Chapter 1
"WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?!?" yelled an angry, ice skating star, from the door opening to Gai-Sensei's office. The white-eyed boy turned to her, Tenten, no surname.
"No, Gai-Sensei." He said, standing up out of his seat.
A hand from his coach pushed him back in his seat.
"No what?" Tenten said, taking a seat in a chair next to Hyuuga Neji.
"Well… as you know I am both of your coaches… and with you both entering the Olympics, I won't have the time to coach you both separately plus my other student therefore, I am making you two a paired team instead of separate performers…" Gai explained.
"No." An answer from them both.
"Gai-Sensei, you expect ME to work with that…" Tenten stood up, pointing at Neji, "COLDHEARTED BASTARD!" she screamed.
"She's too feisty. If you want to get me a partner, I want her to be easily agreeable on routines, not have choice language, and preferably less angry…" Neji told Gai, before staring off into space.
"Let me explain my reasons," Gai began, "I paired you two because Tenten has spirit in her skating and Neji has grace and if you combine you two, your opposites! AND I WILL BET MY YOUTH THAT OPPOSITES ATTRACT!"
"Be at the rink tomorrow ready to train at 5 in the morning."
Neji got up and left without saying a word.
On the other hand, Tenten, obviously furious, took out several kunai knives and shuriken, muttering something about a "stupid prodigy" and an "emotionless bastard."
She walked out, still muttering, looking furious, and holding weapons.
Gaia chuckled and thought, 'one day they will thank me. Maybe not in the next month or the next year but they go together strangely. They will have spirited youthful graceful prodigy children.'
Okay... not my best. But review. And give me ideas! I just had a dream where this happened. It was... weird. SO I WROTE! Also I need ideas for my other story, A Pretend Marriage. Leave ideas in comments please.