Figuring It Out"It's about time you got here!" Jordan called from the bathroom when she heard her hotel door open and close. The new arrival to her hotel suite did not respond to her greeting but when she looked up in her mirror she was eye to eye with a very angry Sara Sidle.

"Hey Sara what's up?" She asked calmly. "You seemed so happy 2 minutes ago. What's going on?"

Sara took a deep breath before responding, "You flooded my apartment, you stole my spark plugs and you trapped me in an elevator."

"What are you talking about Sara?" Jordan asked trying to play dumb.

"You know exactly what I am talking about Cavanaugh! You flooded my apartment causing I don't even know how much damage, you stole my spark plugs so that my car wouldn't start – I don't even want to know how you pulled that one off and you trapped me in an elevator which caused me to have a panic attack! I am assuming that you were only able to pull that one off by asking Danny to help. Where the hell do you get off coming in here and messing with my life like this?!"

Jordan was speechless for a minute. She wasn't surprised that Sara was mad though she was a little more mad then she was expecting. "Sara, someone needed to kick you in the ass to get you to make your move. If I hadn't done all of those things you wouldn't have had the best sex of your life last night."

"I…I…I never said it was the best sex of my life." Sara stuttered trying not to blush.

Jordan laughed, "Are you denying that it was."

Sara mumbled as she looked down at her feet, "No."

"Alright, I'm sorry that I flooded your place but I had to get you out of your place and into her somehow. You've gotta admit that stealing your spark plugs was clever. I took your extra set of keys from your apartment and I wore gloves when I did it because I knew that you would print the car. You did didn't you?"

The CSI sighed, "Yeah I did."

"I know you too well," Jordan smiled, "And in my defense, I didn't mean for you to have a panic attack in the elevator. That was not a part of the plan at all. I just wanted you and Catherine to be forced to spend more time together in very close quarters. I had no idea that you were going to freak out."

Jordan could see her friend's anger begin to fade, "You can't really be mad at me because without me you would have spent last night by yourself and Lord only knows when you would've actually told Catherine how you feel - if you even did it at all!"

Sara sighed, defeated, "Yeah you are right."

"See, I knew you couldn't be mad at me no matter how much you wanted to be! Now come on, we've got to get ready! I don't want Woodrow to think that I have gone back to my old roots and ran away!"

Two hours later, Sara was standing at the alter next to her best friend as she said her vows. As she looked into the house in front of her she locked eyes with Catherine and couldn't help but grin widely at the memories of last night. Later that night after a long night of wandering the Strip with the newlyweds Sara gathered Catherine in her arms and kissed her one last time before they both fell asleep. As she was drifting off she couldn't help but be thankful for the woman in her arms and how she was only there because of her nosy old friend.

I'm sorry that this took me forever and a day to finish. I'm a schmuck! But at least it's finally done! :)