Kay funny story how this started out. The NaruSasu was originally suppose to be student teacher love but I sorta got bored. The idea came from this really good short lemon. God it would have been better longer than just a short one but it was good none the less. Then I kinda didn't wanna start two stories at the same time so I finished the SBAF and came up with many ideas as well. So now I've combined a short comic I had made with a NaruSasu plot and made it longer.

"Teme." Naruto said as he stood by the grave stone of his long time friend, rival. "I'm sorry I couldn't love you back when you loved me."

And it was true. After everything Sasuke and Naruto went through, he just wouldn't let himself love the bastard. He couldn't. Not after he killed the only blood family he had left. His great grand father. Apparently he was so much of a bastard that Sasuke had to kill him. Naruto had admited the man was horrible but he could have changed him like he had everyone else. He could have if given the chance and Sasuke had taken that chance.

"You'll get another chance Naruto." Sakura said, though the tears streaming down her face betrayed her calm voice.

"No I won't Sakura. He's dead. There never will be another chance." Naruto said sternly as he lay down a rose at the grave. "And frankly I don't want to give him one in this life time."

"Reincarnation." she said. "If you love him as much as you say and we all know how much he loved you; you'll get another chance Naruto, in another life."

"Thanks Sakura." Naruto said with a small smile though he really didn't believe her idea.

"Rise and shine sleepy head!" a voice shouted interrupting his dream. He grunted in return but the voice obviously didn't like that because something kicked him, hard.

"AH!" Naruto shouted as he sat up quickly putting his hand on his abused side. "WHAT THE HELL KYUBI?!"

"Would have expected a thank you for waking you up, Kit." she said.

"AH! PUT SOME CLOTHES ON DAMIT!" Naruto shouted as he realized his friend was only in her panties, very small panties.

"Oh for the love of god Naruto! Haven't you seen any porn?" she asked.

"Yes but you're a friend!" Naruto shouted as he squeezed his eyes tighter.

"Its only perverted if you think its perverted. Which its not." Kyubi said. "Hurry and make breakfast. I'm hungry!" she added.

When Naruto heard Kyubi walk away he opened his eyes.

Yup this was Kyubi in all her erm ... craziness. Well that's just down grading it a lot but yes Kyubi was very very different. She's had issues with the way the world's been run weather it be the government or society's rules. If she didn't have any self control at all Naruto was sure she'd be killed for her differences. She was short-tempered, always agitated and anything but subtle. But that was Kyubi, one of his good friends who would always be there, even if she had some very different ideas on how the world should be run. Her personality and beliefs aside she was still very different even in appearance. She had long bright red hair, she never dyed it, which went almost to her butt. She had two piercings in her eye brow and when working she always wore an eye patch, something about helping her vision. All in all you either took Kyubi as she was or got hell from her or went about your day and try to forget the encounter. Unfortinately most people took the second option; Kyubi didn't care much she just made their lives miserable when ever she got the chance weather it be their personal or love life she always left a ruin in her wake or broken hearts that would never heal.

Now Naruto never supported Kyubi's destructive habits but ever since they were stuck together at that orphanage Kyubi tells him that he restricts her and that makes it possible for her to function in the messed up world even though she never really likes it. Though when they first were friends Naruto had rumors spread around because he hung out with Kyubi. No ever adopted them and Kyubi ran away with only a letter with how to contact her and to be strong. They met up after Naruto got adopted and had still been good friends after 3 months of nothing. The best part was that Kyubi was about a 15 minute walk from his highschool and the lunches were an hour and a fifteen minutes. It was great luck.

Now he was at Kyubi's apartment. He was in the little make shift bed that she had made for him out of the pull-out-couch and spare sheets, his stuff was in the corner by the window and the clock read 6:30 AM. He fell back down with his head hitting the pillow. So he had really did it. He had told his foster parents that he was bisexual and had gotten kicked out of the house. It didn't help that some of the people in the gay community didn't except bisexuals either he had gotten disowned.

He felt pathetic. He ended up phoning Kyubi on a pay phone to come pick him up at some corner in the middle of the night. And after all the tears he had fallen asleep. His father was probably looking down at him from heaven shaking his head.

"So what are you gonna do?" Kyubi asked as she came in with a shirt on thankfully. She yawned and looked bored with what ever the answer was going to be.

"I don't know." Naruto mumbled as he reached into the cupboard and pulled out a pan.

"You could stay here." she said.

Naruto turned around in a shock.

"You serious?! Even though I'm bisexual?" he asked. Kyubi was one of his friends that he had told. She was there and he needed someone to tell, it also helped that she had to be the most open minded person he had ever met; well concerning the great sins of people's normality. Anything people thought was wrong she kept an open mind to and accepted though didn't always agree with.

"Course Kit. It is the 21st century after all." she said with a smile. "Just get used to the fact that you'll be paying rent and making breakfast for the both of us in the morning."

"OKAY!" Naruto agreed happily. He could cook stuff other than instant or microwavable junk.

"God you still haven't left yet?" Kyubi said as she came into the kitchen to see Naruto on the table. "You do know you've missed probably three periods right?"

"Thinking." was his mumbled reply.

"About what?" she asked as she opened a can of beer from the fridge. It was 11 almost noon, one beer wouldn't kill her.

"How I'm going to tell my friends that I got kicked out of my place because I'm a bisexual?" Naruto asked tilting his head so Kyubi saw his pleading eyes. He didn't know how they would react and had been testing the waters though they didn't look very promising.

"Well you have told them that you can't stand your foster parents that much. So just tell 'em you ran away." Kyubi said. "Or you don't have to tell them at all."

"But thats just stupid. I don't want to lie to them."

"So if they ask, you aren't gay. Not many people bother asking about bisexuals." Kyubi said.

"You don't get it." Naruto whined. "It tore me apart that I had something that my foster parents didn't know."

"Well at least I understood that you tell your parents that you're sexual preference isn't the norm after they pay for your university education and you have a secure job. And then you don't have to take care of them when they have to go to a retirement home." Kyubi said jokingly. She really hadn't done any of that, and wasn't gay; hell Naruto didn't even know what she was. She didn't even go to college or university. She was an apprentice of a very popular photographer and was now a well known digital artist in the city at age 24.

"Shut up. I get it. I'm stupid for having a little thing called 'trusting people'." he said with his head in the table.

"Look if you aren't going to school then at least do some work. Plus I'll take you out with me when I go out tonight. I gotta go meet a friend." she said as she went to her office.

Naruto turned his head as the door closed. It was just one of those things that you didn't need to know. You didn't need to know what type of computers Kyubi had set up in there, all you needed to know was she had more than one and wireless for her lab tops that were all over the place. You didn't need to know if she had windows though she probably didn't. And you didn't need to know what things scattered the floor that were probably XXX rated; knowing his luck it was a porn mags and erotica novels.

"Where are we going?" Naruto asked as he got into the car. He had gotten dressed into an orange long sleeve shirt with a V neck and some jeans which he covered with a black coat. It was almost the end of November and Kyubi had forced the coat on him.

"A bar. One of the local ones. A friend of mine needs some help designing their advertisement for their company." She said as she started the car. She had combed her hair slightly and wore a jean coat with a white shirt and some brown pants. Not a normal person's idea of dressy but it was the dressiest thing Naruto had seen Kyubi wear. EVER.

"He has a little brother your age. Sometimes brings him. Something about not being able to leave him at home." she muttered. Well if she had mentioned the kid he was obviously in her good books because Kyubi didn't say anything about people unless she liked them or they were so despised she'd rant about them for hours.

"Okay." Naruto said.

"He's gay too." she said with a little smirk at Naruto's blush.

"Why the hell did you tell me that?" he asked.

"Well one you're bi, two you're moping, and three I think it would do you some good to get laid or at least let those virgin lips of your's get their first kiss." she smiled as Naruto turned his head to look out the window.

"Why are we friends again?" Naruto asked.

"Just cause." Kyubi said smiling.

When they got to the bar there weren't many people there. Just some people in a few booths drinking with their friends or making out. Most of the couples were homosexual.

"One drink on me." Kyubi said.

"But I can't drink alcohol." Naruto siad.

"No duh. I meant a soda."

"oh. Um root beer?"

"OI! Orochimaru can I get some service over here or what?!" she shouted to the girl cleaning dishes. Wait that wasn't a girl it was a girly looking man with really long hair and freakishly pale skin. Naruto shivered. "No worries kit he isn't a pedophile." she whispered to her friend.

"That doesn't help." Naruto whispered back.

"Ah long time no see Kyubi." Orochimaru said as he leaned on the bar his face inches away from Kyubi's. Naruto was sickened that his friend would let that snake so close to her.

"It's only been a week. But yeah work is heavy with everyone wanting new commercials for Christmas rushes." she said with a smirk not moving. "Any way how's the wife?"

"I'm right here and I'm not a girl Kyubi!" the man shouted behind Orochimaru.

"Ah. Doing well Kabuto?" Kyubi said as she turned her attention to the fusing man.

"Fine." Kabuto said. He never really like Kyubi mainly because she had once held the position of Orochimaru's 'lover' even if it was when she was totally wasted and Orochimaru just happened to want a good fuck.

"Who's this Kyubi?" Orochimaru asked looking at Naruto.

"A friend." Kyubi said sternly. It must have been threatening because Orochimaru lost his smile.

"So what did you want to order?" Orochimaru asked.

"One blue, one root beer."


"So when 's your friend getting here?" Naruto asked.

"Well he likes to be on time so 5, 4,3,2,..."

"One." a man said as he sat next to Kyubi. He had black hair and dark eyes. He had very pale skin and his dark pants and red silk shirt only added to his modern-vampire-gothic look. Naruto didn't like goths much, they were kinda scary but normal people none the less.

A kid about Naruto's age sat down next to the man, probably his little brother, they looked very similar. They look very similar except the younger had bluer hair and his skin had just a little more colour. He also seemed to favor the colour blue instead of red and tan instead of black. Naruto snickered as he looked closely at the younger's hair; it looked like a chicken's butt. The kid sent him a death glare and Naruto glared right back.

"--uto. NARUTO!" Kyubi shouted. She must have been talking while Naruto was examining her friends.

"What?" he asked taking his eyes away from the chicken butt boy.

"This is Itachi and Sasuke." she said. "This is Naruto."

"Hi." Naruto said. Sasuke? Wasn't that guy who was dead in my dream?

"Hello Naruto." Itachi said with a smile. It was fake; Naruto could tell with out even trying.

"Hn." Sasuke said as he turned away.

"Teme." Naruto muttered under his breath.

"You'll have to forgive my brother Naruto, he isn't a very sociable person." Itachi said politely. It was just dripping in monotone.

"So what do you need help on?" Kyubi asked as she brought out a pad of paper and a pen.

The rest of the evening was fairly boring with Naruto glaring every now and then on Sasuke and mocking him in his head about his hari as Kyubi and Itachi talked.

Well what do you think? good, bad? I need to know if I'm planning more of the story. Reviews would help shape the story very nicely. and don't expect an update until the next break because homework is evil on this one.