I don't really like this story, both Orochimaru and Kabuto are totally out of character if you ask me. I'll decide later if it'll be a one shot or longer. Hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the characters. If I did Orochimaru and Kabuto would be yaoi bunnies!

Kabuto's Worry

Kabuto flew through the moonlit forest. He was looking for Orochimaru, the atutsuki had found the base, Kabuto and the sound four had forced Orochimaru to run,but, Itachi had followed.

I should have gone with him, Kabuto thought worriedly as he lept through the trees. Kabuto looked down and saw blood on the tree branch, his insides squirmed with worry. Kabuto came to a clearing and saw Orochimaru leaning against a tree and Itachi walking towards him.

"You know you disappointed me Orochimaru, I thought i would have had a harder time killing you." Itachi said softly. " My aren't you cocky, little Itachi." Orochimaru replied mockingly with a grin. At that Itachi had a kunai pressed to Orochimaru's throat in about four seconds. "I think I should just kill you now, instead of taking you to the atutsuki to be questioned." Itachi said as he slid the kunai across Orochimaru's pale throat. As Orochimaru fell it took everything Kabuto had not to scream. " I'm sorry that it had to end this way." Itachi said solemnly as Orochimaru hit the ground. "Aww, Itachi I'm touched, I had no clue that you cared." a silky voice said from the tree branch about a hundred feet from Kabuto. Itachi spun around only to be pinned down by Orochimaru, "How did you...?" Itachi whispered as the air was knocked out of him. "Shadow clone my dear boy." Orochimaru replied grinning. Itachi quickly kicked Orochimaru off and flung a kunai at him, which Orochimaru caught with two fingers and then laughed.

"You'll have to try harder, little Itachi." he said mockingly. Itachi grimaced and then charged knocking him back into the bushes, but two shadow clones jumped out and caught Itachi.

"Honestly Itachi stop playing around, its almost as if you aren't really trying." Orochimaru told him his brow furrowed a bit, Itachi's eyes widened and he disappeared. Itachi's voiced echoed out of nowhere "Until next time." it said softly.

" You can come out now, my Kabuto." Orochimaru said smiling he was obviously talking to Kabuto, using his pet name.

" Why did you let him go?" Kabuto asked curiosly. " I'm hoping that he will get a little stronger, love." Orochimaru replied using another one of his lovers pet names.All Kabuto did was hug and then kiss Orochimaru happily.

" I'm really glad you're okay." Kabuto said as he buried his face in Orochimaru's chest. He felt Orochimaru's arms wrap around him, and he smiled happily. Kabuto knew how much his master cared for him, Orochimaru made it obvious on accident. Kabuto came home all beat up and Kabuto thought that Orochimaru was going to have a heart attack. Of course he didn't but it was a close call. Orochimaru also knew Kabuto cared for him and that ment more to him than the entire world.