Okay thanks for the advice Slothy Girl. I added dividers and changed it a little. I'm gonna edit the next chapter right now and post it.


Karin looked around the soccer field.

It's close. I better take care of it.

Karin turns away from the soccer field and starts walking away. Afro-head ran across the soccer field as fast as he could, "where are you going"?

Karin called over her shoulder, "I'll be right back, I-uh gotta use the bathroom!"

All four of her friends sit down to wait.. Afro-head turns to the guys, "so, do you have a lot of homework……"

Karin felt bad about abandoning them but it was for their own safety. Karin Kurosaki was a young age of 15 years. She had shot up like a weed and that wasn't the only change. She was looking more like a woman then a girl. Karin pulled out her soul candy and popped one into her mouth. She felt a familiar sensation of being pulled from her body. Karin turned to her body.

"Sarah" she ordered "I need you to go play soccer with the guys." Sarah saluted. "Okay". Sarah (in Karin's body) runs back towards the soccer field. Karin takes off in the other direction. "Time to take out another hollow."


Toshiro Hitsugaya was bored out of his mind. He had been doing his paperwork all day. He sighs. It shouldn't have taken this long but his lazy lieutenant abandoned him with her paperwork too. He stared at the last sheet glumly.

Matsumoto poked her head in the door. "Taicho" she squealed, "Yammamoto-Taicho wants to speak with you. Don't worry," she added, "I can handle the rest of the paperwork. Sighing for the second time that day Toshiro heads over to the main building.

Knock knock knock Yammamoto glances up. "Come in". Toshiro slides the door open and steps in. He closes the door behind him.

Toshiro opens his mouth to speak. "Matsumoto-fukutaicho told me you wish to speak with me". "Yes" says Yammamato "I have a mission down on earth. Since you are most comfortable on earth I am sending you and your fukutaicho. A mysterious shinigami has shown up. Apparently a human that has gotten powers in some way. If a soul reaper has given them his powers then bring them back. You leave tomorrow".

"Yes sir" says Toshiro. Toshiro heads back to his division to tell Matsumoto.


Karin lets out a satisfied sigh as the hollow in front of her dissolves. "Another job well done". She goes off to find Sarah.

Beep Beep Beep. Karin rolls over in bed and groans. Yuzu nudges her. "Come on Karin time to get up". Karin sits up and gets ready for the day. She throws on her usual outfit and pockets her soul candy.

Outside her door she hears a THUNK. Just barely she can her "hey old man is that anyway to wake your only son." Karin quickly rushes down stairs to avoid her father. If he catches her then he'll be in for a fight. Breakfast is already on the table when Karin gets there, thanks to Yuzu.

"This tastes great Yuzu", says Karin with her mouth full. Yuzu turns to Karin, "No problem you know I could teach you how to cook sometime it is pretty simple." Karin gulps.

"Uh no thanks Yuzu that's okay. I don't need to learn it. I think I'm gonna go to school early." Karin grabs her backpack and runs out the door. "Tell goat-chin and Ichigo where I went".

"Okay" Yuzu calls after the fading figure. Something catches Yuzu's eye. Its Karin's lunch. She sighs; it's just something else for her to carry.

Matsumoto took off almost running through the window of the closest store. "I just love the human world don't you taicho?" she asks. "hn". "Oh comon", she urges "there must be something you like. I remember". She gets a look in her eye. "you must be thinking about Ichigo's little sister, what was her name again?"

Toshiro mumbles under his breath "Karin" then his head snaps up, "What no you must be joking I'm not thinking about her". Matsumoto chuckles and heads into the nearest story. Toshiro's phone goes off in his pocket. He takes off to kill the hollow.

"Dang it". Toshiro shakes his phone angrily. Where did the hollow go? When he showed up to kill it no one was there. The hollow had fled somewhere. Maybe to Heuco Mundo.

He heads back to his Gigi and heads off to find Matsumoto. He looks everywhere. Maybe she already is at Inoue's house. When Toshiro gets there he knocks on the door.

"Who is it" you hear from inside the building. Toshiro opened up his mouth to answer but a hand suddenly covered it. "Oh no Taicho" says the person behind him. "I've found somewhere else for you to stay." Orihime opens the door. "Oh hey Matsumoto, Hitsugaya-Taicho" say Orihime brightly. "Do you need to stay here".

Matsumoto turns her attention away from Toshiro "Oh no its just me this time Orihime, Taicho is staying somewhere else".

"OKAY" yells Orihime, "I've prepared the perfect meal so come on in!! I found the bean paste so we are having bean paste casserole." Matsumoto smiles, "great you know I love your cooking Orihime."

Matsumoto pushes Toshiro out the door. "Now here's a map to the house, don't get lost Taicho." Toshiro sets off to find the house.