A/N: Back with number three, I know the excitement hasn't come yet but trust me, I'm as anxious as you guys are. Soon enough though...

Disclaimer: Thou shall never own Naruto...for thee belongs to another... -cries dramatically-

Chapter Three: A heart of Gold


"Hey Hinata!" Ino grinned, it was Monday morning and the two young ladies were heading to school. They both attended St. Konoha High school, and Ino usually waited for Hinata in front of her gate. Hinata stepped onto the compound her black shoes tacking the cement path. Ino threw her arm onto Hinata's shoulder.

"Good morning Ino-chan." Hinata smiled, holding onto her brown nap sac. She examined her blond friend. It amazed her that the Principal of their school never commented on Ino's interpretation of the uniform. Unlike her, Ino wore her plaid skirt above her knees, around mid thigh. She tied the school sweater around her waist and always made sure to leave at least two buttons undone on her collared white shirt. Hinata only laughed to herself, because Ino always complained about how guys just would randomly hit on her.

"School is so boring!" Ino yawned, as she stretched, they were already on their way. They did usually walk, it was faster and just great excercise.

"So are you okay about yesterday?" Ino asked, concerned for Hinata. In response Hinata nodded, not wanting to bring burden onto Ino's care free life. It was true, Ino did not take school seriously. Her dream was to be a manager of a famous band or to be a fabulous model. It wasn't going to be to hard to fulfill those dreams, Ino was beautiful and strong-willed. Hinata's dream was make her father proud and to do that, she had to take school very seriously. She needed education if she wanted to inherit the family co-operation. Though a part of her, didn't want that but of course that was the part Hinata always shooed away. She knew that sort of life was boring dull, just like her. At times she envied Ino. She had long blond hair, and gorgeous blue eyes. But Hinata was stuck with a bobbed haircut, she was not allowed to grow it long and she didn't know why. Every month her father ordered a servant to cut her hair, the exact same way. For at least 8 years Hinata as had this hair style.

The worst thing though, was her white eyes. Yes, the reason for the constant teasing and name calling when she was younger. Any where she turned, someone would at least mention something about her eyes. Hinata became insecure at this time, she even went into a weird phase of where she always wore sunglasses. (Including in the winter) Just to hide them from people. But she also knows if it wasn't for her eyes, she would have never met her best friend in the entire world.

Flashback time

"Look at her, she's going to cry." A boy said, making the motion with his hands, as he held them up to his eyes. "She is such a freak! My daddy told me, their family was cursed and that's why their eyes are like that." another boy with brown hair said. Hinata was sitting in the sand box, tears falling down her face. Those boys were there everyday, and they always picked on her.

"L-L-Leave me a-a-alone." Hinata hiccuped, her throat getting tired of yelling. "What an ugly girl, I thought she was boy." The boy with the brown hair laughed. "Yeah, Girls are suppose to have pretty long hair." The other boy nodded.

"I-I-I, d-did have l-l-long hair, but I g-g-got it cut." Hinata cried, trying to defend herself. "Whatever." The boys laughed, as one of them kicked sand onto Hinata's white dress. Some grains got into her face, and she coughed, her eyes stinging from the sand. The servant who brought her to the park was no where in sight, probably enjoying the outside.

"Hey, the only thing ugly here, is you two!" A voice shouted from the behind the boys. "Ino-chan?" One of them asked. "Yeah, so you better leave her alone!" Ino threatened them, standiing her ground. The four yr.old blond had shorter hair, just up to her shoulders.

"Or else what?" One of them asked, turning to her. Ino was about to say something but stopped. What was she going to do? She looked around, but found her answer on something on the ground. She picked it up and threw at the boy's head, smack on the forehead, which caused his him to fall down. He then began to cry.

"I'm telling on you!" The other boy said, before they ran off. Ino sighed, relieved they were gone. She walked towards the crying girl, who still had her face in her hands.

"Those two are just idiots! Here, let me help." Ino said as she pulled Hinata arms down. She took her water bottle and used the water to wash Hinata's face. "Is that better?" She asked, smiling. Hinata blinked a few times before nodding.

"I'm Ino by the way, nice to meet." She said holding out her hand. Hinata didn't know whether to take it or go look for the servant who left her. "I'm Hinata Hyuuga." Hinata smiled softly shaking her hand.

"You have pretty eyes!" Ino said clasping her hands together, stars in her eyes. Hinata was taken back. "Really?" She asked.

"Yep!" Ino nodded. "Hey, do you want to come play with me and Shikamaru. He has his friend Chouji there, but these boys are nice." Ino assured taking Hinata's hand, as she led her to the jungle gym."

Flash back time

"Hello? Earth to Hinata?" Ino said, waving her hands in front of Hinata's face. Snapping out of her memory she turned to Ino.

"Nice to see you not daydreaming, probably thinking about Naruto-kun." Ino laughed. Hinata blushed furiously.

"Maybe shirtless, with whip cream on his stomach." Ino joked again, causing Hinata to bury her red face in her hands. "Ino-chan!" Hinata gasped, at Ino's descriptive portrait of her celebrity crush Naruto. They finally reached the school.


"Thanks guys, for leaving me with your shifts." Shikamaru yawned, as he laid his head onto his desk.

"No problem Shika-kun." Ino smiled waving her hand up and down.

"We're sorry Shikamaru-kun, I feel kind of bad now." Hinata smiiled, holding her a curled finger to her bottom lip.

"I didn't do them, so Yamanka-san will probably deduct some from your pay." Shikamaru stated to them both. "I'll just make him feel bad again, and he'll just give me and Hinata raises." Ino winked to Hinata. It was true, Ino could get her father to do anything, if she just used the "Your ruining my life!" or "Why are oppressing me from my dreams!" card on him.

"How troublesome." Shikamaru yawned, before dosing off. "HEY, wake up you lazy." Ino said nudging him. Hinata giggled a bit, she always found it funny on how Ino and Shika-kun acted towards one another.

"Hey, Ino-pig, I saw the stunt you pulled at the music store yesterday afternoon." Sakura stated, tapping her black shoe onto the tiled floor.

"By whatever do you mean Fore-head girl?" Ino asked innocently. "Seducing the clerk into letting you in the store early. Your such witch, but I would expect that from you." Sakura said, irritated by Ino. Hinata didn't say anything this happened mostly almost everyday. Ino and Sakura would argue about nothing, always trying to find something to ridicule each other about. They use to be friends though, but there love for Sasuke-kun, the singer of broken Kunai tore their friendship apart.

Flash back

"I love Sasuke-kun so much!" Sakura cheered as she watched the teen on T.V

"Well I'm going to be Sasuke's wife." Ino said, looking at the T.V Sakura was sleeping over at Ino's house, this was when they were still at least talking to each other.

"No, I'm going to be Sasuke's wife." Sakura said polietly correcting Ino. "No, I'm going to be Sasuke's wife, you can be our nanny Sakura-chan."

"What! Sasuke-kun is mine, who should be the nanny is you!" Sakura said a little annoyed. "Sasuke is mine!" Ino shouted


"No, Mine!" The shouting got louder and soon, Sakura stormed out taking all her stuff and swearing that they would never be friends again, since they clearly both couldn't have Sasuke. Now they were rivals.

Flash back

Soon Kurenai walked into the class.

"Thank you Kami, girls arer so troublesome." Shikamaru sighed.

"Oh, Hinata your father dropped by yesterday and is concerned with her mark." Kurenai laughed, knwoing full well Hinata was a great student.

"I'll just advise you to study extra hard for next week's math test, okay?" Kurenai asked, smiling. Hinata nodded.

"Okay class, let's begin today morning shall we?" Kurenai stated friendly placing her coffee mug down onto her oak desk. Scanning the room with her red eyes. She then began to write down math problems on the board.

Ino passed Shikamaru a note to give to Hinata. That was his usual job in class, to help pass notes and to sleep. Hinata took t and thanked him quietly.

This Saturday, wanna go see the auditions? I'll audition, you don't have too.

The letter read. Hinata turned to Ino, her eyes a bit wide. Ino winked at her. Hinata knew Ino was a pretty but she had to honestly say that Ino couldn't sing a note.

Sure, but do you really want to sing? Hinata wrote back. She passed it to shikamaru who passed it to Ino, who read it quickly, then wrote something down. She handed it to Shikamaru, who in return gave it to Hinata.

You can help me practice, oh mighty sensei! lol Hinata gulped, was she really going to break her father's rules to help her dear friend? Hell yeah! Hinata looked over to Ino and nodded, she loved singing. Ino gave a thumbs up.

"Ino, Shikamaru, Hinata! Stop passing notes. " Kurenai said, causing the three to jump. She didn't even turn around and was stilling writing math problems down on the board. The three students could have sworn she had eyes at the back of her head.


A/N: Done, hope you enjoy it. Review!