Kali Notes: Entered in the Ultimate TyKa Fanfiction Contest. I'm back! Yes, and Kali brings you the sequel (of a sort) to Haunted! So you are correct if you assume this is a seasonal fic. XD Why is this a sort of, kind of, type sequel? Because it is merely following the plot device of using ghosts, spirits, specters, poltergeists…whatever you wanna call 'em, and the places they tend to, well, haunt. This means that the actual plot of Haunted is not involved in this new fic whatsoever. Confused yet? I think you'll get the idea once you read on. So! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Kali does not own Beyblade or its characters. We just borrow them because we love them so much to write stuff. Stuff that fans like to read (we hope…)!

Also, Kali does not own The X-Files or the episode "How the Ghosts Stole Christmas" (season 06 – best freakin' season, not to mention Christmas episode) which heavily influenced this fic.

Warnings: Shonen-ai, adult language, suspenseful situations, and indecent amount of fluff – because 'tis the season, after all.

Pairing: TyKa!

Summary: On their way home from a training camp to celebrate the holidays with their families, the BBA Revolution's bus breaks down miles from assistance…except for that dilapidated, gothic, spooky looking house up on the hill… Who will be brave enough to risk going for help? And what will they find?

Special thanks to my good friend, Typing, for giving me the idea I so desperately needed to write this, and to TechnoRanma for putting together the contest.


Chapter 01:

'Twas the night before Christmas…

On a long, winding road through the countryside, on a dark, cold, windy night. One in which it was beginning to snow, softly falling white fluff that was dusting the world in a blanket of white.

A small bus lumbered carefully down the highway, driven by a BBA driver and filled with the teens who comprised the former World Champion Bladebreakers – plus Hilary and Daichi. The group of bladers were at a special winter training camp somewhere up in the wilds of Mount Fuji (who knew there was wilderness up there?) almost two weeks ago, and now they were on their way home for the holiday season.

In the back seats, the teens were all turned toward each other while listening to Hilary begin to spin a spooky tale with avid interest. Even Kai (who sat in the back corner against the window pretending he didn't care, as usual) was listening to the stories the others told in an attempt to out-do each other. Such were the eternal competitive spirits of his friends.

"Someone remind me why we're telling ghost stories? It's Christmas, not Halloween!" Kenny grumbled, trying to hide behind his laptop to hide the shivers. He hated spooky stuff – just that much more since they're run-in with the Dark Bladers a few years ago during that first year of blading together.

"Because ghosts are cool!" Max exclaimed, blue eyes bright in the low light that barely lit up their half of the bus.

"And because it's more fun." Tyson agreed with mock solemnity. "Christmas stories are nice, and sappy, and that's great…but scary stories are much more entertaining!"

Rei patted Kenny on the shoulder. "Besides, Chief, there isn't much else we can do now that it's dark out. We can't read without killing our eyes, and we don't have one of those DVD players for cars or something, so…"

Daichi tilted his head at the group. "Is Kenny scared of ghosts?"

Hilary sighed and nodded sadly. "Are you, Daichi? 'Cause I know some pretty terrifying tales!" Her expression turned slightly wicked. Daichi, however, made a face.

"I can handle it! I'm a World Champion blader, after all!"

Kai nudged Tyson in the ribs with an elbow before he could make a response that would undoubtedly start an argument. "Don't even, Kinomiya." He ignored the pout that stuck Tyson's bottom lip out in a way that was far to enticing for Kai's comfort.

"How far do we have to go, anyway?" Daichi wondered, trying to peer out a window as if he might see a landmark that would tell him where they were – not that he could see through the snow and darkness.

"Not much farther, Daichi." The driver heard him and answered. "Maybe…an hour and a half? Depends on if this snow gets worse."

Hilary joined Daichi in trying to see out the window, nodding. "Okay. I recognize this area. I had an aunt who used to live out here. We visited her quite often." Then she grinned. "Perfect! I know just the story to tell you boys. It's about the house my aunt lived in."

Tyson and Max leaned forward eagerly and Rei rolled his eyes. Kenny nervously played with his glasses, then got up and said, "I'm just going to…go sit over here for a while," before he escaped. Kai cracked an eye open, but that was the extent of his outward interest. Daichi just sat up in his seat on Tyson's other side and demanded, "Get on with it, hag!"

The brunette swatted him over the head but otherwise ignored his insults. She was far too used to them by now. Settling into her role as storyteller, Hilary began her tale.

"Picture, if you will, a nice, comfortable house with a cozy veranda, some big trees in the front yard and well-kept hedges surrounding the property. It's a large house, lots of rooms, tastefully decorated but still has a homey feeling. It stood just outside of town, a mere half-hour's walk away. This house belongs to a newly wedded couple. They were quite young to be getting married, some said, but the fact was they'd been sweethearts since childhood."

"Hey! I thought this was a ghost story!" Daichi complained. "Not a stupid girly romance novel!"

"Shut it, Daichi!" Hilary snapped back. "I'm setting up the characters and the mood! Now keep quiet!"

"Shhh…" Max shushed the youngest of their teammates. "Give her a chance."

Daichi scowled, but kept quiet. Eyeing him, Hilary continued.

"It was Christmas of 1950, just after WWII. He was a handsome man – smart, generous, kind, and strong – but he'd injured his leg in an accident once when he was much younger, and it kept him out of the War. His name was Ryou. His beloved wife was Isae, a pretty young woman who loved her husband and her home very much. By this time, the country was in deep grief and mired in anger and horror, as the recovery from the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki had only just begun. Times were dark, and life was difficult, but this couple was fortunate to have inherited the house from Isae's grandmother when they married – a dowry, of sorts. So while many had little to nothing to call home, Ryou and Isae were extremely lucky.

"With the state of affairs here at the time, the lovers were often confronted with fear and despair. Life was so uncertain, despite that they were together, healthy, and with more shelter than most could claim. They feared losing one another for any reason – from illness, to accidents, to war. It wasn't just the lovers…everyone was afraid. But the fear of others didn't do anything to assuage the fears Ryou and Isae shared, instead making them worse. Finally it became too much for them, and they formed a lovers' pact so that they could spend eternity together."

"A lovers' pact? What's that?" Daichi interrupted.

"Shh! Never mind." Tyson shushed him impatiently. This story was getting good. He'd never admit it aloud, but Hilary had a flair for storytelling.

"It means they swore an oath to each other to be together forever, and it means they…died." Rei hesitated to explain the idea of a murder-suicide to the youth.

"Died?" Interested now, Daichi looked around at them searching for more clarification. "How?"

"That's the story, Daichi!" Hilary grinned, eyes sparkling. "Now let me finish!"

"They decided that they would die together, and would spend the rest of eternity in their beautiful home together. On Christmas Eve, Ryou took his father's pistol from the safe before joining his wife in their bedroom. Then he first shot Isae before shooting himself. They died together as they'd wanted, and their deaths left a mark on the house that remains even to his day. It's even cursed! No couple who has lived in that house since has lived longer than a year. Many more deaths have occurred in that house, and strange things are always happening. Noises, moved objects, strange lights, cold breezes, weird smells… People in the area agree the place is haunted."

"Wo-ow…" Max's eyes were wide. "That's fantastic! I wish we could stop at this house and investigate!"

"Me too!" Tyson agreed, his own eyes gleaming. Rei smiled at them fondly, shaking his head.

"You guys are such suckers. There's no such thing as ghosts." Kai stated.

"Are you kidding? Hello? Dark Bladers?" Tyson stared at him incredulously.

"They weren't ghosts. I hesitate to even call them something supernatural – other than lunatics." Kai scoffed, turning away to stare out the window – thus avoiding Tyson's returning pout.

"So does anyone know why they chose Christmas?" Max asked, curiously.

"Hmm…" Hilary pondered that, shrugging. "I don't think anyone knows for sure, but I would say…with the way things were back then, and the fact that it was a time of year when things aren't supposed to be dark and unhappy…"

"Ah. That makes sense. I suppose waiting for New Years' wouldn't really work as well, would it?"

"No. Not especially."

"Does anyone still live there?" Daichi asked.

"I don't think so. My aunt moved in with my other aunt and her family last year. She's a widow." Hilary added, thoughtfully. "She only lived in the house for a year. Said it was too big and lonely for one person."

"Maybe the ghosts scared her away." Tyson grinned. Hilary rolled her eyes.

"Don't be an idiot."

"He can't help it." Kai snorted, crimson eyes flickering toward his rival in amusement.

"No, I can't… HEY!"

Suddenly the bus lurched, tossing everyone to one side.


"Daichi! Get your butt outta my face!"

"Noooo! My laptop!"

"Kinomiya, watch the knee!"

"Is anyone hurt?" The driver inquired once the bus came to a stop. Thankfully, the bus was still upright on all four wheels, and no one was reporting any serious injuries – just bumps and bruises.

"Nah. We're okay. We've had worse blading." Rei dusted his clothes off, helping Max to his feet, then Hilary. Kenny was staring mournfully at his laptop, which had gotten tossed to the floor rather harshly. Daichi lay on his back, sprawled over the seat in a daze, but otherwise just fine.

Tyson was staring down at Kai, who he'd been thrown on top of when the bus lurched. Kai was staring back, frozen in place and unable to say anything – or perhaps unwilling to say anything. The bluenette swallowed thickly and murmured, "You okay?"

"Fine." Kai replied softly. "You?"

"Good. Fine." They stared at each other a moment longer until a hesitant cough broke through their moment.

"Uh…guys? You hurt?" Rei peered down at them over the back of the bus seat.

"No." Kai snapped, glaring at both Rei and the warm, toned body on top of him. "Get the hell off!"

"Sorry! Sorry!" Tyson scrambled away, face turning rather red.

"What happened?" Daichi was asking of the driver.

"I don't know. It just suddenly started acting strangely and I could barely keep enough control on these icy roads to keep us on the road. Then it just…died." The driver was shaking his head, trembling a little from the near-miss.

"I'd better take a look." Daichi followed the driver and stepped off the bus. Rei pulled out a flashlight from an overhead compartment marked with a big red cross.

"There's a first aid kit in there, and some emergency supplies. Go through and see if there's anything we can use. I'll be back… They'll need light." He hurried after them.

"Well." Hilary sighed and sat down heavily. "That was certainly not fun. I'm glad no one's hurt."

"Me, too." Max nodded, looking over at Tyson when a loud curse lit up the bus interior. "Tyson? What's up?"

"Oh, nothing." Tyson was curled up in the opposite corner away from Kai, staring at his hand. "I must have bumped my hand or something earlier. I'm fine."

Max slipped over to see for himself. "Let me see?"

"It's fine, Max." Tyson protested, trying to keep it away from the blonde who was trying to make a grab for his hand and inspect the damage. "Come on, stop that!"

"Just let me…oh! Damn, Tyson… That's gotta hurt." Draciel's blader winced at the bruising over Tyson's wrist and up the side of his forearm.

"What?" Hilary and Kenny crowded around Max to look over the seat at Tyson.


"Tyson, you're not fine! That's bad! That's your launch hand, too!" Kenny exclaimed.

This got Kai's attention (he who had been doing his best to pretend he hadn't been plastered to the seat beneath the star of his every hope and dream), and as the former captain – not to mention Tyson's top rival – he was across the bus and next to the injured bluenette in seconds, gently but firmly pushing up Tyson's sleeve to look for himself. "Why didn't you say anything sooner?" He demanded, carefully turning Tyson's arm. "Look at this! You're not going to be able to hold a launcher for weeks with this!"

"It's not that bad…" was the weak protest.

Hilary suddenly thrust the first aid kit at Kai, pulling out emergency splints and a tensor bandage. "Here, hold that. I'll wrap it so he can't move it and make it worse."

"Give it here. I'll do it." Kai shoved it back at her and took the stuff, applying the splints in a surprisingly professional manner and wrapping the bandage just as professionally. Neither he nor Tyson noticed the other three silently disappear to the front of the bus. "Well, all I can say is you're lucky it's the holidays, Kinomiya. At least there aren't any tournaments that you'll be missing because of this."

"It's not like I did it on purpose."

"I didn't say anything of the sort. It wasn't your fault. I'm just saying you're lucky."

Tyson sighed. Having this much of Kai's attention on him – when they weren't in the middle of a battle – was nerve-wrangling in an exciting, terrifying, I want him to never stop touching me kind of way. It happened so infrequently that it was mildly scary. Kai was always so intense in everything he did, and the only time Tyson was used to dealing with it focused on himself was during a battle. Outside the stadium was a whole 'nother kettle of fish.

Rei came bounding back inside with Daichi, rubbing his hands together and blowing on them to warm them up. "Wow, is it chilly out there!"

"So what's up?" Max asked.

"Not entirely sure. But the driver thinks we'll need a tow truck and a new ride." The raven-haired teen hugged himself. Unfortunately, it's quite a hike into town from here."

Daichi glanced at him. "What about that house we saw? There were lights on."

"I didn't see any lights…" Rei shook his head. "Besides, it looked kind of…condemned."

"There were lights! I swear!"

"Wouldn't hurt to go check it out." Max pointed out. "At least if there is someone there, we can ask to borrow their phone to call for help."

They all looked out the bus windows at the blowing snow that was less than welcoming.

"Sooo…" Max drawled.

"Who's going to go?" Daichi wondered.

"No way. I'm not dressed for this weather." Hilary pointed at her shoes – strappy sandals with a heel.

"Uh…my laptop is very delicate. It wouldn't survive the cold." Kenny bowed out.

"I'll stay here to help the driver. Maybe we can find the problem and fix it." Rei shrugged when the others looked at him. "What? I don't see any of the rest of you with any practical mechanical knowledge."

Max sighed. "Well, I guess I'll…"

"You'll all stay here." Kai announced, unceremoniously getting up and heading for the front of the bus. Tyson frowned, following closely behind the others as they followed Kai.

"Are you sure, Kai? I'll come with." Max offered, though he wasn't really keen on the idea.

"No, you all stay here. Look after Tyson. Make sure he doesn't do something stupid."


Kai stepped off the bus out into the snowy night and disappeared. While the others stood around trying to figure out what to do while they waited, they failed to comply with Kai's half-kidding order to keep an eye on their World Champion.

So no one noticed when Tyson slipped away and followed Kai out into the white darkness and down the long drive up to the seemingly abandoned house in the middle of nowhere.

Kali endnotes: Happy Holidays, everyone! I hope this unconventional seasonal fic rekindles some of that good 'ole TyKa fandom love! I also hope everyone hasn't overdone the turkey and stuffing… lol More coming soon! Thanks for reading, and don't forget to R/R!!!!