Disclaimer: I don't own anything Zelda related, all dreams of that long gone.
Enjoy the story.
Seeing Past Darkness
"Have you heard the legend of the 'Shadow Folk'?... They are the Sheikah...the shadows of the Hylians. They say they swore allegiance to the King of Hyrule and guarded the Royal Family. But with the long peace, no one has seen a Sheikah around here for a long time." -Old Man in Hyrule Castle Town, Ocarina of Time
Six years before it all went downhill, before life changed for everyone involved in this mess, it started out simple. Eliminate the problem: that problem was as little as a problem as it should have been. Zelda knew it, Impa knew it, all Hylians and Sheikahs knew it- even the Blake family knew it. It was meant to be finished in a few weeks' worth. Track down the problem, follow the problem home, exterminate the problem. Simple as that, right?
But it didn't happen that way. John Blake, Sheikah, refused to take care of the problem. It wasn't right by him to kill some ten-year-old girl that was as innocent as any normal, human kid. Of course, she wasn't normal- not exactly. When the time came, she would obtain a scar. One so dark in color and abnormality that even the most skilled tattoo artist wouldn't be able to recreate it. Not a normal type of scar, but one that had a life of itself. It grew in length and strength, and inked the bearer's skin in a void of black wherever it stretched to. When the bearer died, the scar would overtake the body, and look for a new one wherever it could find one.
This scar, before you decide on leaving, may I tell you- was created by the goddesses- to give power to that bearer to kill the entire Sheikah race. The Sheikah, a doomed race, had to find security for the Royal Family, and do anything to stay alive.
This is why the girl was such a problem, and that's why the Royal Family declared the family criminals, sending them packing out of Hyrule and into the real world. This is why there are so many parts to the "Seeing Truth" story, why it took so long to figure out the inevitable would happen anyway, no matter how long it took, and why they were all doomed to begin with.
The colors were easy to distinguish: reds, yellows, blues, purples, greens- the whole rainbow and more. But he couldn't form the faces, the shapes, the actual people. Where was the chatter, the noise of city life? Hyrule Castle Town was just a blur of unidentified crap that he couldn't create, couldn't form into something real.
He was getting aggravated. It was hopeless.
"Give it up, Kenny," his older brother sneered, plopping down next to him on the old, Victorian-styled couch with the pink and beige flower patterns, "You couldn't create an entire world in your head even if you spent your entire life on it."
The twelve year old grimaced, sighing in irritation, "You're an asshole, Ryuichi."
The older boy laughed, ruffling Kenny's black hair, "Mom said it could take a while for you to learn, being in this mundane little world."
"I know," Kenny narrowed his eyes, the reds of his irises darkening, "But it's crap." He grabbed the remote to the television set and switched it on. "Why can't I make it like that?" He mused, watching the 'mundane' faces on the screen with amazement, "I want it to be real, like it'll suck you in any second."
"Humans watch this every day," Ryuichi scoffed in disdain, "It's just acting- just another fake life people put on for mere entertainment, for money. Besides, Dad wouldn't want you to get ideas from this."
"If they don't like it here," Kenny whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of audience laughter in the background, "why don't we go back?" A car horn beeped outside the house, near the garage, distracting him.
Ryuichi shrugged, making a casual move as if to run a hand through his midnight-colored hair- but at the last moment reached over and snatched the remote from Kenny's grasp. "I overheard Dad's on a mission."
Kenny frowned; forgetting to tackle him like he usually did after Ryuichi pulled a stunt like that. Instead, he furrowed his eyebrows and leaned a little closer, "What mission?"
The older boy, looking more like his twin if he was a bit shorter and had more freckles around his nose, felt a little bit of mischief well up in his chest. He hid the small smirk growing on his lips and nodded in continuation of his little bit of gossip; "The Royal Family sent Dad to go look for someone," he stated, eyes glistening from the light entering from the side window, bringing in the little bit of light that peeked through the dark, gray clouds into the large house, "Mom won't say a thing, but I think Dad is trying to avoid it." He grinned, his pearly whites now covered with black-banded braces- due for his first check up-, as he neared the best part.
"Why?" Kenny's interest had indefinitely peeked, "Who are they looking for?"
"The Bearer…" the front door slammed open.
Ryuichi had straightened up, a bored expression back on his features as he switched the channel. A tall, middle-aged man entered, eyes charcoal, gaze bewildered, and carrying two bags of groceries- one in each arm.
"You two want to sit on your asses all day or get some exercise?" John Blake said, turning to see them on the couch, a smirk warming his features.
"Right, dad," Ryuichi stood up, ready to help, but Kenny was rigid, his eyes wide. Everything was flooding in, cascading like a waterfall ready to overbear him shoddily enough that he couldn't concentrate on reality- that everything completely vanished into oblivion- only...
A brown-haired boy was running past him on a gray cobblestone pathway, trailing behind him was a large, wooden cart with wobbly, squeaky wheels. Kenny's eye twitched the slightest bit- unbeknownst to him, and the wooden wheels gave way. The boy cried out, frustrated, dark eyes overfilling with tears. A dog barked angrily, fur bristled but matted with dirt and water; a girl with fiery red hair ran after him, hands out in front, as she ignored her beer-bellied father. A bald thief had plucked an antique vase from a merchant stand, and the merchant was reaching for his dagger. There would be a fight, if Kenny wanted there to be one. He just watched it unfold, like a movie reeling in front of his own eyes. The dagger rested at the man's throat, one small slice away, but it couldn't happen- the soldiers would come. Order had been set firmly down on the town. Armored-clad men whisked past, blocking his view. The thief was taken away, the vase grasped from his dirty and raw fingers.
The soldiers stomped away, the criminal screaming and wailing in protest as they dragged him along, his valuables left in a brown, burlap sack forgotten on the merchant's stand, and that merchant would undoubtedly get rich in benefit of it. They disappeared down the castle walkway, and the gates closed. Three seconds later, it didn't matter anymore; townsfolk had forgotten. Beside the Temple entrance was another merchant stand, un-plagued by sticky fingers and nosy passer-byers. A Sheikah boy with violet eyes stood behind the wooden counter, eyes glistening as his twin sister shooed off another customer.
They looked familiar, being in the first grade class of Kenny's junior high, but Kenny was too busy wondering why six year olds owned a shop in the market. They grew five inches. Perfect, he thought. And then someone walked up to him, blurry face unrecognizable, as the person yelled something in his face.
"Yo, Kenny!" Ryuichi punched his arm, but the boy didn't respond. Instead, he slipped to his side on the couch in the black world, unconscious, but still awake in the other.
I know I said January but I couldn't wait. It'll take longer to upload later chapters because of finals but I just wanted to get this up. Anyway, as you can probably tell- I'm hinting at a lot of things that happen in the past three stories- "Seeing Truth",
Seeing Lies" and "Seeing All or Nothing". The two kids with the violet eyes, the bald thief is from OOT, and the red-haired girl is Malon. No, I don't know why she's chasing a dog. But that doesn't mean they are all the way they are in Jade's dream. Things change here and there. Hopefully the confusion will lessen as we go further in depth in the story. Please don't hesitate to tell me what you think and review and come back, kay? Also, I'm juggling titles. Anyone think of anything better I would love to hear, so the title may change and all. Anyway, happy new year!