A/N - Okay, so the Prologue for the Sequel is up.
Nothing spoiler for this story, or the ending, will be in 'Science Only Deals in Absolutes' - Because, it is essentially a different story, same goal. Just this time we have Transformer's in the mix. I am thinking that the one after may get Edward back to Amestris. But, I am not sure.
WARNING - Character Death. Sorry, but I had to do it.
Chapter 17 - An Eye for an Eye
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The Philosopher's Stone. Those who posses it - no longer bound by the laws of Equivalent Exchange in Alchemy. You can gain without sacrifice, Equivalent Exchange does not matter. We found it. Then….I lost my brother….A.E.
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Day 12 of the Rebellion -
I knew that General Mustang was pulling my strings. It seemed as if it was just too perfect, purposefully left to me - so that he knew that I was on his side. Using my desire to gain my memories and my brother back. I may have my body and maybe Edward not being with me was the 'Equivalent Exchange' for my body. But, we had the Philosopher's Stone. So why didn't it work?
I fought today. The battle has come from all sides of Amestris and we are a small force against a huge one. But Mustang say's not to worry, that it's all been figured out and that we can win.
But, he looks at the Time Portal, and I know he is wishing and hoping for the same thing I am. For Edward to come back to us. To help us out. I don't know much and Hawkeye isn't an Alchemist and she only has a rudimentary knowledge of our art, but she say's that she believes that Edward was the Strongest there ever was and that he could take out an Army if he ever had the mind for it.
Would Mustang use that to get to the top? Would my Brother kill thousands upon thousands of people who are just following orders just for a few of us to live?
I don't know. I don't think I want to know.
A. Elric
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Shutting the leather bound book. Alphonse put it into his nap-sack. He and the others of their small infiltration group were ready to head out and cut supply lines. The three biggest, then they'd be able to siege the Seventy-Forth Calvary. It was simple. Too simple. Something else had to happen. Or Mustang had something up his sleeves.
Whatever it was, he was keeping it close to him. Not unlike the man, at all. Mustang was secretive when it came to his plans and only ever shared when he had too. Alphonse knew that their part was only a small part but would be a huge help later on.
He could only hope that this war didn't last long. He didn't like to kill - even though other's had the same thought - and, he knew, that he had to stay alive for Edward.
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The fighting was harsh. Bullets swept the air like dust and maggots began to grow on dead bodies left to rot in the field. Resembool was a ghost town. No longer the Haven it had once been.
The tears coursed down his eyes as he fought his way through the throngs of blue encrusted men. Winry, Granny Pinako, Amy…other friends he had made….they were gone. Where, or if they were dead. He would never know. He hoped that his letter to Winry had made it and they had gotten out of there as fast as they could. They would have to stay in hiding.
Any friend of his was bound for the executioner's block. It was a formal decree of Bradley's. If they died, here or anywhere else for that matter, Al knew that he would kill the man himself and gain an Equivalent Exchange. Even if a life for a life wasn't equal.
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That night saw the stars shinning brightly as the red glow of the sun finally slipped over the horizon. Alphonse overlooked the cemetery where a few of the locals had been lain to rest, even his mother, that was now full of crudely chopped crosses. He stood before Winry Rockbell and Pinako Rockbell. They had stood their ground after all - and paid an unfair price.
Tears streamed down his face.
He knew that to commit the taboo, a second time, would be the end of his own life. The temptation reared its ugly head till finally Alphonse had to turn away and trudge into the forest. Before him he could see the lantern lights of the Rebel's and he followed.
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Day 14 of the Rebellion -
Winry and Granny Pinako are gone.
What more is to say about that? I had hoped that they would take my advice and leave. Go into hiding. But they didn't. They stayed and they fought and they died. Equivalent Exchange - they knew the risks, but, in the end it was unfair. We don't kill innocents, people who have no idea what is going on.
Winry died at the hands of Bradley and his State.
I shall seek my Revenge!
A. Elric
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He snuck up close. This time it was only him against a hundred and forty. Not that he really cared. A clap of his hands and the ground beneath the tent city gave way. Cries of surprise rose into the air as the men found themselves trapped in a huge sink hole. Snickering to himself, Alphonse crawled back into the bush and started on his way to Headquarters.
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He dreamed of them last night. He sat up over a cold cup of coffee in the underground lair they had built for their protection. The sludge was awful but it made the waiting a bit better.
Alphonse's chest hurt, he could hardly breathe because of the weight he felt. If only Edward had been there, maybe they could have saved them….
"WHERE ARE YOU WHEN I NEED YOU!" Alphonse cried out, he threw the cup and it shattered against the wall. He ran out of the mess room, comrades looked after him.
Havoc sighed; "Poor kid,"
Riza nodded. Poor child indeed.
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Edward woke with a start. For a moment he thought that he had heard his brother's voice over the wind that seeped through the cracks in the castle wall. He shook his head and firmly told himself that he had been dreaming about home, again.
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A/N - This is a bit from "Science only Deals in Absolutes' Enjoy!
From CH1
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"It's called Automail, as you see, I had a slight malfunction," he grinned.
"What's your name, Shorty?" one of the men asked.
"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A MOUSY LITTLE PIPSQUEAK!!!!????" Edward yelled. The man backed up a little at Edward's rant.
"Whoa, whoa, sorry. I am Captain William Lennox, commanding officer here, well, besides Optimus Prime," Will pointed over to the tallest of the human-like robotic form. Edward gazed over.
"Huh, that's very interesting…" he muttered.
"What is your name?" Optimus asked. Edward was suddenly reminded of Al, and their years traveling their home country in search of the Philosopher's Stone.
"My name is Edward Elric," he grinned.
"Where did you come from?" this voice was that of another human-robot. Grey all over and Edward guessed Optimus' second in command.
"That depends, how crazy will you think I am if I tell you?" Edward grinned sheepishly, his bio arm went up and behind his head. The Automail hand rested on his hip.