Waaaaaah! Finally I can write an ff9 story! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! When seventeen-old Eiko leaves Lindblum to escape heartache, she meets the vary person she was running from. Zidane, could a couple of days away from civilization open Zidane's eyes towards Eiko?





'[sigh… Zidane.'

Seventeen-year-old Eiko lay on her queen sized bed, pondering over her childhood crush. She still liked him. She was hoping that, as she grew older, he would realize how small the gap between their ages actually was.

That day, nine years ago, when Zidane turned out to be Marcus in the play 'I want to be your Canary' Eiko thought her heart would burst. He was alive! HE, was alive. And by God she wanted to hit him. Hit him, hug him, kiss him, do something!

But she couldn't, she couldn't do ANYTHING except… run up to him and… what? Pat his back? She couldn't remember exactly what she did, only that it wasn't what her heart wanted to do. While Garnet was squeezing daylights out of him, all she could do was watch. And she could see it, the love and tenderness in his eyes, as he chuckled and patted her hair.

Eiko new she didn't stand a chance, even down till this day, she knows it. But, she still kept that slim hope that, one day, he would actually SEE her and love her. Every two or three years, Dagger and Zidane would come to visit Lindblum, and while Zidane would give his greetings to Cid and Hilda, Eiko always made sure that on that day, she would wear the her favorite gown and that her hair was perfect. She wished she could wear make-up, but Hilda said that she only could when she turned sixteen. But she only wore make-up for special occasions, not to mention a servant had told her it gives early wrinkles.

And every time Zidane would see her he would say something like "Woo boy, you're looking more and more like a woman." And everyone would nod in approval. And Cid would look all sorts of proud, and she would be in all sorts of in cloud number 9 and such. And her heart would jump, and her head would feel light, and her gut would churn, and butterflies would flutter in her stomach. And for the following two days that Dagger and Zidane would stay over would just fly by! And then a few days after her emotions would calm, and she would realize that Zidane, is just being Zidane, and that he is just being nice to the little six-year-old girl that he always knew. Even thought last they came she was fourteen, she would probably always be six in Zidanes eyes.

"Zidane… I hate you… and love you." She sighed to herself in her room. Her stormy grey eyes lazily scanned the ceiling paper. She had just recently had the previous moogle ceiling paper, that she had put since she was eight, she had it removed, with a casual, utterly amazing ceiling paper of a night sky.

Her long blue-ish-purple, flowed around her form. As she grew, her horn seemed less and less to make her forehead huge. And you could say she looked very much like Dagger when she was seventeen. Probably because they both came from Madain Sari.

Dagger and Zidane were supposed to arrive tomorrow, but she didn't want to see them. And she felt very lonely, and sad. It was on days like this that she was grateful for her horn. The Summoner's horn that allowed her to communicate with Eidolons, and she wanted to talk with Mog, or rather, Madeen.



'I'm so sad.'

I know.

'I don't know what to do. I'm in love, but not loved. Cid and Hilda love me, and I love them, but it's just not the same if the one you care for doesn't even have the slightest attraction to you.'

I would be good for you not to be there tomorrow then. You should get some time to yourself, go out and venture. Do what you used to do when you were sad. You always felt at peace when you were in nature.

'……okay. That sounds right.'

Eiko got up from her bed, her gown was slightly mussed from lying down, So she brushed herself a bit. She heard a chirping from her windowsill. She walked up to it and looked outside and saw a birds nest that was built on brick that was sticking out a little more than the others. She saw a young bird leaving the nest as the mother and father watched.

"Eiko… I really don't want you out there by yourself. It is dangerous." Hilda said, looking to her husband, who she expected to back her up, but her was only stuffing his face with the food of lunch.

"But mother-"

"No buts! You are an accomplished young lady now, there are no villains who need to be conquered, there is no reason for you to be out there."

"I just need my space, and besides. I survived six years on my own in a desert land, and with beasts my more powerful than here. I can use all the eidolons now. There is no more mist. And even if I were to encounter any rare beast, they will be squashed in instants."

"Oh, come on Hilda, she has a point."

"But, … Eiko… won't you be missing Garnet's and Zidane's visit tomorrow?" Hilda asked compassionately.

Eiko did ner best to make a face as if she had forgotten, "Oh, … well, I could always drop by Alexandria and say hello." She answered casually.

"Well, where will you go?" Hilda probed, causing Cid to roll his eyes at her worry.

"Oh, dunno from South Gate, Treno, Dali, Alexandia. And from there I could get a ship and fly here." Eiko said offhandedly, she really had no intention of going to the Alexandrian castle, but she intended to tour around the towns. But for her mothers sakes she would at least pretend she would.

"Well, I-" After getting a look from her husband, she sighed in defeat and gave her approval.

After squealing with glee she jumped up from seat at the diner table, pecked both of her adoptive parents on the cheek.

"When will you be leaving?!" Hilda shouted as her daughter was running out the room.

"By tonight!" She yelled. Picking up her petticoats she dashed up the stairs to her room.

'I can't believe it! They let me go! Oh! Yes! I'm going to need travel clothes! My new weapon dad made for me! Equipment! Some potions! Ethers! Eye drops! Echo Screens! Antidotes! EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!'

I am glad.



'Thank you.'

A/N: And there is chapter one! You like it? I do! Tell me what you think! Is it realistic? Game wise I mean!

A/N: Now ignore the map of the game okay? Just go with the flow.

"Bernice! BERNICE!" Eiko cried as she ran left and right searching for things in her room.

A chubby servant walked in. "Yes you called Lady Eiko?" The cheery woman cried.

"Oh! Bernice!" A flushed Eiko cried as she hugged the woman out of gratitude. "Bernice! I need you to make me some travel clothes. Nice ones! But make sure they blend in with everyone else okay? So I don't stick out. And it needs to be done by three o'clock." Eiko said getting serious.

"Oh! No problem miss. Anything in particular you would like?"

Eiko thought for a second and said "I would be nice if it had some sort of coat that I could take off if it get hot."

"Right away miss!"

By three o'clock, Eiko was packed, armed, dressed, and ready for take off. She wore big brown boots. That were a bit cloncky, grey tights, leathery black lose thigh length shorts on top. A dark aqua-blue bulky belt that hung off her hips. A white tee, and a dark brown jacket, the jacket stopped at the bottom of her torso, the sleeves were rolled up to her elbow. And she wore globes that were the same color as her belt. Her long hair was braided in two tresses, which she placed in front of her (A/N: you know like an indian) and her bangs fell into her eyes. She look great, and as the soldier noticed in the corner, strangely attractive.

Her bags of provisions were slung over her shoulder, and her Destiny was strapped to her back. Cid had the Destiny made especially for Eiko for her sixteenth birthday.

"Well," She said as her adoptive parents stood ready to kiss and hug her bye.

"How long will you be off?" Hilda asked eyes watering.

"Just a week and a half about." Eiko said, trying not to tear up.

"Just see darling," Cid said comforting his wife "Just before you know it, she'll be eating food out of our kitchen. It'll go by in a flash." Cid winked at Eiko.


"Now Eiko," Cid said " Here's some gil for whenever you need it. Take care, and if you should ever need anything, remember there is always a flight ship docked at every gate and town."

They all hugged and kissed and she was on her way.

On her first night out, she stayed at the inn in Lindblum, the one in the Business district. She wanted to know what it was like to be in Lindblum without staying at the castle. That night she felt so much at ease. But she had no idea what was in store for her.

When the ship from Alexandria arrived, Cid and Hilda greeted them warmly.

"Oh, Hilda how are you! It's been such a long time!" Dagger said as she hugged Hilda.

"Hey! Cid! How's it going?" Zidane asked as Cid walked up to him.

"Good, good. However Garnet and I will be very busy shortly." Cid mentioned.

"Hmm? Busy? Doing what" Zidane enquired.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you Zidane, I'll be working with Cid, he's helping me with the design for the new building that we'll build in Alexandria.
