Ne! Another KakaAnko (in a way…) Written during Study Hall during the time I meant to write some more of I Spy. Another song inspired one-shot. Any guesses on the song? Let's see, it took me one hour and ten minutes to write this plus whatever editing I did later. Not bad. Erm, Anko is defiantly a bit OOC. Kakashi as well (or at least I believe so)

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto.

She sat at the kitchen table, trapped in her memories, clutching a crumpled note in her right hand. She had thought that she, Anko Mitarashi, had finally found someone to confide in, someone to love as all women should. He had left, moved without saying goodbye, so similar to all her past relationships. Was she just a toy? Shock and disbelief had already spread though her body, numbing the pain. He left and abandoned her, yet, despite his betrayal, she would still die for him.

The clock's ticks, that marked the time as it went by, slowed, prolonging the time before the pain would spread though her body, a deadly poison with no other cure but time. Her mind now detached its self from her body, giving off a sensation of lost hope, a car underwater as a body gently drifted away, pulled by an invisible current. He had left, "gone for good" he wrote to her. A knock sounded though the apartment followed by a curious, "Anko?" No response followed the summoning as Anko still sat at the table, frozen with shock and on coming grief in her thoughts. The door quietly clicked open and was cautiously pushed open. "Anko?" the voice questioned again upon seeing the frozen woman who clutched a piece of paper like a life line. "Anko?" the now worried voice questioned.

"He," she paused, "He left." Her voice was but a whisper as one cool tear took its course down the smooth curve of her face as it finally escaped from the inner anguish of the young woman. "H-he left, Kurenai, he's gone." She whispered again, in slight disbelief. Kurenai moved to take the scrap from her, but upon seeing Anko clutch it even tighter, backed off. Kurenai stood tall and silent, waiting for Anko to release the paper from her grasp, the last thing of his she had. Anko slowly let go of the paper causing Kurenai to reach forward and slide it out of her still partly clenched hand. Her eyes scanned the crumple paper, quickly reading the scratchy handwriting sprawled on the note, causing them to widen as each word was processed through her head. She dropped the paper and, as the note languidly floated to the ground, grabbed her friend in the form of an embrace.

"Oh, Anko." She breathed as Anko buried her head in Kurenai's shoulder, her heaving sobs filling the empty apartment, slowly at first, but quickly gaining frequency. Her hands came up to clutch the fabric of Kurenai's clothing as Kurenai slowly rocked back and forth, hushing her as one would a baby. "I'm still here, Anko. I'm still here." The note had finally hit the floor, and if one peered closely enough, one could read it.

Anko, believe this note that says I'm gone. I've left; gone for good. You can't turn back the clocks, nor will they slow just for us. It's too late for me and you; please forgive me. This isn't your fault, so don't think back at me, happy or sad. Just let me go.

- Kakashi

My thanks to theinnocent1 for helping me decide whether or not to put it out.

Ja ne!