WARNING: This was written by 12 and 13 year old girls at around midnight high on sugar after watching a Naruto marathon including Itachi then playing Tales of Symphonia. A lot of stuff may not make sense, but that's okay, it's not supposed to. Also, the run-on sentences are supposed to be there, I know about them.and there will be majorly out of character characters.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything mentioned in this story.

Sheena was training in the forest when one of her dogs, Akamaru, because her life-long friend was Kiba, jumped on her head and started whining. Then a rattlesnake slithered in the clearing towards Sheena. Akamaru jumped off Sheena's head, and started fighting with the snake, while rolling in a dust cloud.

"Akamaru, no! Don't try to be a hero!" Sheena yelled.

Then Sasuke walked past the clearing. "Sorry Akamaru, but this guy's really sexy." Sheena then followed Sasuke to his village.

When they got there a large crowd of girls surrounded Sasuke. "Hey good looking, where have you been?"

"What took so long?"

"Will you merry me?"

"HE IS MINE!" Sheena yelled.

"Who are you?" Sasuke asked.

Sheena ignored his question and killed all of her competition, except for Sakura, and Naruto who was following Sakura. "Hey Sasuke, wanna go on a date?" Sakura asked.

Then Akamaru, the snake, and Stone Cold Steeve Austin from WWE wrestling appeared. Stone Cold saw the snake, pulled him out of the scrape, poured beer down its throat, and Sone Cold Stunned the snake. The angry rattlesnake then pulled Stone Cold Steeve Austin into the scrape.

Then they rolled into Sakura and Naruto, bringing them into the scrap. Then they rolled into a river that appeared out of nowhere and everyone drowned and died except for Akamaru who knew how to dogpaddle and swam back to shore.

Then Akamaru jumped back on Sheena's head. Then Desians appeared."You! You're one of the girls with Lloyd Irving. And you're with the girl that's with Lloyd Irving. ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The Desians attacked. Sasuke attacked too, with various fire style jutsus. "I call upon the decyple of everlasting ice. I summon thee, come, Celcius!"

Celcius then appeared and froze all the Desians. They were happy, so happy they were froze in varius corny happy poses. "That was cool, do you think you could teach me how to do it?" Sasuke asked.

"Sure!" Sheena said.

Then, randomly blood tranfusion material appeared in a cloud of smoke on the ground and they had a blood transfusion.Then Sheena taught Sasuke how to summon. Sasuke summoned Efreet, who saw some people who owed him a lot of money, so he set their house on fire and left.

Then randomly Itachi appeared. "Itachi Uchiha! Prepare to die!" Sasuke said charging up Chidori.

"Don't mind me, I'm just picking up garbage." Regal said, using one of the stick-on-a-needle things and a bag.

Sheena then stepped inbetween Sasuke and Itachi. "Don't hit him he's as sexy as you are. In fact, he looks alot like you. Is he related to you?" Sheena said.

"He's my older Brother." Sasuke said.

"Oh. But family shouldn't fight each other." Sheena said.

"I'm sorry Sasuke. Truce?" Itachi asked.

"Alright, Truce." Sasuke said.

"I didn't mean to destroy our clan. I just needed to test the limits of my abilities." Itachi said.

"What about me? What am I supposed to do now? Kisame asked.

"Um...excuse me? Could you move for a second? You're standing on my chocolate bar." Regal said.

But Kisame did not move. So Regal picked Kisame up with one hand, grabbed the choclate bar with the other, and set Kisame down. Then Presea ran by, grabbed the Chocolate Bar out of Regals hand, ran into the forest, and ate. But she forgot to unwrap it, so she choked on the plastic and died.

"Screw you all. I'll go find something else to do." and Kisame walked off.

Then Lloyd and Kratos appeared. "There you are Sheena. We need to go defeat Mithos." Lloyd said.

"Aww,... but these guys are sexy. Come to think of it, so are you two." Sheena said.

Everyone slooooowly backed away from Sheena.Then Mithos appeared, floated towards Lloyd and Kratos, and raised his hand to hit them. "You evil bastard!" Sheena yelled, then killed Mithos.

"Hey, all four of you guys are sexy. Wanna form a hot guys club? And there'd be a rabid fangirl section. I'd be in that part." Sheena said.

"Okay." All the males said, and the hott guys club was formed.

With Kisame

Kisame walked around, trying to find a new life now that his was over with Itachi and I don't mean that gayly. Then he saw Zabuza and Haku. Zabuza was sharpening his Guilitine Sword and Haku was sharpening his senbon.

"Hey, you have a big sword too. Wanna form a big swords club?" Kisame asked.

"Sure. This is my assistant, Haku. I am Zabuza.." Zabuza said.

"Hmmm... Now that we're a club, what should we do?" Kisame asked.

"We should open a shop." Zabuza said.

"Yes, but what kind?" Kisame pondered.

"Good question. Yes, what kind?" Zabuza wondered.

While the two men debated, Haku sighed. "How about a weapons shop that specailizes mainly in swords?" He suggested.

"Yes, that's a good idea. Why didn't I think of that?" Kisame said.

So they went to find a building to rent, threatened the landlord with their big swords, got it rent free, opened up the shop, and made Haku do all the work while they talked about big swords. Then Shikamaru came up to Zabuza and Kisame.

"Hey, can I join the big swords club?" Shikamaru asked.

"No, you don't have a sword. Go join the hott guys club." Kisame said.

"Well all right." Shikamaru said.

So he went to go find the hott guys club. Once he found them he went over to them. "Hey, can I join the hott guys club?" He asked.

"No. Go join the Big swords Club. Now get out of here before I kill you!" Sheena yelled.

Fearing for his life, cause he just got htreatened by an angry woman, Shikamaru ran back to the big swords club. "Hey, can I join the Big Swords Club? I have a sword." Shikamaru then minipulated his shadow to look like a sword and held it in his hand.

Then Raine fell out of the sky and broke through the roof. She got up and dusted herself of, then smacked Shikamaru upside the head. "That's not a sword you idiot. It's shadow manipulation, like the art of the Summon Spirit. Wait, when did you learn the art of the Summon Spirit."

Raine then took out her staff and knocked Shikamaru out. "Umm... Why don't you go join the rabid fangirl part of the Hott Guys Club?" asked a shaking Kisame.

"Depends, who are the guys?" Raine asked, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes.

"Umm, Sasuke, Lloyd, Itachi, and Kratos." Zabuza answered.

"OMG! Kratos! I'm outta here!" Raine said as she ran off to find to find the Hott Guys Club.

Then she found them . "Hey, can I join the rabid fangirl part of the Hott Guys Club?" Raine asked.

"Sure, I guess." Sheena said.

Then they went into the woods to go to Sheena's house, when they saw Presea's dead corpse. Luckily, Sheena had a life bottle with her, which she poured over Presea's head. Presea sat up swiftly yelling "I live!"

"Hey, Presea, you wanna join the rabid fangirl part of the Hott Guys Club?" Sheena asked.

"Sure." Presea said, getting up and following them.

They walked the rest of the way through the woods, untill they reached an empty clearining. Suddenly, out of thin air, a giant house appeared. No one had ever saw it before, but it had a cardboard sign on it that said "Sheena's House", so they went in.

It was big.

And wooden.

And dark.

With a giant closet.

"What should we do now?" Raine asked.

Sheena thought for a moment. "Hmm... How about play spin the bottle?"

Okay, I 'm sorry for telling you all that I wouldn't be able to post for a while. I found It's easier to type and work on

kickboxing while grounded, seeing as its the only things I am aloud to do. But, I must ask, since my friend and I

laughed so hard while making this up, did you laugh while reading it. Also, if you want to see something happen,

let me know. Cause my friend and I need stuff to fill in the parts we forgot. Please reveiw. Also, I'm trying to get a

fic running called 100 Ways to Kill Zelos. If you want to be in it, let me know and tell me what you want to be

called, if you're male or female(sorry, im not good at telling that) and a dicrpition of your personality.