Yu Yu Hakusho

Please, Just Let Me Forget.

Chapter 01 Little One

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho, no matter how much I want to. Of course if I did, a lot of things would have been different.

(A/N) Based after, (way after) the end of the series. For people who haven't seen it all the way though, there are spoilers (lots). Also, the Toguro brothers don't really have names, they've just been called 'Elder Brother' (Aniki) or 'Younger Brother' (Outouto), though many people have adopted into calling them these as there real names. As have I, I admit .;


I am broken, useless. No more, please. I can't.

Ani Togoru doesn't remember how or when he was released from the tree, nor does he know why. But his friend seems to think that being with a certain detective would be the best thing for him, but Ani's not so sure of anything anymore.

Chapter One

Little One

"The poor little thing was already broken when I found him I assure you." an overlord in one of the remote parts of Demon World that was never influenced by the decree of Yusuke Urameshi, descendent of Lord Raizen. Urameshi had officially retired his title of Spirit Detective after his time in Demon World, but Kazuma Kuwabara, who had grown in many ways, did not. And it was he the former godling, now God, Koenma had sent to relieve the slaves this overlord had kept in trade.

"And you just took advantage of that, didn't you?" Kuwabara never liked dealing with people like this. Slave dealers were the worst of the worst.

"No detective. Believe it or not, I don't partake in the actual breaking of the," He took his hand and placed it upon the head of the small figure next to him, "merchandise."

Slave's had always made Kuwabara's heart lurch with pain, but this was too much.

"You're sick."

"Sick?" The overlord inquired, "I gave this poor wretch a place to live, food to eat, and a bed to sleep in. And all he has to do is a few menial chores for me. Is that so sick?"

"You can see he can't make his own decisions!" Kuwabara was getting more and more frustrated with the overlord, as he could see that the small demon hanging his shoulders in a long-since-defeated manner.

"Oh contraire, Detective. You may have grown older, but not wiser. This little one has given up long ago. He had no one to turn to, his brother saw to that." By the look on Kuwabara's face, he knew the detective didn't understand. He sighed and continued. "He chose to come with me, detective, in hopes to forget about everything in his past."

"Forget everything?" the poor fool was still in the dark, the overlord decided to enlighten him on the whole subject.

"This little one no longer wants to remember his own name, let alone a certain sibling of his, or what that sibling has done to him for so long. Isolating him from everyone. Not letting him have any friends, let alone lovers, all because of what happened to his Dojo, his students. Little by little what few friends this little one had were slowly turned in other directions, or killed on front of him." It seemed like the detective was starting to understand.

"He's always on the verge of tears now, " he continued. "But he will not let them fall." He paused a moment and stroked the little one's cheek with his knuckle before continuing again. "It was you, Detective Kuwabara, that finally made him snap."

"Me?!" Kuwabara was shocked at this accusation. "What did I do?"

"It wasn't you detective. He… When he first saw you, fought you, he… " He couldn't find the words to continue. "It was best that it was you that came. You must take him from here. I can't keep the buyers off of him for much longer." The overlord looked into Kuwabara's eyes with the deepest sadness he'd ever seen. "Don't force him to do anything he doesn't want to do. He'll come around; you just have to let him do it on his own. He's unstable now. Be careful about what you do, and say, around him." He bent down and whispered something to the small demon that Kuwabara couldn't catch. The small demon then looked up at Kuwabara with eyes, dull and lifeless. It might have been Kuwabara's imagination, but he thought he saw just a flicker of, hope maybe, but it was gone before he could decipher it.

His voice was a bit calmer now, but his demeanor was the same, "How do you know all of this?" Kuwabara demanded. "Who are you really?"

"The answer to that, friend detective, will come in time." He turned and left, leaving Kuwabara with the small demon, Aniki Togoro.


LBC: Next chapter will be longer, I promise . Well, reviews are lovely!

Aniki: You better, or I'll have your entrails strewn about the northern hemisphere!

LBC: O.O You're supposed to be good in this fanfic, Ani!

Aniki: … Oh. -.-;; sorry. Um…all reviewers will be given a special mention at the beginning of the next chapter .;

LBC: Better. Good Aniki –gives metaphorical cookie-

Aniki: Ooh! Metaphorical! My favorite! –pretends to eat fake cookie-

LBC: O.o; I think I gave him to much sugar…

Aniki: SUGAR!!