Yup, I am still working on this! Thank you very much to those of you who reviewed. I have for you here a Yukimura POV chapter.

Title: First Thoughts
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Characters: Yukimura, Rikkai ensemble
Prompt: Not Enough (34)
Word Count: 865

Yukimura Seiichi had expected the second Nationals victory to come easily

"Are you sure you want to take the time to play a match with him?" were the first words out of Sanada's mouth, as soon as Tachibana was out of hearing range of the cluster of Rikkai players. "He doesn't seem particularly interesting."

Yukimura watched the blond Shishigaku player walk away.

"He's the only one who has challenged me to a match this year," he said.

"Everyone's afraid of you by now, Seiichi," Yanagi said, sounding amused. "'Child of God', and all, you know."

Yukimura gave them a smile.

"Besides, Genichirou," Yanagi continued. "Chances are, Seiichi won't get to play in the finals, so he probably wants to have at least one game before we go home."

"True," Yukimura said. "If any of you lose to Makinofuji Gakuin, I'll have you running laps until December." His team laughed, not because they thought he wasn't serious—they knew he was—but because there was no way they were going to lose.

"Aww, buchou, you're so sweet," Niou broke in with a grin. "I thought if we lost, you string us up by our ankles from the roof of the equipment room."

"Just for you, Niou," Yukimura said. "Make sure you don't lose any points, or I'll have Genichirou bring out the rack and thumbscrews, as well."

"Buchou!" Akaya said, tugging at his wrist. "Do it, buchou!"

"Akaya," Sanada growled.

"Now, now," Yukimura laughed. "There's no need to be so bloodthirsty." He ruffled the first-year's curls. Sanada thought he indulged the boy too much, but he was really an adorable child. Not a thing like Yukimura at that age, but he had the talent to continue Rikkai's tradition of dominance.

"But you're not letting on the regulars until after Nationals," Akaya whined, as if that was reason for everything.

"That's right," Marui said. "You're the alternate, brat. You're not going to take our spots just yet."

"If something happens to Niou-senpai, can I play doubles with Yagyuu-senpai instead?"

"If anything suspicious happens to Niou, you aren't going to be a regular until after Nationals next year," Yukimura said, shoving his shoulder. "Go practice. Same goes for the rest of you. The finals are tomorrow. Run thirty laps, and then, practice matches. And it's hot out. Make sure you stay hydrated, or Akaya will end up taking your spot tomorrow."

"Yes, Yukimura-buchou!" they chorused, heading off. Yukimura watched them go.

The finals were tomorrow. Their second Nationals victory was on the horizon. He should feel excited, or at least a little bit interested. But he had spent the last year creating his ideal team, getting rid of incompetent older players and the idiotic coach who was more tied to the tradition of excellence than excellence itself. He had found among the other first-years the players he needed, to supplement Sanada, Yanagi and himself. Marui, Jackal, Niou, and Yagyuu. Diamonds in the rough, but as much talent as he could have hoped for. And now, he had Akaya, the one who would surely become the best player of his year, the one who would continue the team when he had graduated. He had trained them relentlessly, and while they were not yet perfect, they were the best junior high school team in Japan. Their victory against Makinofuji Gakuin was a foregone conclusion.

And Yukimura Seiichi was bored. Tachibana's unexpected challenge was the most interesting thing that had happened to him all week, except perhaps for the zombie flick he, Yanagi, and Sanada had gone to a few days ago. And when going to a horror movie with his friends was the high point of his Nationals experience, he knew he needed a new distraction.

The truth was that he had already noticed Tachibana Kippei. He, and that other Shishigaku regular—Chitose, his name was—were supposed to be the two best tennis players from Kyushu. Yukimura had gone to their semifinals match up with Makinofuji Gakuin and had thought they seemed decent enough. They weren't up to Sanada or Yanagi's standard, but they were skilled players, and it was their first year at the Nationals, as far as he knew.

"Seiichi." It was Yanagi, who had doubled back to meet him.

"Finished with laps?"

Yanagi was frowning.

"Are you sure you want to play the match with Tachibana?" he said. "He has a reputation for violent play."

"Are you worried, Renji?" Yukimura asked.

"There's not a junior high player in Japan who is your match," Yanagi said. "I don't doubt that you can beat him with your eyes closed. But players like that can be dangerous, on and off the courts. When he loses, he might…"

"No," Yukimura said. "I don't think so. I know his reputation, but I didn't get that feeling from him. He seemed quite young, actually."

Yanagi smiled wryly.

"We're all children to you, aren't we?"

"Not really," Yukimura said.

"You and Genichirou both act so old. If you're bored, maybe you should–"

Yukimura glared at him.

"Sorry," Yanagi said. "Sore subject. I'll go finish my laps now."

"Good idea," Yukimura said.

Finals were tomorrow, and he had nothing to do except watch the team run laps. He wished he hadn't left his book back at the hotel.

A/N: Please review! This is my first time writing a lot of Rikkai, and Yukimura-centric fic, so feedback is always appreciated.

If it seems like the chapters are short, there is a reason--since this is for fanfic100, there will be 100 of them.

I have gone back and made a note of this on the first chapter, but I am probably going to be adding other pairings, along with Tachibana/Yukimura. Right now, the most likely are Sanada/Atobe and Kirihara/An. They will not be the focus of this story, but they may be included.