Sadie Matthews is as bad a wise cracker as her brother Two bit. She's never met any members of the gang that Two bit hangs out with. How will they react upon finally meeting her?

This IS my first fanfic I really hope you guys like it if you do then review and I'll continue it. Oh and sorry you'll have to bare with my lame sense of humor.

Sadie's P.O.V.

I looked up from the tv as I heard the door open and in walked my older brother Two bit. He was followed by two other people they walked into the living room where I was currently sitting,"Hey Sadie, this is." Two bit was about to tell me there names when I stopped him.

"Wait, wait let me guess." I said then looked at there faces Two bit had told me a lot about his friends so I figured I'd be able to tell,"Wait don't tell me." I said waving my hands in a gesture for Two bit to shut up,"Ummm." I said and stood up circling the two boys a few times then paused in front of them.

"Well?" Two bit said crossing his arms with a smile.

"Well I'm gonna have to say ol' shirtless here is Steve and pretty boy here is Sodapop." I said signaling toward each one as I said it.

"That's right!" the one I decided was Sodapop shouted jumping up and down.

"Man I just met you and I can already tell you're like Two bit." the over one Steve said.

Two bit ran over,"Well duh Steve look at us we look alike." Two bit said wrapping one of his arms around my shoulders.

"So... you think I'm...are you calling me ugly?" I said to Two bit. Sodapop dropped to the floor laughing as did Steve. While Two bit tackled me to the ground and put me in a head lock. I struggled against his arm.

"Uncle!" Two bit yelled.

"But I'm not holding onto you you're holding onto me," I said with a fake confused look,"how am I supposed to let go?"

"Oh you're funny." Two bit said sarcastically. While Steve was starting to stand up but Sodapop on the other hand look about ready to pass out.

"Man Two bit one things for sure that is your sister." Steve said between laughs.

After a while and I'm talkin' a long while we got Soda to calm down and we were now all sitting in front of the tv watching what ever was on which in this case was a corny love movie, which Two bit and I brightened up with our wise cracking ways.

"Shoot Two bit she's just like you. Hey can she handle as much alcohol as you can?" Steve asked.

"We wouldn't know cause a certain brother who's name is a number in front of an amount won't let me try any." I said eying Two bit.

Soda began laughing lightly. Two bit rolled his eyes,"Theres no need for girl's to get drunk." Two bit said flatly.

"So how come you do?" I asked. That was it Soda broke out laughing hard again.

Two bit slapped the back of my head lightly,"Watch it kid."

"Watch what? How can I watch something if I don't know what I'm watching?" I asked.

"Yep your sister. For sure." Soda said calming him self down a bit.

Soda's P.O.V.

I walked back to my house with Steve the summer air cooled by night,"Man Two bit's sister is basically a a clone of him." Steve said to me.

"A Female clone." I corrected as I opened the screen door to my house.

"Yeah yeah yeah." Steve said as we walked in to my house.

"Hey I'm home!" I yelled.

"Good to know," Dally said from his place on the couch,"so did you guys meet Two bit's sister?' he asked.

"Sure did she's just like Two bit." I said.

"Wise cracking drunk?" Dally asked.

"Wise cracking yes drunk? Two bit won't let her drink." I said.

"So she wise cracks as bad as Two bit?" Dally asked.

"Shoot she almost killed Soda from making him laugh so hard." Steve said.

"Who almost killed Soda by making him laugh?" Johnney asked walking in with Ponyboy.

"Two bit's sister." I said.

"You met her?" Ponyboy asked.

"Sure did she's like a Two bit clone." Steve said.

"Female Two bit clone." said in a know it all voice.

Steve rolled his eyes,"I've gotta meet mrs. wise cracker for my self." Dally said.

"She and Two bit are gonna be swinging by tomorrow." I said.

"OK then I'll be here tomorrow." Dally said as he got up and walked out the door. Most likely heading to Buck Merril's place.

How are Dally and the others gonna react to Two bit's sister? Review if you want me too continue.