OMG It is finally ending! This was one of my first stories and I'm finishing it up now. I need a moment to go cry in a corner…

This was an amazing adventure with all of you and I hope you enjoyed reading this small story.

I must apologize for taking so long to update. I just got distracted by school and life and other distracting things.

To "I hate this story": I'm sorry that you don't have the guts to use your username, so I will have to contact you like this. I understand that you disliked my story, is there anway it could have been better? What did I not know about Bleach that I should have? How is it stupid? And finally... why did you read the whole thing if you ddin't like it??? Why torture yourself just so you could rip on me? Or... now that I think about it, you probably read a chapter or so and then skipped ahead to this one... Now I feel dumb anyways... write me back please!

R and R

Btw since the document up loader deletes lines now I am using something else so no it is not your imagination!

stupid friggin line remover removing all of my carefully thought out lines, i'm going to have to resort to this to inform you that this is where a line goes :/

Toshiro leans his head back and gazes up at the stars. He brings his free hand up to brush the loose bangs out of his face and sighs contently. Letting his hand fall back to his side he glances around, searching for the familiar constellations that everyone knows. He stiffs suddenly when he feels a soft thud on his shoulder. Realizing that it was only his new girlfriend he relaxes his shoulders and takes a moment to peer over at the girl. Resting on his shoulder is a sleeping Karin who is snoozing peacefully. Her left hand is happily linked to his own right hand. Looking back up the sky Toshiro realizes that he doesn't know where any of the constellations are. He pulls out his phone and peers at the time. It reads 11:30 PM. Frowning at the phone, Toshiro realizes that he will have to get Karin home soon or Ichigo would kill him. The carrot top probably noticed them disappear and he isn't a complete moron. If they stayed out all night he would connect puzzle pieces together that were never meant to be connected.

Toshiro reluctantly nudges Karin, "Karin, it's time to go." He says quietly into her ear.

An incoherent groan of complaint comes from the half-asleep teen. "Why?" she asks with drowsiness edging into her voice.

Toshiro gives her a second nudge and raises his voice to talking volume, "You know very well why. If I don't get you home then Ichigo will kill me."

Karin chuckles humorously, "He won't kill you, you are tougher than Ichi-nii for sure."

"It's not time to find out." Toshiro stands up slowly, half dragging Karin with him by her hand. Once completely standing he leads her towards her home. They walk slowly, still linked by their connected hands.

Once they get their Toshiro notices that the porch light is on and he sees a looming shadow in the second floor. He quickly and smoothly pushes Karin behind a nearby tree, causing her to giggle. "Hey!" she protests.

Toshiro puts on finger across her mouth. "Your brother is watching us so I had to get us out of his sight." Karin nods but doesn't say anything. Toshiro runs a hand through his hair nervously, "I just want to make sure this is real and not some dream. Will you still be here when I wake up?"

Karin almost cracks a grin at Toshiro's sudden seriousness, "Of course I will still be here although it is very strange for the icy 10th squad captain to share his feelings with someone else,"

Toshiro shakes his head, "You aren't just anybody." To end the conversation he plants a kiss on her lips. After a moment he pulls back, "You had better get inside before Ichigo comes looking for you."

Karin nods and slides back around the tree. She enters the house and Toshiro heads back to the 10th squad barracks.

(P.S. I know this was a little cheesy and OOC but I tried so yea…)

time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip time skip

Time – 6:30 AM. Way too early to be up and about unless you're a certain hard working protégé captain. He actually got up at 6 to get ready for the day but a mysterious text had gotten him moving much faster than it should have.

Toshiro Hitsugaya,

Come to the 10th squad training grounds at 8 AM.

Come alone or I will kill her immediately.

You are my target not the girl so just do what I say or there will be consequences.

Attached to the text was a picture of Karin, tied up and looking away from the camera phone but Toshiro could clearly see the disgusted expression on her face.

This text sent Toshiro's whole world off of its axis. His first question was how? Then he realized. That must have been Andoshi in the window, not Ichigo. His second reaction was to bang his head against a wall and call himself a fool over and over again but that wouldn't solve anything. This left the third thing to do, prepare for battle.

Toshiro went everywhere gathering supplies and honing in on his zanpakto.

One hour and a half later Toshiro stood confidently outside of his own training grounds. Next to him his lieutenant stood with a worried look on her face. "I'll be right here if you need me," she assures him.

Toshiro nods, "Stay out here but if you hear screaming or evil laughter of victory then feel free to bust in."

"Evil laughing huh?" Rangiku can't help but crack a smile at Toshiro's miniature joke.

Toshiro looks at her seriously, "That wasn't a joke, this guy has a tendency to laugh when he thinks he's won so it will be a good sign for you to jump in."


Toshiro puts his hand on the door and it swings open easily. Drawing his sword, he steps into the training ground. What he sees is so shocking that I almost don't want to repeat it here.


In front of him is a bloodied Karin who has a smug look on her face. At her feet is a hollow mask. Andoshi's hollow mask. "What happened?" Toshiro asks, making sure to keep the concern out of his voice.

Karin picks up the mask and examines it for a moment before flashing him a grin, "What does it look like? I beat Andoshi's ass and you missed it! Show up earlier next time."

"I can see that you won but what happened?"

"Nothing much, when I woke up I was tied to this chair. It was loosely done so I easily got out, stole my sword back, and defeated him. Piece of cake."

Toshiro turns back to the door, "Matsumoto! Get a medic in here to see to Karin." He turns back to find Karin inches from him. "What is it?"

Karin holds up the hollow mask, "For you Shiro-chan, as a memorabilia."

Before Toshiro can respond he feels an intense and angry spiritual pressure flowing from behind him. He spins around to see a sword pointing at his throat. The sword drops down as the person realizes whom they are facing.

"Why didn't you wait for me Karin? I wanted to fight!" She complains loudly.

Karin laughs, "I couldn't have waited Cat, he was going to kill me."

"So selfish Karin…" Cat jokes as she re-sheathes her sword. And you!" She turns angrily to Toshiro. "Why weren't you here to protect her? Look at all the blood!"

Toshiro glares, "Who do you think your talking to Cat? I am going to be your captain, you should show some respect."

Cat laughs and buckles over, hands on her knees. "I'm sorry but what? I do respect you and you should know that!"

Toshiro crosses his arms and glares at the laughing girl. He senses the medical core arriving and takes a leave from the scene. Paperwork needs doing…

epilogue time epilogue time epilogue time epilogue time epilogue time epilogue time epilogue time epilogue time

"Karin Kurosaki" Yammamoto calls. Karin rises and goes to receive her diploma. Shaking his hand she whispers "thank you," into his ear before going down the other way. There to greet her is Cat who was moments away from getting her own diploma.

"Cat Love"

Cat slides around Karin to go get her diploma. When she returns the girls share a hug and rejoin the graduating class.

Afterwards they head to the squad 10 barracks and are surprised to find people there waiting for them. After a quick greet they unpack all of their stuff and get ready for their first day of work.

Everyday is a new adventure, life for Karin and Cat is just beginning and with Toshiro by Karin's side, she can do anything.


stupid friggin line remover removing all of my carefully thought out lines, i'm going to have to resort to this to inform you that this is where a line goes :/

I'm kind of sad to be finishing this.

I want to say thank you to

Flipomatic: My loyal Beta reader

And all of you! Thank you so much, I love you all!