I don't own Naruto or Shaman King.

"Tsunade-sama we're here."a boy's voice could be heard from behind the office door.

"Come in Neji,Hinata."The Godaime Hokage sat in her office examining a sheet of paper that just arrived via an arrow in the wall.

The two chuunins entered the room an sat still ready for briefing.The blond woman instead seemed to not even notice their presence.she took out a bottle of sake and poured herself a cup drinking it in an instant.Ten minutes passed and still no movement in the room.

'Damn this is boring'thought Neji'What the hell are we supposed to do now?'Next to him Hinata was having similar thoughts only that it were a little more belligerent'If this stupid woman does not start talking any time soon I WILL KILL HER SLOWLY'Yep just your average teenagers ninja getting bored.

Twenty minutes later

'Stay calm Neji,stay calm.How does Hinata-sama manage to do this, I wonder?'

'Boil her in hot oil YEEEEESSSS'

Forty minutes later

'Okay I've had ENOUGH Hakkeshou Kaite...'

"Hey you two when did you get here?"the duo dropped to the ground speechless.

"Well since you're here I might as well give you the mission briefing."Seriousness was reinstalled.Ninja had lots of fun but when it came to missions maximum attention was required.It was a matter of life and death.Tsunade eyed them cautiously and the proceeded speaking:

"What I am about to say will not leave this room.Am I clear.Disobedience will be punished severely" Both Hyuugas nodded"Okay then listen carefully:

Your mission is ranked SS because of the high amount of risk it involves and the variety of consequences it may have on the world."The duo blinked.And then blinked again.

"I know you may find it strange but the contractor especially requested you two for this.You are to leave for the city of Tokio in six weeks.There you will meet a person named Kyoyama Anna.The mission consists of entering the Shaman Tournament and advancing to the third stage of it alongside with Assakura Yoh which you will also protect during it "
Again they blinked.Tsunade sighed'Now for the strange part'
"The Shaman Tournament is a competition held each 500 years between spirit users .It's purpose is to select a King Shaman which will unite with the King Spirit and gain huge powers,enough to destroy or reshape the world .Do you know what a Shaman is"
"Hai Hokage-sama Otuo-san told me nii-san and Hanabi-chan stories about them.He also said that there were Hyuugas in the past that could fight alongside with spirits"
"Okay then.To enter the tournament one must be a Shaman and have a protective spirit to aid him in battle.You'll have to choose a spirit "
"But can we use spirits or even see them?We haven't anything like till now"
"The byakugan most certainly can see them if focused properly and if can see a spirit you most certainly can merge with it .After you locate a spirit all you have to do is..."A man with white hair came crashing trough the wall in the office shocking the chuunins and annoying the Hokage.
"Jiraya how many times do I have to tell you to use the door"
"Well Tsunade-hime I got involved in a little accident while doing my research so"
"You were peeking at women you sick pervert.They found you and kicked your ass into the wall.Does that resemble the truth?"A vein on the Hokage's neck bulged while the Hyuugas were blank faced'Jiraya of the sannin is a pervert'
"Kinda."'Holy shit if I don't batch out of this soon she'll kill me'
"Whatever.Are you ready for the mission or not?"she said handling an envelope to him.
"Yeah Have you told them yet"
"I was about to do it when a stupid sennin interrupted me"
"What a jerk..."The three sweat-dropped at Jiraya.
Turning to the the two Tsunade spoke again:"I also have a secondary importance B-ranked mission"
"A B-ranked Tsunade-sama?"
"Yes.Tell me What do you know about Uzumaki Naruto?"Hinata's face palled and she turned away.Seeing this Neji spoke:"You mean the Rookie of the year that fled the village after graduating"
"Yes.A report coming from our Anbu spy unit in Japan says he's been sighted over there three weeks ago.Your task is to find him and convince him to return"
"I beg your pardon Tsunade-sama but why can't we just capture him?"Neji was now curios.
"For two reasons:one he is too strong for the two of you to handle.I mean it!If you don't believe me ask Jiraya.He got his ass kicked by that guy when he was eleven."Neji's eyes were now wide open.'Jiraya-donno may be a pervert but he is a strong ninja nonetheless.Whata guy"
"What is the second reason Hokage-sama"this time it was Hinata.
Both Jiraya and Tsunade looked down sad."I have no right to force him to return"
"But is he not a shinobi of the leaf.How can he leave like that.How can he leave me?"Hinata shouted angered."Why didn't he remain here?Huh?"
"I know how you feel about him but try to understand.You never told him anything.And don't say he is dense-he never experienced love in his life so he can't possibly know about it.This stupid village treated him like trash when he was a hero.I am ashamed that I lead such a close-minded village.Bastards!"The other three cringed.Tsunade was getting angry.
"What do you mean he was a hero?"
"You'll understand when you meet him.Do not attack him or insult him because of his departure or I will Ban you both from returning to your homes.AM I CLEAR"
"Well then Neji,Hinata, Jiraya will supervise your training and then guide you trough the tournament.He will be the mission leader.Dissmised.You have a month till you leave for Tokio"
"Follow me to training ground five."With that he disappeared in a puff of smoke.
Training ground 5.Twenty minutes later.
The three sat beneath a three.The Hyuugas were listening to Jiraya's lesson on spirits and furyoku.
"So as you see some of these spirits remain in our world and can be used by shamans.The byakugan has the ability to see them so that makes you guys artificial shamans.But don't get cocky about it.What you need a bloodline doujutsu in order to use not mention chakra to support it others can do naturally.The Hyuuga are in the thin middle line between shamans and shinobi"
"Jiraya-sama is furyoku the same thing as chakra"
"Very good question Hinata and no it's not.Furyoku is pure chi energy channelized by the body while chakra is a combination of chi and stamina"
"So that means that the Jyuuken is useless against them?"Neji asked with pure horror.
"Yes it is.This a good chance for you two to try and use other taijutsu styles than Jyuuken.It is a good lesson on how you can't take things for granted.Don't start crying you still have the Hakkeshou Kaiten"
"Jiraya-sama how do we find a spirit"
"Go into the graveyard at midnight.There is a small portion of time in which the spirits show themselves o humans.It lasts for thirty minutes but it should be enough.Be careful when you choose.The spirit that you choose will be your life-long friend and ally"
"No pressure eh?Okay so once we get a spirit we call you here to help us learn shamanic techniques"
"Yup.See ya!" and again he vanished.
"Hinata-sama should we go tonight?We have to begin training immediately"
"Yes Neji-nii-san but we have to be quiet.Remeber-nothing leaves this room"
"Right.Meet me at Eleven-thirty at the graveyard's main gate"
Later that night.Graveyard.
"Neji-nii-san are you here?"
"Hai.Are you ready"Seeing her nod he went on and pushed the old iron gates wide open.
The graveyard was huge.It covered about four square km.All just dead people laying under two meters of humus.In the middle there was a huge statue of a cloaked person holding a scythe in stricking position .At some crossroads faces of demons were carved in stone alongside with angels and sculptures of those located in there.To add to this scenario the moon was full that night and a few clouds covered it.Neji was freaked out but Hinata seemed not to care.
"Hinata-sama how do you do it?I am scared to my bones but you just seem content with it all?How do you manage to do this"
"Oh this is nothing Neji-nii-san.Once me Sakura,Ino Tenten ,Temari and Anko-san held a slumber party in a crypt twelve meters below ground.We slept next to rotting corpses"
Neji sweat-dropped'What lunatics'
"Well let's get started.Byakugan!"Their usually pupil-les eyes formed the shape of a pupil and the veins near them bulged.With their new vision they started scanning the area for anything unusual.
"Do you see anything?All I got are dead bodies rotting and some trash thrown behind a funeral stone"
"Same here only that i've got some used condoms too.Screw this all-seeing eye I'm not eating anything for a few days now"
"Wait a sec nii-san.Look at that gargoyle over there.What the hell is that shape"
"Who are you calling shape miss"
The two teens screamed.The strange fog turned into a person.An old man with a stick in his hand.Their shout must have woken the dead alright because in a minute the whole area was filled with ghosts.Old people,young people,happy people,depressed people.It was like a huge crowd of fans greeting a rock star.Only that they seemed annoyed at the noise.
"Keep it down.Can't we rest even in death?"This time it was a girl with a dog near her.
"S-sorry.we didn't mean to bother we only wanted to...how can I say this...find a guardian spirit for us"
"Why didn't you say so?Shaman eh.Been a year since a shaman came here"
"So can you help us"
"Sure just pick one of us"The Hyuugas were blank-faced"Isn't this supposed to be an important choice"
"Why yes it is but the best way to do it is to trust your instincts.They will guide you.If you are shamans then your sixth shamanic sense will activate."All the spirits turned into orbs of light.
"Choose shamans."The voice was commanding so the two of them compelled and pointed to an orb each."So be it then.Hyuuga Neji your guardian spirit will be I Namikaze Sakon."A man in his forties wearing a deep green cloak and a black shirt appeared.His wore pants of the same color as the cloak.His hair was spiky blond and his eyes were green.He also had a scar on his left cheek.
"Hyuuga Hinata,my name is Koichi Sesshomaru and I am your servant"
' Why does it sound so familiar'
"You also know me as the Nidaime Hokage"
"Oh really?I was thinking about that character in Inuyasha"The nidaime sweat-dropped'History lessons in the academy must really suck then'he concluded "So you are our guardians huh"
"Yes we will be your companions in your journey"
Next day training ground five

"So you've got two spirit's eh?What for?"
"Oh sorry I forgot?So let's see a Namikaze huh.Good stuff you've got here Neji.And the Nidaime mighty fine Hinata"
"You do realize that we can hear you don't you Jiraya-chan..."Sesshomaru said emphasizing the -chan suffix.
"Hey I was drunk that night plus you took your clothes off first"
"Cut it out before I puke.So we've got the spirits.Now what do we do?"
"Ano Jiraya-sama how can you see spirits?You don't have a doujutsu like us"
"Arrogant brats.I am shaman myself that's why.My spirit is a mythical frog spirit from the Fuji-mountain.I met hi while doing some research on a few Asian chicks ehm...I mean some people that volunteered to be included in my books"
"Nobody wants to know about your perverted books.Just get to the point already!What do we learn first?"Neji began to grow impatient.He didn't wake up at five in the morning to listen this idiot's ranting.
"Alright,alright.Shees...Well the first thing you must do is a basic spirit unity techniques.Your guardian will enter your body and you will share thoughts,feelings,sensations and strength.In other words you become one with the spirit.Your overall abilities will increase till they are equal with those of the guardian.To do it you must just call your spirit to unite with yourselves.As long as you have enough furyoku you can keep this activated.special attacks and moves will cost you more furyoku"
"Okay let's try this."-SAKON!UNIFICATION!- the Blond spirit turned into a yellow orb resembling his face that formed in Neji's hand.Acting from instict the Hyuuga prodigy thrust-ed the orb in his chest in an instant he felt revigorated and stronger than ever.Energy flowed through his vein.It wasn't like chakra.Chakra felt like a flame inside of him while furyoku seemed to be like a refreshing stream of water not too cold but not to hot.
"This is amazing.I feel so strong"
"Okay now that you can do it you should start training on battle strategies with Sakon.He will provide you with advices and fighting moves unique to him.I also strongly recommend that you meditate for about an hour every day so that you will harmonize your body with furyoku and increase your capacity.Your level is currently 600.I want you to reach 2000 in two weeks"
Hinata also tried the unity and it worked very well both teen seemed pleased with themselves and left to practice.

"So Marco I finally found your lair.You X-laws have messed with me for the last time"
"I will not allow you to go further demon"
The person smirked and pulled down his cloak revealing spiky blond hair and cerulean eyes.
"So be it then!Spirit unity!Tenchi no Tanto"
The noise of metal meeting metal could be clearly heard into the night.


Please read and review.Thanks.

Alexander R out!