I know I said there was a few more chapters in this, but this is where I'm ending it. I went over everything I wanted in it, realised that some of it was too random, and when I finished writing this it seemed like a logical end. There won't be a sequel. I don't really think it needs one. I might add an epilogue at some point. I'll try and get round to it, but things are pretty hectic.

Despite saying I wasn't going to start any more stories (I swear I did at some point), I've already started another. I don't know when it will be up, I'm still sorting a few things to do with that. Hopefully soon, though.

ETA on FP: Soonish (which basically means when I can be bothered to finish the half written chapter on my laptop).

Troy smiled softly as he stepped into his girlfriend's bedroom to see her curled up under the covers, still sleeping soundly. He sat down next to her quietly, placing a hand on her shoulder and shaking lightly.

"Wake up sleeping beauty." He cooed, leaning down to press a kiss to her temple, chuckling when she reached up to try and push him away. "Mom wants to take you shopping."

"I'm sleeping." She complained, letting out a yawn before turning away from him. "Go away."

"As much as I love that you're sleeping." He smiled. "It's ten, and you have to get up." He laughed as she grumbled incoherently, swatting at him again. "Babe, come on. We promised my mom last night. You two are having some weird girly day, I'm going to the golf club with my dad, we're meeting at that restaurant for dinner."


"Gabs, mom's waiting." He smiled, leaning down to her ear. "I know how you hate keeping people waiting."

She groaned, turning onto her back and opening her eyes, scowling up at him. "I think I like your shirt better than you."

"Did it help?"

She nodded, leaning up to kiss him lightly. "Thankyou."

"Just let me know when you need another one, okay?"

"Okay." She held her arms out, smiling when he took the hint and pulled her into a sitting position. "What time's your mom expecting us?"

He glanced at his watch. "About five minutes ago." He looked up, placing a hand against her cheek. "I was talking to your mom for a bit. I'll call while you're getting ready."

"You sure you're okay with being away from me for a whole day?"

He sighed dramatically. "No, but I guess I'll have to manage, no matter how much I want to grab you and run off so we can hide from them."

"That sounds like a plan." Gabriella smiled. "But I do need to go shopping." She shifted, getting out of bed. "Come on, let's move."

He chuckled, knowing better than to mention her refusal to do just that mere minutes ago.


"So things are definitely okay between the two of you now?"

Gabriella had been expecting the questioning. It didn't matter how many times she said it, Lucille always wanted to be sure. "Yeah, still better than ever."

"No Summer trouble?"

"She's... full on."

"She's been hanging around then?"

"She openly asks Troy if he wants to meet up with her right in front of me." She admitted, grimacing slightly. "Eventually he's going to run out of excuses."

"You don't have anything to worry about." Lucille decided. "He never looked at her the way he looks at you."

"I know." The brunette agreed. "It's just annoying. She doesn't know when to give up."

"She probably won't unless he makes it painfully obvious that he's not interested." Lucille frowned. "Sometimes I regret making him too nice for that. Sometimes it's necessary to tell people to back off."

"He did get a little sharp with her." Gabriella elaborated. "I think he realised she was getting to me a little. Honestly, I probably could have handled it, but I didn't have to."

"He likes to protect you?" Lucille watched as she nodded. "Jack was the same with me. Still is sometimes. It's either incredibly sweet or incredibly annoying, depending on what mood you're in."

"I tried telling him I could look after myself once." Gabriella laughed. "He looked at me like I had two heads. Like the fact that I even thought that he would ever let me do that is insane. It was actually..."

Lucille frowned as the teenager cut off, then turned to follow the girl's gaze over her shoulder, recognition coming almost immediately. "Can't say I'm surprised to see her here."

"She's everywhere." Gabriella sighed. "It's annoying." She paused, turning away as the girl spotted them and began to approach.

"Gabriella!" Summer exclaimed. "What a coincidence! What are you doing here?"


"Me too!" Summer announced, as if there was any reason why they'd consider that she'd been there for something else. "Troy not with you?"

"No." Lucille spoke sharply. "He's not."

"We should go." Gabriella decided after a brief pause. "We're busy."

Summer nodded. "Nice seeing you again, Mrs. Bolton."

Lucille nodded, her eyes narrowed almost defensively. She turned towards the brunette as soon as Summer was out of earshot. "I wish I could say the same."


"Honey." Gabriella laughed at the sight of her boyfriend as she stepped outside of the ladies room in the restaurant. "You didn't have to come with me, you know. I could have made it from the table to here and back on my own."

"Mom told me Summer made an appearance today." He mentioned, the concern clear in his tone. "Are you okay?"

"Troy, she's your ex." Gabriella smiled. "Not an axe murderer. I can handle myself."

"I don't like the idea of her being near you."

"I know." She admitted. "But if Summer's going to be at school, you're going to have to get used to it."

He sighed, pulling her against his chest. "Do I have to?"


"Can't I just ask Taylor to scare her off?"

"Taylor's not scary."

"Have you MET Taylor?" He exclaimed. "She terrifies me."

"I'll let her know."

"You can't tell her that." Troy explained. "I'd never hear the end of it."

"Does Chad know that you're scared of his girlfriend?"

"He's scared of her too."

"She'd love this." Gabriella smiled. "You know I have to tell her, right?"

"I'll have to punish you if you do."

"Threat or promise?"

He glared playfully at her in response. "Come on, we'd better get back to the table."

She followed him over to his parents, sliding back into her seat after arriving at the table.

"Everything okay?"

Gabriella nodded, smiling softly at her boyfriend. "Everything's good."

Lucille nodded. "So, who wants desert?"

"I think I'll pass." Gabriella sighed, resting her chin in her hand. "If I start I probably won't stop. We'd be here all night."

"In that case. "Troy decided. "We'll have brownies and ice cream." He grinned at his girlfriend briefly. "And you're not allowed to complain."

She scowled in response, but could tell how determined he was to stick to his words. "Fine."

"I just want to spend more time with you."

"Suck up." She picked up her phone as it interrupted them, holding up a finger to her boyfriend before smiling softly at his parents. "Mom?... Yeah, okay... Sure, I guess." She smirked somewhat triumphantly as she hung up. "Going to have to hold the brownies for now. Mom wants me home."

"Everything okay?"

"Honestly." Gabriella sighed. "I don't know. She sounded weird."

She stood up, watching as her boyfriend copied her action. "I'd better get you home then."

"It's not far, I can walk." She tried, despite knowing that he wouldn't consider that option.

She frowned as he looked over to his father. "See what I mean?"

Jack nodded, a hint of a smile on his face. "Yeah, I see."

Troy nodded in return. "I shouldn't be long, I'll meet you at home."

He pulled Gabriella away without waiting for a response.

"What was that about?"

"What was what about?"

"The 'see what I mean' thing with your dad."

"Oh, that." Troy smiled. "That was about you. Dad didn't believe you're as much trouble as I said you are. He does now."

"Before you start picking on me." Gabriella started. "I'd like to remind you that we are going to my house. Where my mother is."

"Good point."

"I can always tell Taylor, too."

"Not funny."


Gabriella slowly walked up the path towards the front door of her house, tightly clutching onto her boyfriend's hand. "What if something's wrong?"

"Sooner you get in, sooner you find out."

She nodded, stepping forward again and up onto the porch. "She sounded REALLY weird. Can you come in?"

He nodded, waiting as she unlocked the door before following her into the house.


Gabriella frowned at the lack of a response before heading off to the side towards the living room, Troy following closely behind her,

"Gabriella." Anna smiled at her daughter. "I believe you've met your Uncle Michael?"

She turned quickly, taking in the man behind her mother. The man she had just assumed was Dan. She'd been wrong. "You got away."

Michael smiled. "I got away."


"Remember I used my real name to get into the club?" Gabriella nodded. "Came up on some computer in some office. Turns out they were still looking for me." He paused. "Your grandparents are in a lot of trouble." Gabriella's eyes widened momentarily.

"Your dad's parents, sweetie." Anna elaborated. "They're the ones that took, well, both of us, I guess. I don't really remember it."

Gabriella shrugged. "I've never met them."

Michael nodded. "That makes sense. I don't think your father told them that his wife was the little girl they stole."

"Did you know?"

Michael shook his head at his sister's question. "Not until I saw her." He gestured towards his niece. "She looks exactly like you." He smiled softly at the teenager. "That day in the hotel, the first time I saw you. I saw Anna in you, but I wasn't sure, not until your dad confirmed it."

"Aaron." Gabriella corrected. "That man is not my dad."

"Aaron." Michael nodded. "That's understandable." He looked up towards Troy. "Boyfriend?"

He nodded, stepping closer to Gabriella defensively, reminding her that although he had caught on to who this man was, he was still going to keep an eye on him until he was sure himself that she wasn't threatened.

"So what's going to happen to Aaron?"

"He ran." Anna frowned, stepping closer to her daughter. "But it doesn't matter, sweetie. They wouldn't do anything to him, he was a child when it happened. He can't hurt us anymore. We're together and he can't hurt us. That's all that matters."

Review? For the last time?