Chapter 1: Back to Life
Jake arrived at his place. He stopped the engine, and leaned back. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"You're gonna think I'm crazy…" Brooke didn't want to tell him what he saw. It was just too difficult to explain. How could she tell him that she saw his ex-fiancée that was supposed to be dead?
"Try me." Jake said softly, brushing his hands through her hair.
Brooke stayed quiet for a while. "I need to go home. I'll see you tomorrow, 'kay?"
"Are you sure you don't wanna stay here? I'll drive you home later."
"No, it's okay. I'm fine, really." She said it as if she tried to convince herself rather than Jake.
"Okay. Call me if you need anything." Jake took hold of her neck.
Brooke nodded and smiled. Jake pulled her face to his, and kissed her. He opened the door and waited until they switched sides. Jake walked to his door as he saw Brooke drive away.
Brooke was driving home now, beyond the speed limit. "This can't be happening. I've waited so long for this, and now it's going to be taken away." Brooke sobbed. "Please, don't let this be happening. Please. Peyton's gone. She's gone, and she can't come back." Brooke closed her eyes as more tears fell down her face.
Suddenly she heard a trunk honking, and she opened her eyes, realizing she just ran a red light. She quickly pressed on the brake ad stopped just seconds before hitting the gasoline trunk. She kept her hand tightly gripped on the steering wheel, but felt them shaking tremendously. She was breathing hard.
Lucas and Peyton were on the road now. Lucas kept staring at Peyton. He desperately wanted to know what she was thinking about.
He stared at her again, and he saw her holding her hands to her forehead. Peyton stated moaning in pain.
"Peyton, what's the matter?" Lucas was concerned.
Peyton let go and shook it off. "Nothing I'm fine."
"Are you sure?"
Peyton nodded. But then the pain came back. She closed her eyes, and put her head between her legs, breathing hard. She started moaning in pain again.
Lucas was scared for Peyton. "Peyton? Peyton, talk to me. Peyton!"
Peyton didn't answer him. In her head there were pictures of her past: her going shopping with Brooke; conversations with her father, Brooke and Jake. She was remembering everything now. She had her whole past back. She remembered everything.
"I'm pulling over," Lucas said.
Peyton sat up, looking scared. "She's my cousin." She said, turning her head to him.
Lucas stared at her confused. "Who?"
"The girl at the gift shop. She said she knew me because she's my cousin." Peyton explained.
Jake walked into his house and found his mother on the sofa. He paused, but didn't feel like arguing at the moment.
"Funny thing, I call your office and they say you took the day off, and Brooke's secretary said the same thing." She said loudly enough for him to hear her. "I didn't believe it, because I know my son wouldn't leave in the middle of a deadline. But I should've guessed since you were with Brooke."
"Mom, I'm not doing this right now." He walked up the stairs.
"Jake!" Jake stared at his mother, "This isn't you."
"How do you know who I am?" Jake asked.
"Because I'm your mother?"
"Really? You haven't been my mother for years…boss." Jake continued up to his room.
An hour later, his cell phone rang, and saw it was Brooke. "Brooke, hey. How are you?"
"Jake? It's Haley."
"Oh, hi Haley. What's up?"
"It's Brooke." Haley said.
"What do you mean? Where is she?"
"We're at the hospital."
Once Jake heard that, he bolted down the stairs and went to his car. He drove to the hospital.
When he arrived, he saw Nathan and Haley in the waiting room. "Haley?! What's wrong with her?"
"She almost got hit by a truck. The doctor says she's fine though. They're just running a couple of tests." Haley explained.
"Where is she?" Jake asked.
Haley and Nathan looked over to a doorway, and Jake saw Brooke walking out looking disturbed. Jake ran to her, and took her into his arms. "Brooke?"
Brooke's reaction was late. "I'm fine. I wasn't paying to the road. I'm sorry I worried you."
Jake let go, and wrapped his hand around her face. "Brooke, what's wrong."
Brooke shook her head, and smiled. "Nothing, I'm fine, really."
Haley and Nathan walked over to them. "You need to fill out some release forms." Nathan said.
"I'll take care of it." Jake walked to the reception area.
"What happened, Brooke? You're the most careful driver I know." Haley asked, touching her friend's arm.
"I saw her." Brooke told them.
"Who?" Nathan asked.
"Peyton. I saw Peyton." Brooke said,
"Honey, Peyton's gone." Haley told her.
"I know. But I saw her, and I touched her. I saw her guys, in the flesh. She's not dead. She's alive."
Haley and Nathan looked at their friend with a confused look.
Lucas and Peyton arrived home. She opened the door, and fell on the couch. Lucas walked in after her and dropped the keys on the table.
"What did you mean she's your cousin?" Lucas asked her.
"Her name's Brooke. She's my dad's sister's daughter…"
"No, I know how cousins work. But…how do you know she's yours?"
"I don't know, but I remember everything now. I know where I live, my family, my friends. It just all came back to me." She explained to him. "I guess seeing Brooke triggered a memory, and then it just came back Luke. I know everything now."
"So what do you want to do?"
Peyton stood up. "Oh, my gosh. What does my family think?"
"Peyton, they didn't look for you." Lucas said sadly. Trying not to hurt her.
"They must think I'm dead. The crash; they must think there were no survivors, which would explain the shock on Brooke's face."
"Peyton…if that's true, you can't just waltz back into their lives."
Peyton didn't know what to say. "I don't know, but I have to try. I mean they're my family. They must've been devastated when I didn't go back." She paused for a second. "I have to go back, Luke."
A/N: Okay, so that's my first chapter, but it's really the sixteenth. I hope you guys like it. Just remember, this is the continuation to 'Whoever You May Be'. Please read and review. Merry Christmas!