A/N: I'm back with a new story full of the usual angst, I hope, everyone had come to love about my fics. I've had a lot of help with this one from my awesome and best friend Crimson. Thank you! I hope to update other stories soon, when I get over the writer's block that has overcome me with them. Leave a review and enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Detective Conan that is why I write Fanfics.

Shattered Lens

Chapter one: Found

By: Kat-Chan

The brunette female trudged down a familiar path she always had taken home. A path she had walked many times with the small bespectacled boy whose presences was lacking from her side. It was so quiet and lonely without the bright child with her and there was no Shinichi to comfort her. Sonoko tried many times to cheer her up before she accepted things, but failed. The pain was still there, however lesser then when he had been reported missing and the search parties ended their searches after a month or so.

She had allowed acceptance to fill the hollowed out space in her heart. After all, three months had passed by now, there was no hope the little child was alive, though his body had yet to show up. Ran doubted his body would ever be found at this pace. Honestly, she didn't want it to be found. The young woman wanted that small hope, even if she had long since come to terms with things.

The sky, dark with rain clouds, held an ominous air of rain and storm. Neither Conan nor Shinichi would come to her rescue should it begin to rain as they often had so an umbrella lay in the pocket of her school bag just in case. Her hands clenched tighter around the handle, she missed them. Since Conan disappeared, she couldn't get in touch with Shinichi at all. Ran often wondered if they might have been the same person.

The situation would have made her suspicious if not for a different grief that might arise. Ran didn't want to think about the chance that both Conan and Shinichi were gone. Therefore any suspicion was tossed away and ignored. The young karate champion continued on her path home with out another though about Conan or Shinichi. Actually, it wasn't quite so easy.

Blue eyes came across a head of dark hair poking out behind a streetlight's pole half way along her path home. A tiny shoulder and arm draped in tattered blue cloth dropped limply into her sight. Curious and slightly worried, Ran went over to investigate and what she saw brought forth grief so strong her heart felt almost flooded over. A boy wearing a pair of glasses with shattered lenses lay against the pole. Then the rain fell.


Half asleep at the bed side of one frail looking child, Ran sat soothed by the beeping of the heart monitor that filled the silences of the hospital room. After many surgeries and a flush of all toxins they found in his body, she had finally been allowed to see him and had refused to leave his side since. She couldn't lose him again… Her sleepy gaze fixed onto his pale face, his breaths misting the clear, plastic mask over his nose and mouth. Who had done this to him?

Leaning her torso onto the bed, she extended her arm out to brush his messy hair from his face. Her finger tips eventually brushed against the gauze wrapped around his forehead, her hand pulled away. There had been so many injuries inflicted upon his small body plus the one on his head. Conan had yet to awaken and tell what happened. The doctors hadn't an idea when he'd wake up either.

Ran would wait by his side until he woke up. She would wait with that same dedicated she had to Shinichi's return. And when he woke up, she'd never let him leave her side again and she vowed to protect him thereafter despite any protest on his part. "I promise…" The young brunette tucked her arms under her head, tilting it so she could still see his face. Sleep eventually closed her eyes and took her to the realm of dreams.

"The person that did this is twisted."

Ran lifted her head, awakened by the voice. Rubbing her blurry eyes, Ran glanced to where she heard the voice. She found her father, the Great Sleeping Kogoro, at her side with a look of concern on his face. His eyes were pulled away from the child, gazing warmly at his daughter. "I'll find who did this, Ran. I'll get them behind bars!"

"Thank you, Dad," She mumbled through a yawn.

Though she promised the unconscious Conan she wouldn't leave his side until he awoke, doctors and school wouldn't allow it. Ran wanted to be there when he woke up and wanted to make sure that no one could take him away from her again. How she wished the doctors and her father had let her stay beside him. All she was allowed was a brief visit during the school days and a few hours during weekends. He still hadn't woken up yet either.

There were many emotions stirred up when word got around that Conan was found. Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta, even Ai, were assaulting her with questions on how he was. Though Ai didn't really ask as many questions as the others nor did she seem to shed a tear in relief. Agasa was overjoyed and even the Kudos (who had remained in Japan since Conan's disappearance), as strange as she found it, were crying in delight. However, when they learn of the condition he was in, they grew rather upset.

"What kind of person does that to a child," Yukiko had said, tearing up just as others had. She took the news worse though. It was quite strange to witness; Yukiko reacted like it had been her child who had suffered Conan's fate. It made Ran wonder if Conan was really the woman's grandfather's older brother's daughter's cousin's uncle's grandson as she had claimed once. It was still no time for suspicions, however, so Ran never pondered the thought again.

All she cared about was that her surrogate little brother was alive and safe.