Here is the last chapter!! I know it's so sad! But I kinda tried to get all of your ideas into it's longer than all of my other chapters! Here you go!!

"Troy!" Gabriella said messing with her daughter's curly brown hair. Elizabeth Michelle, Troy had picked out the middle name and he was so excited. Although Troy had never seen himself being one of those cheesy dads, he was. "Troy!"

Gabriella was dressed in a pretty white sundress and Elizabeth was in a matching dress. They both had pink sun hats to match. Their brown hair went rather well with the pink hat and they looked really cute.

Troy came downstairs with a stuffed basketball in one arm and a toddler in the other. Alexander Jack, or Alex. Alex's blue eyes were wet with tears and he was wiping them. Alex and Elizabeth were three year old twins and they were incredibly spoiled.

"Finally…" Gabriella muttered. It had taken Troy an hour to wake Alex up and put him in the little suit. Which, while it may have been hard to do, Gabriella could have done in twenty minutes. Alex was like a mini Troy.

"Mommy…daddy to-told-ed me-me that we-we could-couldn't pway ball." Alex said reaching for his mother. Gabriella smiled and grabbed her son. Troy rolled his eyes.

"You can later but right now we have to go take pictures for Aunt Sharpay's book." Troy picked up Elizabeth, at least one of his children didn't hate him.

"Daddy…why you mean to Alwex?" Elizabeth asked. She had the same look that Gabriella had when she was confused. Troy smiled,

"Elizabeth…why don't we go look at pictures?" Troy said changing the subject. Elizabeth jumped out of his arms and ran to the coffee table where the scrapbook was. As they sat down Troy spun his wedding ring around his finger and watched as his wife tried to convince Alex that now was, indeed, not the time to play ball.

"Daddy! Look!" Elizabeth said pointing to a picture of a 17 year old version of Troy and Gabriella. They were at school and standing on top of a table at lunch. Troy remembered that moment.

"Troy! Stop it!" Gabriella said giggling. She was trying to study and eat but Troy had other plans as he kissed her and kept touching her

"Ella….no!" He whispered in her ear. It was their first day at school as a couple and Gabriella was already subconscious about it enough, hiding herself behind books, but he wanted to just tell everyone that he was with her. That they were together.

"I'll make you a deal. If you let me read this last chapter, without touching me, then I will stand up on this table with you and tell everyone that we are together." Gabriella wasn't serious because she knew he would couldn't stop touching her.

Much to Gabriella's horror, ten minutes later, she was on the last page of the chapter and her boyfriend was staring at her waiting for her big announcement. She giggled and closed her book.

"Stand up there with me?" He shook his head and pulled out his chair. They were actually going to stand on the table. Gabriella pulled her brown hair into a bun before she stepped onto the table. Troy followed her grabbing her waist. As the two stood on top of the table the whole cafeteria went silent.

"Attention!" Gabriella yelled. Everyone stood still and no one even dared to speak. There were only three people in the whole cafeteria that had emotions shown on their face. Sharpay and Chad had looks of amusement and Taylor, well, she looked pissed.

"Attention! I am Gabriella Montez, if you don't know me. Anyway…I'd just like the student body to realize this amazing event. I'd like to let all of the ladies in the school know that Troy Bolton, yes THE Troy Bolton, has a girlfriend." Troy smiled and kissed her right on the lips. It was the most romantic, yet cheesy moment, in their whole high school career.

The two were too caught up in their kiss to notice as Sharpay captured the picture on her digital camera.

"Troy…we have to go…no more stories…" Gabriella said smiling at the father and daughter. Elizabeth loved that scrapbook, as did Alex. Instead of reading fairy tales and such Alex and Elizabeth would beg their parents to tell them a story about a picture in the scrapbook.

"Pwease mommy…" Troy said pulling out the famous Bolton puppy dog eyes. Gabriella rolled her eyes and picked up Alex.

"In the car, just because you are too cute to turn down." Troy grabbed the book off the table and grabbed Elizabeth's hand. As the two walked to the car, Troy's hand found Gabriella's and Elizabeth had jumped on Troy's back and Alex was clutching his mom's shoulder and his orange basketball.

"Morning Mister." Alex said to the driver. The Bolton family had a driver. They were rather lucky. As they got into the back of the car and buckled up Alex grabbed Elizabeth's hand and they picked a page together.

"This one!" Alex said pointing to a picture of Gabriella with her parents. It wasn't exactly a happy picture. The three of them all had forced smiles and Gabriella was at least a foot away from them. Her usual tan face looked pale, shocked and angry.

Gabriella was sitting in Troy's room studying with Chad, Sharpay and Troy for their huge chemistry final. There were multicolored highlighters sitting in front of them and they were focused intently on their papers. They were so focused that they didn't even hear the doorbell ring.

"What did you get for-" Chad started until he noticed a strange man standing at the door. He looked at Troy. "Dude, why is there a weird guy at your door." The eighteen year old turned around to see a man that looked exactly like Gabriella, except in a man form. Troy spoke,

"That's…" Gabriella glanced over her shoulder expecting to see some basketball person and there stood her father, in the flesh. He finished, "…Ella's dad." All of the color from Troy's face flushed, along with the whole rooms. Gabriella was going to have to leave.

"Gabriella!" Her dad said grinning like an idiot, not noticing the scowl on his daughters face. "Honey! Your mother and I are back!" Gabriella glared at him and stood up,

"Hey…guys…can you give me a minute alone with my parents?" Chad wanted to stay and watched the Montez smack down but instead followed his girlfriend and best friend to Sharpay's room.

"We're coming to get you! We are going to California again." Gabriella took a step away from her parents. She hadn't seen them in a year nor did she want to see them. She had moved on with her life, given up on them. And now in the peak of her happiness they came to take her?

"No." She said with no tone in her voice. She didn't want to go back to California. She wanted to stay here. "No." Gabriella's mother stepped in with a tone,

"Gabriella, you do not say no to your father. We are going back to California. You can keep in touch with the Bolton's." Gabriella glared at her,

"No, mother, they are my family or more than you'll ever be." Gabriella finally got some backbone and stepped closer to her mother, "They wouldn't leave me." Gabriella's mother was shocked as to how her daughter was acting. It was like she was a completely different person. She wasn't naïve little Gabriella anymore.

"Darling…you don't know what has been going on with your father and I…" Gabriella cut in quickly,

"Actually I do. You guys were broke and didn't tell me. You dropped me off at this house with no explanation. So, I researched it to find out where my parents were." Gabriella had lied about the end part because she didn't want to see her boyfriend out.

"Darling…we wanted to tell you. Listen…Mary said you could stay here until graduation. We just wanted to come get a picture with you. You know, to remember." Gabriella rolled her eyes and grabbed Troy's camera off of his desk.

Gabriella was kind of happy she took that picture. That was the last time she had seen her parents.

"You pretty!" Alex and Elizabeth said at the same time. Gabriella smiled and flipped the page and Alex pointed out another picture. It was a picture of Troy holding a basketball smiling with a random guy next to him.

"Ball!" Troy smiled. He didn't really remember exact details of that day but he knew the jest of it. That was the day he got signed to play for the Lakers.

"TROY!" Gabriella yelled over the college students cheering. They were in the crowded gym and she was trying to shout "TROY!" But the whole gym was yelling so it was hard to hear.

"Yeah." A sweaty figure appeared from behind her in that Bruins basketball uniform. They shared a kiss and a few words before a man in a suit approached him. The man seemed to be about forty and loaded obviously.

"Mr. Bolton?" Troy shook his head and turned around. He hoped he didn't smell completely awful, although he had played the whole game so it was probably that he smelled. "I'm Phil Jackson." Gabriella knew that was a big thing by the look on Troy's face. It was a mix of shock and complete happiness.

Gabriella winked at her boyfriend and went to talk to Sharpay, Chad, Mary and Jack while they all watched Troy get his spot. The next season Troy Bolton was starting forward for the LA Lakers!

"Daddy good ball pwayer?" Elizabeth asked pointing to all of the newspaper clipping of how he was VIP and stuff. The kids didn't know about him being a good player or not because about a year after they were born he threw out something in his knee and couldn't play anymore. But now they are still lucky, money wise, due to his brief time as a part of the team. Plus Gabriella owns her own design line with Sharpay…MEBD (Montez-Evans-Bolton-Danfoth) It's really popular. It's like the new Chanel.

"Daddy is the best basketball player." Gabriella explained to her kids. The two kids just giggled like toddlers do and they turned the page. It was a picture of Gabriella and Troy asleep on a plane. They could never figure out who took it but they found it on their seat after they "went to the bathroom together." The picture was one of Gabriella's favorites because you could clearly see her engagement ring. It was beautiful.

"Troy…there better be a really logical reason why we are on the beach at four in the morning! I am freezing!" Troy pulled her closer to keep her warm. He pointed to the sun that was rising.

"I wanted you to see that." Gabriella was shocked to how beautiful it was. It was like the most romantic sunset in the world and he got to share it with her.

"So, my dad gave me the best thing ever last week. Do you want it?" Gabriella rolled her eyes. Troy would "ruin" such a romantic moment with a stupid question. She just looked at him,

"Sure." Then he did the thing she was least expecting, that cold Tuesday morning on the beach, he proposed to her, with his great-grandmother's ring.

And she said yes.

"Daddy wooks silly!" Elizabeth said as she pointed to a picture of Troy and Gabriella in Italy for their honeymoon. Troy was being himself and taking one of those cheesy pictures where he was "holding up" the leaning tower of Pisa. Gabriella just laughed and flipped the page. None of their honeymoon stories were kid-friendly.

"Mommy wook!" There was a picture of Alex and Elizabeth's birth. Gabriella could remember the day she found out she was expecting.

"I'm not sick." Gabriella repeated as she puked in the toliet. She was used to it by now. She had been puking for about two weeks on and off. Sharpay was currently trying to coax her into a doctors appointment of some kind.

"You are puking." Gabriella bent down again and just threw up. She didn't even care anymore but she hated doctors. She was just hoping that it was a 36 hour thing but it kept coming back…

"Maybe I'm…" She stopped herself. She couldn't be. No, it was impossible. Well, technically, it was possible but…no. "Oh my…I'm pregnant." Sharpay was quiet for a minute,

"Well…your honeymoon was two months ago and you are puking and you did totally fuck my brother two weeks straights so…you might be pregnant.." Gabriella ignored her friend and slammed open her cabinet freaking out. She pulled out the pregnancy strip and stripped down her pants and peed on it.

It five minutes she and Sharpay stared at it hard and long in big bold pink letters it read: PREGNANT.

"Ella…" Troy said getting his wife out of her trance telling the story. He pointed out the door to show the courtyard where the 'Bolton' family pictures were being taken. Jack, Mary, Sharpay, Chad and then Gabriella, Troy, Alex and Elizabeth were all going to be taking pictures for a big family album. "Let's go."

As they got out of the car they were approached by a VERY pregnant Sharpay and a very tired looking Chad. If Sharpay was demanding before, she was triple the amount now. She wanted everything, NOW. And if she didn't get it she would cry, or scream.

"Hey, it's your guys turn to take pictures." Alex stood up after his dad sat him down clutching that basketball. Sharpay smiled as Elizabeth ran to her,

"SHAR!" Alex did the same. They were in love with their Aunt and uncle and when their parents go out of town they beg to stay at Shar and Chad's because they are the funniest people. Gabriella and Troy had decided that they were going to be great parents. "CHAD!"

"What? No hug for Grandma and Grandpa?" Mary said as she approached the twins clutching their uncle for dear life. The twins ran to their grandparents and hugged them too. Jack started for the tree where they were all posing. Troy and Gabriella were so close to each other and it was cute. Chad had his arm around Sharpay and was grinning like an idiot. Jack and Mary were sitting in chairs in the middle. Alex and Elizabeth? They were laying across their grandparents laps trying to be the center of attention, like always.

After several shots and cheesy smiles and Alex's whines because Elizabeth's hair got in the way the pictures were finally finished. Gabriella saw the shots and spoke giggling,

"Now that is Picture perfect."

Aw...I totally loved the last quote. It really sums it up, right? I thought it would be cool to end it where the family is going to take a it?

So thanks for ALL of your AMAZING reviews!! It was awesome! Anyway...I have a new story up called 'Roomates' if you wanna check that out!