Title: In A Name
Rating: K+
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Spoilers: KH2 I guess
Summary: Ode to the name, for origins mean everything.
Characters: Roxas & Axel Friendship

A/N: First attempt at anything humorous. Yay? One swear word. Just an attempt after a discussion with one of my friends.

Disclaimer: Don't own so there! Lame is my disclaimer...

"It has to be"

"You're wrong."

"But it's the only one that makes sense!"

"No. End of discussion." The voice was clipped and held warning.

"Yes." "No." "Yes." "No!"

"I'm telling you…"

"No, Dammit!"

"You'll admit defeat sooner than later."

Green eyes rolled.

"Not before you get hungry."

This time blue eyes rolled.

Two voices as one.

"You're on."

And so hours passed by with no sound, no movement. Just the piercing glares of Number 8 and Number 13. Flame and light battled gazes. A war of the Organization, members once allies torn by conflicting thoughts. Friends whom would die for the other battling because of trivial matters. It was the end of the world as all knew it, and nothing could end the scrutiny that lay in each pair of eyes. Ode to the stubbornness of the two…


Okay, maybe something could end it. Such as the normally arogant Number 8 falling to the ground laughing with all his might. As his hysterics echoed an agitated blonde would direct his glare to his traitorous stomach. His red-haired companion smirked as he stared at him from the floor.

"Commit it to memory, my friend. I am never wrong."

"I hate you."

Another laugh. "We don't feel, so technically you can't hate."

A shrug. "Whatever you say, oh, Smart One. At least I'm not the one who looked like a jelly fish."

"Whatever, I still win."

The loser of the game grumbled a whatever of his own before standing. "Stupid Appetite." He coughed lightly as he raised an eyebrow at his friend.

"You're a psychopath."

"No, I'm a pyromaniac."

"That too. Anyway, I'm going to get some food."

"Told you I'd win."

He shrugged. "Sure, Mr. Pyro." Smiling, he turned and vanished around the corridor.

The Fury of the Dancing Flames stood, content with victory over the Keyblade wielder. It would be the end of his annoying suggestion.

"I forgot."

The chalkram user glanced to the doorway to see his friend's head peering at him. His brow furrowed. "And that would be?"

The blue eyed teen grinned evilly as if mirroring his companion's trademark smile.

"I forgot to say bye."

A pause.


And with that he vanished from sight, footsteps echoing as he ran towards the kitchens. Axel rammed his head on the wall in exasperation.


He was going that kill that kid if he started getting called that, again.
