ZIGZAG, v.t. To move forward uncertainly, from side to side, as one carrying the white man's burden. (From zed, z, and jag, an Icelandic word of unknown meaning.)

He zedjagged so uncomen wyde
Thet non coude pas on eyder syde;
So, to com saufly thruh, I been
Constreynet for to doodge betwene.

"Stop being so indecisive, Gakuto," Oshitari reprimanded. "Just choose one; either you want to take a cooking class next year, or you want to take a arts class."

"But I don't know!" Mukahi whined, looking over his choices frantically. "I don't know if I want to do art, cooking, theatre, or choir!"

"I'd say nix to the choir part," Oshitari advised him, crossing it off Mukahi's list with a pen. "And nix to the theatre part too." He crossed that off also.

"But I want to do theatre!! Or cooking, I dunno which one. I want to eat food that I cook, but I want to act too!"

"Okay, I'm going to cross off cooking because you'll burn down our school's kitchen. And Atobe won't appreciate that, since he's most likely the one who's going to be paying for the damages."

"Why?!" Mukahi demanded, crossing his arms.

"I'm going to cross off arts too, because you'll ruin all my favorite paints. Congratulations Gakuto, I've solved the problem for you."

"Yuushi…there are no classes for me to take anymore…you crossed them all out."

"Then choose one," Oshitari replied, tossing the paper away.

"That doesn't help at all! Fine, I'll do theatre. Wait, no, cooking. No, choir…!"

Haha. Indecisions.

I got this chapter out early. Cause I wanted to finish this. XP.

So I'll only have to worry about updating Emptied Life. Weeeee.