So this oneshot doesn't actually involve Jacob that much..

Bella's Point of View

"I want to go back," I whispered.

Edward sat up, staring at me in the dark. I could see the shadows of his perfect features, the concern, apprehension and sadness that distorted them.

I stayed on my back, staring at the ceiling. Often, at night, Edward and I would lay in bed, drifting in the place between consciousness and sleep. We couldn't sleep, of course, but there was a certain peace of mind in just laying there. It was the only time I could shut my eyes and allow myself to see perfectly all the things I had left behind. My father, sitting on the couch, watching basketball. My mother's childish delight, the happiness that filled her face when she smiled. My truck. My house. My high school friends. And my Jacob, the reassembled mess that was Jacob, no longer mine. His dark, loving eyes, his warm hand wrapped around mine. I thought of his children, dear to me though I had never met them.

"Back?" Edward asked, though he knew perfectly well what I was talking about.

"To Forks," I said, pulling myself up and wrapping my arms around my legs. "I… I just want to see. To look."

He pulled me into his lap. "Bella… We can't," he said softly. "Well, we could, but you'd just be disappointed. It's been years, honey. Things won't be the same as you remember them."

"I know," I said. "That's why I want to go back. I want to see how things have changed."

"Wouldn't it be better to keep your memories in tact?" he tried to reason.

I shook my head. "They'll still be in tact. I just want to see. Not everyone gets to see the passing of time around them, right? I mean, after a while, it won't mean anything to me, because I won't know any humans. But right now, it still does. So, I think it'd be interesting, to look at how things have changed, even though I haven't." I wondered if I was making any sense. "You know? Through the same eyes, even though things are different."

Edward sighed. "I really don't think this is a good idea."

I twisted around to look up at him. "It probably isn't. But I can't not go back." I pouted. "Please?"

He kissed my forehead. "I hope you've given this a lot of thought," he whispered against my neck.

Though I had been with Edward for fifteen years, and I was now a vampire, too, this still gave me shivers. I ran my fingers through his hair.

"I have," I assured him. "I have."

Fifteen years didn't exactly go by in the blink of an eye, but time passed strangely after I was changed. Days, nights and weeks blended into each other, a month sometimes seeming like hardly a few days. Other times, a week could go on and on, seeming like an eternity. It was strange, especially at first.

Edward and I spent our first years living with his family before the two of us moved to the Atlantic Coast, in Maine. It was quiet there, especially during the winter. He wanted to get me acquainted to my new existence, refusing to have any interaction with humans. Though this was silly, because even as a vampire, I had an aversion to human blood. During this time, Edward's family – my family – came to visit us, living either with or nearby us for a few weeks at a time.

In my eleventh year, we decided to move in with them in Alaska, and lived there for a year. They then decided to move to England, to live among humans as they had in Forks, and Edward and I followed them. He didn't think I was ready for that just yet, though, so we traveled the world. It was amazing. Edward proved to be a terrific tour guide, through all of Europe, Asia, South America and Australia. We took our time in countries we liked, exploring every part of it.

As more time passed, I became acutely aware that although I was not aging, the humans I loved were. They would die, someday, and I would never see them again. By now, it might be too late to see my parents. Who knew?

We arrived in Forks just days after I told Edward I wanted to go. We brought nothing with us, as we had nowhere to stay. Edward was determined we not stay in Forks for any length of time.

As soon as I stepped off the plane into the chilly evening of autumn in Forks, I knew I was home. The thick, moist air was familiar to me, as were the puddles on the ground and the raindrops that dripped from the trees. It brought back so many memories.

"You know what's kind of ironic?" I said, slipping my hand into Edward's as we stood outside the small airport.

"What?" Edward asked.

"When I lived here, I basically hated it and stayed because you were here. Now I'm with you, and I'm coming back for everything else..." I shrugged. "It just seems weird."

Edward sighed, and I could see that he was remembering those whirl-wind months when I was human. "Maybe for you," he said, and then smiled down at me, my favorite crooked grin. "Do you think you could indulge me?" he asked. "Since we're taking a walk down Memory Lane anyway…"

I frowned. "What?"

"Let me run." I looked at him, confused for a moment. "Please? For old time's sake?"

"Edward, I am not –,"

"Please, Bella?" Edward said, touching my face. "Indulge me. Just this once."

I shook my head, but said, "Fine."
He grinned and squeezed my hand. Together, we walked away from the airport, across the street into the woods. When we were out of view, I sighed and climbed onto Edward's back.

"Hold on," he said, and started running.

It was different now, though. It didn't seem quite so fast, since I had traveled like this on my own before. The speed didn't make me dizzy or afraid. I clung to Edward, nonetheless.

He stopped abruptly, and I slid off his back.

"Do you recognize where we are?" he asked

I looked around the woods. They didn't seem any different then the woods outside the airport.

"No," I said.

Edward took me by the shoulders and turned me around, pointing over my shoulder. "Look that way."

I looked, and saw a house. My house. I took a step forward. It was dark now, and there were lights on inside. I could hear strains of music playing softly, and the noise of a television over it.

"Oh, Edward," I whispered softly. "Do you think…?"

"I wouldn't get your hopes up, love," Edward whispered, his voice sad. He wrapped his arms around my waist, his chin on the top of my head.

"Can we go closer?" I asked. "It's dark…"

He let go of me and took my hand, walking noiselessly with around the edge of the woods, to the side of the house. Here, we had a view of the living room and my old bedroom.

Sitting on the couch in the living room was a woman of about thirty with a toddler in her lap. I didn't recognize either one. As I watched, a red-headed teenager passed in front of the window.

"A family," I whispered. "No Charlie."

Edward studied my face. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "He'd be in his seventies. He couldn't live alone, probably. It's okay."

"Bella…" Edward said, studying my face.

"I know," I said, looking at the house. "You don't need to say it." He bit his lip. "Can we go to the door? Pretend to be… I don't know, with some religious group or something?"

Edward shook his head. "No, dear," he said. "We don't know who those people are. It could be someone from your high school, for all we know. They might recognize us."

"They would recognize you," I corrected. "I look too different." I looked at him, trying to see if there was any hope of me winning this. "Please? What if it is someone from my high school? I want to see them."

He sighed. "Fine. Be quick, though."

I looked at him in disbelief. "Wait, really?"

"Sure," he said. "Go. Be smart about it."

I took a deep breath. "Yeah. Smart. Okay." I walked quickly out of the woods and onto the sidewalk, moving too quickly for humans to see. Without really thinking about it, I went up to the door – so familiar, even after fifteen years – and knocked. It felt strange to have to knock.

There was some noise inside, and then the door was opened by the woman I had seen, the toddler clinging to her leg.

"Hello," she said, smiling while also looking slightly confused.

"Hi," I said. "My name is Jane Black. I'm looking for my great-uncle, Charlie Swan – does he live here?"

She gave me a sad, sympathetic smile. "No, I'm sorry, Jane," she said. "I'm afraid Charlie died a few years ago."

I had been readying myself for this, but the news hit me like a ton of bricks. My knees felt weak, my chest ached. Oh, Charlie. Dad.

"Oh," I said, trying to retain my composure. "Would you mind… if I asked how he died?"

"They found him in his bed," she said. "He slipped away during the night."

I nodded, studying her. She had light, honey blonde hair and big, glassy blue eyes.

Lauren Mallory?

"Lauren Crowley, now," she said with a slightly confused smile. Had I spoken out loud? "I'm sorry, have we met? You do look a bit familiar…"

"No," I said quickly. "I don't think so. I have to go, my dad is waiting. Thank you."

I turned and tried to walk away at a normal pace. I walked down the sidewalk, out of view, and then ran into the woods to find Edward.

He was standing there, watching me with a concerned expression. "Bella?" he asked. "Are you alright?"

"I'm…" I started. "That was Lauren Mallory. She… She married Tyler Crowley."

Edward nodded, still watching me carefully. I looked away, trying to ignore the painful lump in my throat. "Charlie…" I whispered. "He died. Years ago."

"Oh, Bella," Edward said softly, pulling me into his chest. In the safety of his arms, I let myself cry, though there were no tears.

When I finally got control of myself, Edward whispered, "Let's go back, Bella. There's nothing for you here."

"No," I said stubbornly. "Jacob. I want to see Jacob."

I felt his arms stiffen around me. "I don't think… that's a good idea, love. Not a good idea at all."

"I don't need to talk to him," I said. "I just want to see him. And his children."

Edward sighed, and I could feel it resonate through his chest. "Alright, Bella. Alright."

I kept my arms locked around his waist. "Edward?"

"Yes, love?"

"Why are you doing this with me?"

He pulled back a little to look at me. "Doing what?"

"Indulging me."

He grimaced. "I feel it's the least I can do. I'm the one who took this life from you… If you want to revisit it, who am I to deny you?"

I didn't say anything.

"We shouldn't linger," Edward said. "If we're going to go, we should do it now.

I nodded. "Alright. Let's go, then." I jumped onto his back; I didn't feel like running now.

Edward took off through the woods. In a few short minutes, the dark of the trees disappeared and Edward was taking us down the road that led to La Push. He circled the reservation, stopping once we reached First Beach.

I breathed in the familiar, salty scent of the ocean… but there was something different. There were traces of a pungent, dirty scent I didn't recognize. I wrinkled my nose. "What is that?" I asked Edward.

He smiled in a sad, amused way, the way someone would smile if they were reminded of a joke between them and a person who had died. "Werewolf," Edward said. "That's the smell of werewolf. Pleasant, isn't it?"

Werewolf. Strange.

"Jacob doesn't live with Billy anymore," I reminded Edward. "He lives with his family."

Edward nodded. "It shouldn't be too hard to find him. He smells rather strongly, and I'm… very familiarized with his scent." His said this last part in a shamefaced way.


"When I came back, and you were spending time with Jacob… Well, my attention to his scent on you would make it a hard one to forget."

"Oh," I said. "I'm sorry, Edward." I reached out to him, and he tucked me under his arm.

"Don't be, my love," he said softly. "Let's not discuss it any further."

I nodded. That time was not a happy one for either of us, and we didn't make a habit of talking about it.

"Let's go find Jacob," I said, climbing onto Edward's back again. I lay my head in the curve between his neck and shoulders, closing my eyes as he ran. I could just barely feel the flex of his muscles.

"We're here," Edward whispered.

"That quickly?" I looked up and saw the same house from the videos Anna sent me. "Oh."

"He can smell us, Bella," Edward reminded me. "We can't go too close, and we can't stay long. We wouldn't want to set anything in motion."
"Little Ian," I whispered. "Bell."

Edward nodded. "So there's the house."
I slid off his back and quietly paced the house, ignoring the strong, unpleasant smell. All the lights were off.

"Edward," I called. He was at my side then. "Let's go."

Edward slipped his hand into mine. "You're sure?"

I nodded. "There's nothing here --,"

"Leave," a gruff voice called suddenly, surprising me. The voice came from the house, relatively far away.

"Jacob?" Edward clamped a hand over my mouth.

I heard Jacob now, stomping through the tall grasses that surrounded his house. "Look, bloodsucker," he hissed, "I don't know where you are, but you need to leave. Right now."

The light on the back deck went on, illuminating Jacob standing there, facing us.

Jacob. My Jacob. Fifteen years had aged him. He looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties. He wore a thin white T-shirt and sweatpants; his hair, longer than I remembered, was messy, like he had just gotten out of bed. I saw a large knife in one hand, a flashlight in the other.

A light went on in the house behind him; he whirled around, putting the knife behind his back. He whipped open the sliding glass door.

"Ian!" he said. "Go to bed! Now!"

"But Dad, what --?"

I saw a boy of about twelve standing in the room behind Jacob. He was holding the hand of a little boy, just a toddler.

"I said go to bed!"

I recognized the panic and fear and Jacob's voice, disguised as anger.

"Jacob," I called, taking a few steps forward. "It's me."
"Bella!" Edward hissed, immediately at my side.

"Edward and I. We're --,"

Suddenly, the light of the flashlight was right in my face. I blinked, turning my head. I heard the hiss of Jacob exhaling sharply.

He was down the stairs, suddenly, and stalked towards us.

"Leave," he spat, shining the flashlight at us.

"We were just --," Edward started.

"Now," Jacob said, eyes narrowing.

"Jacob, please --,"

He turned to look at me, eyes blazing. "I have a family, for God's sake. I have three children up there, and a pregnant wife. I won't have you leading your kind here and ruining everything. I won't have that for my kids, Bella!"

"Oh, Jacob," I breathed. "Four kids?"
"Four," he said, "yes. It... It doesn't concern you, though, Bella. You're one of them now."

"But Jake, you're not a wolf anymore, are you?"
He narrowed his eyes. "I gave that up a long time ago. But you know, you still smell horrible." He shook his head. "But it's true, I don't transform anymore; which is why you need to go. I can't protect my family against you."

"We wouldn't hurt --,"

"Bella," he said. "Please. I can't have you leading your kind here. Please, Bella -- go."

"Jacob?" a feminine voice called. I looked up at the back deck; I could see Anna leaning out the door, could see her largely pregnant shape clearly in the dark.

"I'll be right there, hon," he called. "Go back to bed."

"Boy or girl?" I asked, barely whispering.

He sighed. "Girl. Two boys, two girls. Okay?"
"Jake, that's --,"

"Bella," Jacob said, completely ignoring Edward. "Please. I'm begging you; if you've ever cared for me at all – if you care about my kids at all – please, just... just leave."

Jacob's Point of View

And they were gone.

Bella was one of them. Of course. I knew it would happen, but seeing it -- seeing her -- was something different entirely. She had been gone for so long... It was easier to pretend she was dead and move on. This made that next to impossible. I wasn't sure what to think of it. Did I miss her? No; I had grieved her loss and moved on a long time ago. Was I angry? Not because of what she was; that anger, too, had been left behind. So.. what?

It felt like seeing a ghost. Like a childhood friend that had died was on my doorstep, unaged and unearthly.

"What was that?" Anna asked when I came inside. She was standing by the door to the deck.

"That was... strange." I ran my fingertips over her belly and immediately, all of the nostalgia and sadness Bella had brought back vanished. "Did the kids go to bed?"

She nodded, still looking concerned. "Are you okay?"

I cupped her face in my hands, leaning over her belly to kiss her. "Yeah," I said. "Perfect."

Vicious. I dunno. Tell me what you think, and what kind of oneshots you'd like? Tell me what you waaaaaant.