A/N: well hello there! :) sorry for not updating. worst writers block ever! then i cranked out a few chapters. i just didnt know what to do with the story... forgive me?

disclaimer: nope. nothing

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"Mom! I'm home!" Alicia called as she walked into her home. Her heels were click clacking as she wandered into the giant mansion's foyer, the sound bouncing off the expensive paintings that decorated the walls.

"Hi sweetie! How was your date?" Nadia asked as she walked into the foyer, nearly bumping into her daughter. Alicia stepped back and dusted imaginary lint off her jeans. She looked up, smiling and nodded.

"It was great Mom."

Alicia brushed past her mom and started up the stairs when the doorbell rang. Realization set in as Nadia walked forward to open the door.

"Wait! Mom! I want to open it! Hold on!" Alicia rushed down the steps and walked over to the door, remembering their earlier conversation.

With a deep breath, she pulled the big door open, a smile painted on her face.

"Cousin! Long time no see! No?!"

Alicia just smiled and said, "Hola bitch. Now go away!" With that, she turned and slammed the door shut in Nina Callas' face.

"Alicia! Open that door right this instant! How rude of you!" Nadia stepped forward to try and open the door, but Alicia was blocking the way.

"Nu-uh Mama. She already came into our lives once and ruined it and now you are letting her come in AGAIN?! Seriously! Do you think that we forgive and forget that easily! She made our lives HELL the last time she was here! And she stole stuff! Thats ILLEGAL! You really don't want her here. Go send her to stay at the Hilton or something."

Alicia waved her hand dismissively at the last part. She honestly didn't care where Nina stayed as long as it wasn't near her.

"Alicia. We have no choice! She's family! I know that you don't exactly get along, but maybe give her a fresh start? Please?"

"Nope. If you let her in this house, I won't speak to her, I won't acknowledge that she is here, or even in the same room as me! I will NOT be chauffering her around and I most certainly am NAWT going to be taking her anywhere me or my friends are going. So don't even ask me too."

Alicia stomped up the stairs, swinging her bag back and forth as she took each step. She heard her mother sigh and then open the door, apoligizing for her and ask her to come in. She still could not believe that her mother and father would do this to her! Nina made life hell when she was here last time. But revenge is a bitch. Everyone knows that, right?


When Alicia got to her room she tossed her purse onto her bed and kicked off her heels, opening her closet door and kicking them soccer style into the back of the closet. She grabbed her favorite old sweatshirt of her Dad's and a pair of black leggings. Shrugging off her top, the Harvard sweater went on and after her jeans were off, the leggings were on. With a satisfied glance at her supermodel face and body in the mirror, she walked back over to her purse, grabbed her Sidekick and put the purse on a hook. She put some gloss on at her vanity and brushed her black locks, a perfect pout on her gorgeous face, as she wondered, "What did I ever do to deserve this??"

Alicia went and plopped down on her pile of pillows and flipped the phone open. With a sigh, she started to text.

the biggest bitch/boyfriend stealer is back. any ideas to get rid of her?
to: dylan, claire, massie, kristen


"COOOUUUUSSSSEEEEENNNN!!!" Nina screeched as she flung Alicia's door open. Alicia barely even glanced up from her magazine. Nina started to walk around her room, touching old posters and looking in her closet. When she sat down on Alicia's bed, that did it.

"YOU! OUT!" she screamed, jumping up. Nina staggered to her feet and looked at Alicia with wide eyes.

"You came into my life once already and YOU RUINED IT. You stole all of our boyfriends and you made everyone think that we didn't know anything. And you stole things from people! I mean, don't you have enough money to buy them yourself?"

When Nina started to interupt, Alicia held up a manicured finger.

"Yes you did that, so don't even deny it! You acted like you had no idea what these people were accusing you for! What is your problem? I swear if you go anywhere near my friends or you set a toe in my room, you will be sorry Nina Call-ASS!"

Alicia spat out the last word and grabbed Nina's skinny arm, dragging her out of her room. Then she threw the door shut and dusted off her hands. She grabbed her Ralph Lauren perfume and sprayed the door and everything that that bitch had touched.

"Now you can't smell her anymore. Ha."

She crossed the room and powered up her Mac. Smiling, she typed a message to Massie, Dylan, Kristen, and Claire.

'Phase One initiated.'


"OMG. Griffen got soo fucking hot!" Kirsten gushed on Friday as she flicked popcorn at Dylan who was inspecting her red hair for split ends.

"It should be like illegal for someone to be that hot. Sooo not fair."

Alicia laughed as she thought of the last Kristen and Griffen had seen each other. It had been at Skye's interesting Halloween party. After that, Griffen had left Briarwood and no one had heard from him. Lots of rumors swirled around but no one knew which one was true. There was the good old "he found a hot italian babe and ran off to marry her" but no one believed that. Then there was the one that Massie shot down immediately, "Kristen scared him off after the party." Alicia just kind of laughed at them because she knew that they weren't true. Kristen had mentioned something about a text from him during the summer but now that Alicia thought about it, it made sense that he would text the girl he liked, right?

Her head whipped around when she felt popcorn land on her back. Looking up at Massie and Kristen, she smiled. "Sorry guys, I was, umm remembering something that Ralph wanted me to do tomorrow." She smiled apologeticaly and listened to Kristen's story.

"Anyways he looked so shocked when I walked into the diner with Blaine."

Her voice was smug. Massie smiled and lightly punched Kristen on the shoulder. "Good job Kris, show him what he's missing. And make him want what he's missing." She smiled and Kristen laughed.

"I never told you the best part! We totally like kinda made out there too! And I think that he saw!" Kristen looked around excitedly. All the girls cheered and laughed, immediately asking for details. Then Dylan jumped up, remembering something.

"You guys! You can come see the Daily Grind on Monday! Its the first show I'm doing by myself and I totally need you guys there."

"I'm so there Dyl!" The 3 of them said together. "Oh! And I sent Claire a text too and she said that she would check with her 'agent'" Dylan put air quotes around agent "and she got back to me. She can go! She's flying out soon!!! She's gonna have the whole weekend with us!"

Everyone shrieked and happy danced as there was a knock on the door. Massie was still happy dancing as she opened the door.

"OH MY GOD CLAIRE!!!" Massie jumped forward and hugged her friend tightly. Alicia, Kristen and Dylan were right behind her squealing and screaming "CLAIRE!!" Claire was screaming and hugging everyone while crying.

"Oh my gawd. It has been too long you guys! I have soo much to tell you. Though have probably seen a lot in the papers..." She added sourly, wiping her tears away and laughing. "My life probably couldn't get any more fucked up. Hollywood is a bitch and everyone is in this crazy competition to be the best and I hate it! Everyone is so fake and they just use you!" She wiped away more tears as Dylan grabbed her luggage and Massie started to rub small circles on her back. Alicia cleared a path through all the clothes and bags for her to sit.

"Aww Claire baby you should have called! You know that we are always here for you!"

Claire nodded and shook her head, rolled her shoulders back and looked up at her best friends, smiling.

"So, what have I missed?"

With that, the five girls collapsed onto the pile of clothes, bags, pillows, and make up and started talking.


so, there was a chapterr. ughh, like a year later, but if you love me review?

