The X-Men go to the Caribbean for the summer vacation. However, while taking a dive under the Caribbean sea, Rogue comes into contact with something…or more someone. At the skin contact, she finds her body experiencing multiple changes…a tail, scales and …gills? And why are the Acolyte boys in Kingstown, Saint Vincent?
Hey ya'll! Hope you enjoy this new one. And if ever you see a missing "e" just lemme know, my new cheep key board has proven its worth. The "e" key is a right little bugger that refuses to work properly.
ANYWAY, DISCLAIMER: I don't own X-Men, they are MARVEL property.
By UltimateGammy91
Chapter One – Stranded
"Passengers on flight 21649 to Saint Vincent, we apologize for the delay in the flight schedule, your flight will be ready for departure within the next ten to thirty minutes…"
"Ten to thirty minutes? We've been sitting here for like,- like,- forever! Rogue? What? What's so, like, funny? We've totally been waiting for hours! We should so see the- the- oh I don't know, the pilot or something! I am so going to…"
In actual fact, it had only been an hour of waiting. Rogue, who had found her friend's little rant somewhat amusing, only chuckled and shook her head. There was no point in reasoning with the angry Valley Girl for she was already annoyed at the airport for delaying their flight. She didn't need nor want the wrath of Kitty Pryde upon her head too, she was already feeling sorry for the flight attendant that would be given a year-long monologue of complaints once Kitty got on the plane. Instead of reasoning with her best friend, Rogue simply adjusted the ear-phones of her Ipod Nano and sat back in her seat while Kitty continued to rant and fume over the inconsiderate actions of the airport. It wasn't five more minutes before someone dared to speak over Kitty's rant of 'likes', 'totallys' and 'so not fairs.' And who dared but risk his head being chewed off? The ever fearless leader, Scott Summers. He sat beside Rogue in a 'not so obvious' disguise of a pair of jeans, a grey turtle-neck and a black coat. The one thing that made his disguise 'complete' were his ruby quarts shades that rest comfortably on the bridge of his nose. However, even though his eyes were hidden behind shades, his frown of disapproval and urgency was still apparent as he spoke.
"Kitty please! You're making a scene. We already have our faces all over the news every night, we don't need our faces all over the airport flight plans either. Calm it down already."
Kitty sent Scott a rather deadly looking glare, one that Rogue would've been proud of had she not been in agreement with Scott's words. Their faces, their mutant identities had once again gone public all over the news nearly six months ago and still people gave them weary glances or backed away in Rogue's case. It had been a miracle that no one had recognised them when they came to New York Airport in the first place. They had, after all, practically torn down Madison Square, thanks to a couple of vigilante mutants that had decided to take the law into their own hands. (ehem, sounds like some team I know of) However, if Kitty continued on her rant and someone took that one closer look at them, their little miracle would be lost. They would endure a very, very long flight with rude flight attendants and anti-mutant passengers. However, when Kitty only continued to glare at Scott, Jean decided to put in her own defence. Contrary to the fearless leader, Jean had more success with pulling together a disguise than her boyfriend. Her flowing red hair was braided back and a pair of wide sunglasses covered her moss-green eyes. Her attire was simple, a cream-coloured coat over a dark maroon top and a knee-length skirt and boots, but not overly conspicuous. She turned to Kitty and kept her voice down as she spoke.
"Please Kitty, just be patient with them. We'll be in the Caribbean before you know it but until then can we just try to keep a low profile? It would ruin the entire holiday if we were found out."
Kitty gave a huff of annoyance and slumped low in her seat but nonetheless, she kept quiet. Rogue, who sat on the end of the row of seats that they and their luggage were crowded around, gave her friend a small smirk of amusement. Kitty was always a temperamental girl when it came to travelling; especially holidays. She would pack basically every piece of clothing, make-up and stuffed toys into her bag(s), she would complain if she wasn't given the perfect room whenever she checked into a hotel and once she did have the right room, she would pack all the free merchandise into her bags, even the men's razors and the shaving cream. It was amusing, that much was certain but also quite disturbing when you thought about why she would possibly want to keep men's shaving cream. To Rogue, it was very entertaining, mainly because it was usually her that was the temperamental one but to the others it was a Kitty nuisance. Which was also probably why Bobby and Kurt had decided to dump their bags and head for the Food Court, that, and the fact that the Hobbits, as Rogue dubbed them, needed their Elevenzies.(1) Meanwhile, Rogue and the others were left in the departure seats, waiting for any sign of their plane being ready for take off. Oh and did I mention it was snowing outside? Guess not.
Meanwhile, at the entrance to the airport…
"Come on mate! Stop makin' eyes at them flight-Sheilas an' help me with this bloody bag of yours! What have ya got in 'em? Bloody rocks?!"
Remy LeBeau ignored St. John's complaining. Instead, he let his gaze slide over a pair of lovely flight hostesses as they walked by, one blonde and the other a brunette, both giving him a second look before turning around and giggling to each other as they walked through the automatic doors. It was after the two had passed out of sight that the infamous Cajun Charmer turned back to the task at hand. Pulling his tan trench coat closer to fight off the chill of the air, he walked over to the boot of the car. Here, John had Remy's duffle bag by the straps, half in the boot, half out, while he tried his best to pull the thing onto the bag trolley.
Shaking his head, Remy put a gloved hand on John's shoulder and pulled him away from the bag. Once with the Auzzie out of his way, Remy grabbed hold of the bag straps and with little effort, he pulled the duffle bag free from the clutches of the boot and swung it over his arm. John could only stare, wide-eyed while Remy walked away from the car. He turned back and called John when he didn't follow.
"Y' comin' mon ami? Or does Remy have t' carry y' too?"
John followed, his two duffle bags rolling away on the trolley as he pushed it. Though Remy didn't mention it later, he couldn't help but smirk with amusement as John began muttering something about 'bloody yanks' and 'their bloody luggage' as they made their way into the airport. It was going to be a long flight.
Meanwhile, about half an hour later…
"Passengers on flight 21649 to Saint. Vincent, we apologize again for the delay. Your flight is postponed until further notice. We apologize for the inconvenience but the road is not clear for take off…"
This time, it was Rogue who let her frustration be known. Letting out a small groan of annoyance, she let her head fall back as she closed her eyes and tried to block out everything else. They had been stranded at Gate 17 for nearly three hours with nothing but that same announcement and the same god-damn-apology every half our or so. Kitty, much to everyone's delight, had taken to falling asleep across a row of chairs while Kurt and Bobby were still lost to the Food Court. Scott and Jean were still in their seats, both quiet and content. Jean had a thick novel in hand while Scott had his nose in a newspaper. Rogue meanwhile, had grown tired of her Ipod and was resorted to finding a new source of entertainment.
Opening her eyes again, she turned to look at the two love birds seated next to her, only to find inspiration hit her in the face. There was clearly nothing better to do her than pull out a book, so, she grabbed her back-pack from under her seat, unzipped it and began to rummage around its contents in search for her own book. Within ten seconds however, Rogue was muttering curses as she let her bag fall back onto the ground. She'd packed her books into her suitcase which was probably already on the plane. She made a mental note to slap herself with one of them when she got to Saint. Vincent, that is if they ever got there. However, inspiration didn't seem to want to leave her alone, she only had to look up to find an answer to her problem.
"Inspiration: Book Store. Talk about karma."
Before the words even escaped her lips, Rogue grabbed her back-pack and with a quick explanation to Jean and Scott, she walked towards the book store. Little did she know, what goes around comes around, and boy was someone about to come her way.
"Oi' Remy mate. Why do they call 'Burger King', 'Burger King' in the States but they call it 'Hungry Jacks' back in Australia?"
Remy rolled his eyes at the Auzzie for possibly the zillionth time that hour. Instead of replying however, he kept to his coke and his sad excuse for a burger and ate in silence. Their flight had been delayed for some unknown reason so the two boys had been left to kill time. He wasn't one for fast food joins like 'Burger King' or 'Hungry Jacks', whatever they called it, but there wasn't much choice. There was McDonalds but he'd seen enough of that 'Super-size Me' program to last him a lifetime and considering the guy who had taken the challenge had already eaten more than enough McDonalds frise and burgers for the world, he didn't think that McDonalds needed his money (2) After Burger King and McDonalds, there really wasn't that much to go for and he was already craving a cigarette, he didn't need to intensify the craving by chewing down on crappy Airport food. John on the other hand, could have easily changed his mind. The boy was practically breathing down French Frise, Mc-milk shakes and Mc-burgers all in one and there was simply no stopping the guy. The sight was almost nauseating to watch.
John, who had noticed his friend and team mate's lack of talk, gave Remy a puzzled expression. However, when this did not make his questioning evident enough, he began to speak, his mouth practically bulging with food. He managed to muffle out a few words as well a few chewed pieces of French fries and god knows what else.
"What's wiff foo?" (What's with you?)
Remy managed to suppress a cringe of disgust. Instead, he took a last sip of his Coke and stood from his chair. He gave the puzzled Auzzie a quick answer as he began to walk off.
"Not'ing. Y' finish y' lunch mon ami. Remy goin' for a walk."
John gave another inquisitive glance but Remy only waved briefly and walked off and lost himself in the crowd. Once the Cajun was gone, John swallowed his food and gave a rather loud belch. He gave his stomach a satisfied pat, despite the fact he felt his jeans become particularly tight about the waist. He was about to 'call it a day' when he noticed Remy's half-eaten burger lying before him across the table. John glanced both ways so that no one was looking before snatching it off the table. IT was devoured within seconds.
Rogue gave a sigh of annoyance for what felt like the millionth time. She had skimmed through every shelf of the left side of the book store had so far had found nothing remotely in her tastes. The Meg Cabot section was too girly and innocent for her tastes, "The Da vinci Code" was well and truly burned into her memory and she had no reason to read "Pirates of the Caribbean" when all she needed to do was watch the film. For the millionth time she read the blurb of the book, read the first page and stared at the cover before slipping it back on the shelf with an irritated huff. She was granted a couple of odd glances from a few customers in the book as well as a few shushes and hushes from a few irritable people. This only irritated her more. Hence, Rogue began to circle about the store again, passing by the same shelves and covers with little interest. Not knowing that a familiar face had stepped into the store or that he was making his way towards her.
Within fifteen minutes of walking Remy had practically programmed the entirety of the Airport in his mind, every turn and bend, every level and every bench. It was a Thief's habit, analysing everything down to its core, one he hadn't been able to shake off. Now it was simply a handy little trick that he often found himself doing without actually realising it.
As he turned another bend however, one between a Café and a Book store, a conversation caught on his ears and drew in his attention. He stopped by a News Paper stand, one situated in the heart of the bend, and listened. Two men, one a janitor while the other was a male flight attendant, were sitting at a table in the open section of the Café.
"Did you hear there's been another mutant killing in down town New York?"
"Really? What happened George?"
Said the flight attendant.
"Some damn freak with scales so far as I heard. Got caught trying to break down some poor woman's door. They say she was dating it for a time. Can you imagine that? Dating a mutant?"
"Just as bad as the mutant if they're willing to get friendly with them at all as far as I'm concerned. How did he die?"
"Some neighbour heard all the commotion and came out to see what was going on. Heard he pulled out a gun on the freak too."
"He killed it?"
George, the elderly janitor,nodded.
"Yeah. Poor fool's getting charged for it too. They're trying to bale him out saying he was only defending himself."
"Good on 'em! That kind of guts deserves rewarding."
Remy stopped listening after this. He'd heard enough. A scowl most loathsome spread across his face but it was diminished slightly by the fact that his red-on-black eyes were hidden behind a pair of shades. He didn't like hiding away his eyes but unfortunately, there was a vast majority of people, like George and his friend, that found his eyes offensive; Freakish. He would have loved nothing more than to slip a charged card at the two men's feet but he stopped himself, knowing that if he did so, there would be another story for people to spread. How a mutant was found at the airport trying to bomb a Café. That would certainly impress his boss. So he crunched down on his anger and tore his gaze away from the Café. However, once he turned away, his gaze latched itself onto a familiar face and the anger was forgotten. A smirk found its way to his lips as he muttered aloud.
"Well, well. Look what de heavens let fall…"
Lol bet most of ya are going "WHAT? THEY DON'T EVEN SEE EACH OTHER YET??!?!?!" But all in good time my faithful readers, all in good time. NOW press that review button and tell moi what you thought!
Cheers mates! Happy Holidays!
(1) Those of you who do not know 'The Lord of the Rings", Hobbits are greedy little things with the appetites of giants. They have eight square meals a day. 1. Breakfast 2. Second Breakfast. 3. Elevenzies. 4. Luncheon 5. Afternoon Tea. 6. Dinner. 7. Supper. 8. Dessert. So you see why I dubbed Kurt and Bobby 'hobbits'
(2) As you might have guessed. I'm not too keen on McDonalds or Burger King (or Hungry Jacks, WHATEVER!) Has anyone seen that program of "Super-Size Me"? HOW FREAKY! But incredibly mind opening, you'd think people might start listening but nooooooo. Some people don't care that their 'McNuggets' aren't made of CHICKEN at all! (I won't tell ya'll, I might put some people off Macaz for life! (which is a good thing but w/e)).