone was watching me more like danger was present. Stopping on the bottom of my steps I scanned my living room. Slowly I let my eyes glance over the portraits of a younger me, and our small television. I smiled as I glanced over the macaroni picture frame I made so long ago. Nothing seemed to be abnormal.

I was and then again not satisfied with my results. Glad because I didn't want any trouble to come my way. Then not for now I felt like I was just being paranoid for no reason. I continued my venture to the kitchen in search of food. I opened that refrigerator to find just milk and sliced cheese. I then walked to the pantry to find mostly dinner goods and a box of frosted flakes. I certainly had to go shopping.

Mom was busy a lot lately. Working a lot of overtime trying to save up for college. I really didn't need the money. I was going to college that much I was sure of but being the Granddaughter of such a famous witch has its perks. This hardly seemed fair to me, but I just decided to think of it as being already accepted. No need to get into detail.

I chewed slowly as if chewing any slower would put my brain in check. No luck. As I ate my thoughts continued to run rampid in my head. Bella was alive. That one I was sure of. No matter how much I missed her, I couldn't think that one up. Vampires? Wow. If there were vampires what about the other fairy tale creatures. Why haven't I ever read a book about vampires? I made a mental note to look in the library.

I felt as if I was missing something. I tried to tie Bella into the Caponelli's visit, but nothing seemed to make since. Why did they ask about her? How strong was Bella's blood lust? And could I be friends with someone who may want to bite me?

Obviously, my chewing method was even more of a failure. I found myself with a half soggy bowl of cereal. Instead, I drunk the milk before dumping the rest and washing out my bowl.

My bath water ran as I spoke the words that opened my sanctuary. This place truly was that. It gave me a place to think. A place to calm myself and separate from the insanity of the outside world. Within these walls I am safe.

"Luce." I commanded. Within seconds the room was alit. I walked over to the table on which the big book lay. I wasn't sure what to ask of it. Did I request fairy tales? Legends? I decided to simply go with Vampires.

"Vampiri." The book flew open so fast that the small amount of dust that were on the pages got caught in my throat. Most where rumors of sightings from the elders. I'm not sure how long I was sitting there before I found something of use. Some say that we have some sort of pack with them. An agreement to disregard each others existence in it entirety. That through the hundred of thousand of years that we have exisited Vampires have as well. Only the authorities of both societies are supposed to know of this treaty. This mostly believed to be just another rumor, but this rumor I knew had to hold some truth. It was the only explanation to why I was never educated on them. How could two entire species act as if the other didn't exist? I would have thought that knowledge on both parts would mean the forming of an alliance.

This difference between the two meant something more. How would my friendship with Bella fair? This question was something that I worried about, but I couldn't dawn on this one for long. For a far more serious question came to mind. What was the real reason behind the Caponelli's visit?

You guys have no idea how hard it was for me to write that short chapter. I've been working on it for quite some time now. I kept starting over. I just COULDN'T get Angela's voice. At least the way I picture it. Okay, so I'm going to try and work off this writers block and attempt to start the next chapter.

Please, be patient with me.

Your loyal,

Bella Sparkled