Disclaimer: As always, I will announce that I have NEVER claimed, nor will I EVER claim, to have owned Criminal Minds or the lovely characters that are in it. That is the work of the writers (please come off of strike) and the brillaint actors and actresses.
Okay. This is a ONESHOT based around the first day that Garcia and Morgan met, and after the '&'s' is the first time they begin to truly flirt with each other. I just had the idea.
Derek Morgan's eyes met the door of the BAU as it opened. "Who's that?" asked the man as he glanced up at his boss, Agent Aaron Hotchner.
"Penelope Garcia," he said simply, looking at the odd girl who clumsily made her way into the BAU.
"Who is?" he asked with a smile on his face.
"Our new computer analysyst," he said with a smile. "She's an incredible hacker."
Derek smiled slightly and stood up, perhaps to introduce himself.
As Penelope looked up at the man walking toward her, she bumped into somebody. "Excuse me," said the man rudely as he looked at her.
Penelope rolled her eyes slightly, as she looked down at her scattered things. Kneeling down, Penelope began to gather the various things that had fallen out of her purse.
Derek smiled, "Need help?" he asked and knelt down to eye level with the blonde.
Penelope looked up, "Thats kind of you to ask, but I've got it," she said, smiling slightly as she gathered the rest of her unneeded things and pushed them back into her purse.
"I'm Derek, Derek Morgan," he said, as he held his hand out as if to help her off the ground.
Grasping the man's warm hand, she smiled, and stood, unable to speak barely. "Its a pleasure to meet you," she said.
"Surely a goddess as beautiful as yourself must have a name," he said, a wider smile growing across his face.
Penelope smiled, her cheeks growing slightly red with the mention of the nickname. "Garcia, um, Penelope Garcia. Are you an, um, agent?"
"I certainly am," he said happily, as she pulled her hand away from him finally.
"Well, I guess I, um, have to check in," said Penelope nervously, "I guess I'll, uh, see you around?"
Derek chuckled, "Sure thing, Penelope," he said.
"You can call me Garcia."
"Penelope Garcia, Goddess of all Knowing and Goodness," smiled Garcia. Wow, that sounded extremely lame, she thought with a smile. She'd been trying for some time to find a good Goddess title for herself ever since Derek had called her 'A Beautiful Goddess'. She admired him so much. He was more a God than she was a Goddess, that was for sure.
"Hey, baby girl, its Derek," smiled Derek on the other line.
"Hello gorgeous," she said and smiled. "What do you need from the goddess..."
"Of all Knowing and Goodness," he said with a chuckle.
Penelope rolled her eyes, "Are you making fun of me?" she asked.
"No, I like that," he smiled. "Anyways, sweetness, could you look up something for me?"
"Sure thing, hot stuff."
Okay. So it was odd and lame. Yes?